Occupational hazards

It is perplexing how people can often become so absorbed and intoxicated with their job or profession to the point of forming an unhealthy identity as an overachiever or a workaholic yet compartmentalize themselves as an underperformer in (more) important areas of their life, such as with God. It just amazes me given the transient nature of life, such as our occupations, how we overvalue its limited worth, in that even at its very best it’s only temporal in nature, as here today and gone tomorrow, as we can change or lose our jobs, become incapacitated or succumb to disabilities, retire, etc. as the utilitarian function of our vocational usefulness will eventually run out as our contract of employment will be permanently terminated.

Furthermore, life is more than attending to the busi-ness of a short-term payout as living from one paycheck to another when God has secured for us an eternal pension plan of which the blissful riches of His heavenly vault far outweigh the quick cash distribution of our ATM’s. Thus to expend such great energy on secular matters towards one’s livelihood while spending no time and effort on what is essentially priceless is what a financial planner would see as a disastrous misappropriation of resources as neglecting our retirement account.

The irony to this whole situation is that whatever we have been given to do towards fulfilling a position in life as to skills, knowledge, and opportunities, it’s not all about working a job to pay the bills or obtaining a title but in thankfully realizing that God is the Provider, both in this life and afterwards, Mt. 5:45, Mt. 6:19-34, and as we seek first His kingdom and righteousness then we become the beneficiaries of His providential assistance.

Finally, when our minds and bodies have been fully spent in finishing their vocational course; I really doubt that our reflections will be in wishing we had just one more day to work but rather it may be regretting what was lost or wasted in pursuing something that really didn’t amount to all that much after all. #itsnottoolate



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