Mormon Doctrine

When exploring the contents of Mormon teaching there is a conglomeration of various beliefs that are interposed between biblical Christianity and error leaving this movement with a distortion of syncretistic values.

This makes it difficult for a seeker to wade through the quagmire of thought especially if they don’t understand biblical orthodoxy and are ignorant or unaware of the cultish teachings associated with the Latter Day Saints movement.

When potential converts are approached by Mormon missionaries they may appear or come across as being like any other Christian denomination and they will avoid controversial subjects or anything blatantly aberrant to a Christian worldview.

Also they might  emphasize  morality and family values which are great assets but this should never be exchanged in supplanting the truth of God.

I have heard someone say that the best lie is 99% true but in this case the percentage would be much lower if a person was well acquainted with the facts. Falsehood can often be disguised and paraded as truth if a person knows how to properly conceal its controversy.

When I was confronted by Mormons they did not bring up anything that was questionable in nature and the deceptive part is that they used common biblical language while utilizing their own definitional approach and application to these terms of faith which are contrary to sacred usage.

This unsuspected approach of gullibility allows them to prey upon and victimize their entourage of new members.

To start with I am not going to assimilate an exhaustive and comprehensive list of all the false teachings of Mormonism. I have just picked a few select examples from some of their more extreme positions which are easily identifiable or discernible as being heretical by anybody who has an inkling of understanding concerning Christianity.

To begin with Mormonism has a unique position of authority and inspiration in regards to progressive revelation. For instance a new president or prophet can annul, overturn or overrule previous rulings made by former presidents or add new revelations to their portfolio of beliefs and these precepts are given the same level of authority and respect as scripture. Ironically enough these divine arrangements are sometimes altered on the basis of human opinion rather than through a direct order of God’s providential oversight.

So here is a short list of core beliefs circulated among Mormon theologians and laymen:

A. According to Mormon teaching God was once a man and therefore mankind can advance to the rank of being God or achieving Godhood therefore, they are polytheists in belief which is contrary to the central tenet of Judeo-Christian faith which expresses a monotheistic viewpoint of God based on the authority of scriptures, Deuteronomy 6:4.

B. God the Heavenly Father is viewed from a Mormon perspective as siring spirit children who in turn come to inhabit the earth as humans. So according to Mormon theology since mankind can attain or achieve the status of a God then they too will go on to populate their own planets and yet in Mark 12:24,25 the scripture discredits the notion of marriage in heaven.

C. Within Mormon teaching Jesus and Satan are related as brothers. Yet Jesus is definably God while Satan is a angelic being and these two personages are juxtaposed within the book of Hebrews.

D. Mormonism in the past has viewed “Blacks” and “Indians” as being cursed according to the “Cain” like mark of their skin color and “Blacks” were prohibited from entry into the priesthood. However, the bible claims that God is not a respecter of persons based on ethnicity, Galatians 3:26-29.

     The restriction to the priesthood has now been overruled by another president with a more contemporary ruling of inclusion.

E.  Mormon doctrine states that Jesus was a polygamist and married both Mary and Martha at the wedding in Cana and He likewise fathered children as well.

     There is no biblical data that would support this viewpoint or even suggest that Jesus was married. This sounds more like a precursor to the mythological production of the DaVinci Code.

F.  Mormons have a universalistic viewpoint of humanity as corporately inheriting eternal life while avoiding the pitfalls of the biblical definition of hell. Their concept of hell is a purgatorial existence of temporal suffering which ultimately will land the individual on one of lower tiers of heavenly existence unless of course you commit the unpardonable sin by apostating the movement at which point you would then inherit the hellish habitation of Satan.

  That would scare the hell out of anybody who thought about leaving the organization. Revelations 21:8 gives a more accurate definition regarding the concept of hell in contrast to the position of the LDS.

G. The teachings of the Mormons would disregard Jesus atoning death as being totally efficacious or sufficient in securing salvation.

     According to them in order for someone to achieve the upper realm or echelon of the Celestial Kingdom one must exercise certain rites to gain this privilege of entrance and to be counted worthy to possess ones own worldly rule and reign as an elitist.

     To be a benefactor of this privilege one must secure exclusive membership and baptism within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Alongside of this you would have to tithe to the organization, attending weekly sacrament meetings, support the Mormon prophet, perform temple works, abstaining from alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine as well as playing an active role or part in the support of the organization.

   However, salvation according to New Testament theology is awarded on the premise of having faith in Christ alone regardless of works which are only an outworking of our salvation instead of the source. Ephesians 2: 8-10.

H. Also in addition to the King James Version of the bible  Mormonism recognizes the inclusion of several books or supplementary texts that are added to their library of gnosticism such as the “Book of Mormon”, “Doctines and Covenants”, and the “Pearl of Great Price.”

   Yet in Rev 22:18 and Deuteronomy 4:2 God warns about revisional changes made to the Word of God by either adding or subtracting from its content.

    Not only has Mormonism added their own edition to the Word of God but Joseph Smith took the liberty to manipulate the bible by making over 600 corrections.

I. You may wonder why the LDS has such great genealogical records and this has to do with the baptism of the dead by proxy which grants the deceased the benefit of becoming Mormons.

  The bible concludes that after a man dies then he is to face the judgment and there is no second chance beyond the boundaries of  the grave. Hebrews 9:27

Lastly these are just a few things when considering the helter skelter theology behind the LDS movement. I would encourage you before signing up for membership to do some serious research on this organization before you are willing to commit your eternal soul to the prophetic agency of its founders and protectors.

If you are already a member it would behoove you to reexamine the claims to your identity within this hodge podge of belief based upon the apostolic authority of Joseph Smith and his predecessors.

One last thing, I apologize if I have overstated my case through my pointed and direct language. Forgive me if I have ridiculed this institution of which you hold as being sacred. I just wanted to offer you a serious challenge to either reassert your position or  by proving me right regarding these allegations. I just hope and pray that you will commit yourself to follow the evidence wherever it may lead you.

Finally, 2 Corinthians 11 contains a teaching on false apostles and it is summarized in verses 13-15 by stating:

13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. 15 It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.

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One Response to “Mormon Doctrine”

  1. Velirwen says:

    Great. Now i can say thank you!,

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