God is here

I was coming into work one morning and obviously someone had left the lights on overnight in the control room as nobody was there. If I had been a stranger to the premises and took a little closer look I would have noticed further evidence of life as peering in the window to study the space. At that point there would be other signs of intelligent habitation as including furniture, appliances, monitors, etc. It should go without saying that after surveying the situation that it is more probable than not that someone would be showing up to occupy the room. Some could otherwise take bets on this as wagering that it only appears livable as making ridiculous remarks as envisioning scenarios that it just happened on its own as a brute fact without explanation. Maybe some aliens came in and did all of this. Perhaps it was just some freakish random accident of chance as everything just came together like magic. Others may look in and even deny they are really seeing anything at all as if it’s just some illusory mirage of make-believe. In reality thou, I would imagine that there would be very few that would take any of these outlandish positions seriously as realizing that this was made by man, for man. To reason otherwise would be delusional or perhaps dishonest.

Now of course if we were to blow the room up to the size of the universe as seeing the lights within the galaxy we might still recognize signs of intelligence such as the anthropic principles of a precise ordering, nonetheless, some would rather default to these previous theories as going from being ridiculous to live options and according to their revisional findings no transcendent being has ever been home as it just appears that way in that mankind is essentially home alone.

Even though what is being presented is on a much grander scale, the explanatory power best suits a maximally great being as the universe is made by God, for God, to include us, as with an omnisciently, powerful Master Designer in exceeding the simplicity of such human builders whose small confined space is only analogous to the creative gargantuan force of God, as we are Imago Dei. There is no doubt about the concept of intelligent intervention on this small-scale but make it ever bigger and grandiose of which there is no possibility for human replication and now all of a sudden these doubters explain it as unintelligible, imagine that. What’s that saying about us as humans who are supposedly outsmarted by these senseless factors?

You may say, now hold on a minute, we know from first-hand experience that the former situation is something we would expect to see and I would have to agree with you. Yet, because the second example doesn’t fit your experience doesn’t necessarily make it false or even unbelievable, it’s just different, nonetheless, it still has the telling marks of a mastermind as the best possible explanation for the evidence as we have all experienced previous examples of intelligence as to a lesser degree.

Its easy to imagine people who occupy time and space to bring about such limited material realities, but as these limits are lifted then such universal activities becomes code as deciphered to communicate a truth of transcendence of which we were meant to discover as leading to a higher power and authority as beyond those who simply discover and manipulate matter as paled in comparison to the One who originates and sustains as a communicable connection to a God factor. Instead, some would rather hold out for a pretentious theory that will somehow fill in the blanks to explain it all with a “theory of everything” which is really God’s big “TOE” which he has rested on His earthen footstool as a display of His glory, Isaiah 66:1-2.

For some it will never suffice as having contracted Thomas’ epistemological syndrome of empiricism of touching and seeing yet as such this becomes too limiting for God who is everywhere as simultaneously present at subatomic and galactic levels to somehow be cornered to have Him pose in time and space with a paparazzi snapshot view, Acts 17:24-25, Psalm 139:7-18, Mt. 10:29-30, even though at times such accommodations took place through theophanies and the incarnation 1 John 1:1-3, nonetheless, it becomes a matter of His choice, not yours, and even if you could see Him in such a somewhat satisfying way would you really submit your life accordingly or would you rub your eyes in unbelief to refocus for yet another explanation? Furthermore, might you yawn as seeing a brief glimpse of His reality such as what Moses experienced in viewing His glorious backside; preferring a re-dramatization with a Hollywood production, the likes of which you might find more entertaining? If God were to appear what would expect to see? A Big Foot, a large face with blazing eyes glaring at you or maybe a larger than life nail scarred hand? Essentially, you would be seeking the wrong method in limiting God to your own criteria in saying we must see a form, in that seeing is really believing, but what you might be really doing is mocking God in daring Him, like Christ, to come down off that cross so that you might believe, and yet the convincing sign of Christ to his contemporary skeptics was a comparison to that of the prophet Jonah as in Mt. 12:38-42, 16:1-4 of which they did not believe anyway but preferred their own creative production as inventing a storyline comparable to something you might see on TV today as a conspiracy theory that Jesus’ disciples stole the body.

In reality, the forms or signs are always before you as they pour forth speech day by day as in Psalm 19:1-4 so that are readily apprehended, Romans 1:18-32, 2:14-16, as evidence enough, without excuse, as a glorious display of His person as revealed to all humanity as including a moral conscience with an innate awareness of His transcendence. If you are like the skeptics of Jesus day in demanding more proof, as with special revelation, then what purpose would it serve if you have already vomited out such insight as inedible in looking for theoretical sweeties which you might find more palatable to stomach.

Anyway, if a person is willing to concede to at least following the facts wherever it might lead them in starting with the knowledge that they already possess, rather than suppress, as collecting such clues towards a cumulative case, then I believe that it will satisfy the unseen with the seen as combining forms of various knowledge to include cosmology, teleology, morality, ontology, religious experiences, etc. as utilizing philosophical, existential, and historical disciplines as arguments for the best possible explanation for such a Being in overcoming the merely shown by, seen by, spatiotemporal requirements that people often chain God to in putting Him in the shackles of physical restraints, as limitations, which are powerless to subdue Him in subjecting the eternal to be confined to the same rules as His finite creation. The mystery to unraveling the spiritual DNA of God is that He is able to work within this dimension but is not subject to its framework.

In conclusion, God’s upper room is expansively vaulted to leave a sense of awe over the magnificence of such design but some have not felt this inspiration and are holding out to congratulate some undisclosed and mysterious character, other than God, to thank them for this cosmic handout. Some look to the impersonal god of materialism as this unexplainable force who is no more than an impotent invalid who is immotive in needing the help of a personal agent to be pushed around as unable to get there from here (Not meant disrespectfully towards anyone).

In conclusion this all reminds me of a situation at work, how people are running over the highly visible yellow safety bollards with their vehicles as inattentive to their surroundings or getting in a hurry as being careless or perhaps caring less. Accordingly, God has left us with all the signs of His greatness, yet some still ignore what is plainly visible to their hearts and eyes as defiantly running over Him as evidenced by the embarrassing yellow marks left behind in trying to get somewhere at the expense of endangering their life and the lives of others by their reckless driving.

Genesis 28:16

16 Jacob awakened out of his sleep, and he said, “Surely Yahweh is in this place, and I didn’t know it.”

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