Jesus in the New Year


The adage of ‘out with the old and in with the new’ is a way of looking forward to a prospective future as putting the past behind us. This often involves making new year resolutions, which as you know, can almost be as short-lived as the final countdown on new year’s eve.
Several of these goals may be important for this life but have you considered resolving enduring matters as exceeding these annual plans for change? We often think that ‘time is on our side’ as ‘having all the time in the world’ but we never really know when our time is up at which point nothing else will seem to matter as regrettably losing our opportunity for responding with the consequence of our procrastination.
Sometimes, we may regret our lives as wishing we could somehow travel back in time to resolve our past or escape by taking a trip to the future and though this is science fiction it is possible to do this in another way as looking back to the historical significance of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection while anticipating the outlook of eternal life.
When you think about the importance of mankind in relationship to all of creation it becomes evident that we are at the pinnacle of the created order as made in the image of God, who eternally exists outside of time, making time for us with the idea that you will take time for Him, Ephesians 1:4-14.
Is Life an Accident?
It is Jesus who created time, then stepped into time by the incarnation (A.D./B.C), who at the right time (kairos) and for all time, bore our sins forever, Romans 5:6, 1 Peter 3:18, Hebrews 10:10-14.
Finally, ‘time is of the essence’ as ‘there is no time like the present’ in that “now is the day of salvation”, 2 Corinthians 6:2. #isn’tittime



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