Jesus the Last Prophet

I recently had a Muslim friend tell me that Muhammad was the last and final prophet. This is a belief that has come through the Hebrew scriptures and can be found in Deuteronomy 18:15.

This scripture was never intended to find its fulfillment in the  founder of Islam, which would of represented a foreign religion and a false deity or idol to the Hebrews, to whom this prophecy was misapplied .

Moses spoke this word specifically to the Hebrews and it ultimately found its application by the Hebrews towards a fellow Hebrew. After all the Torah originated with the covenant people of Israel and according to the apostle Peter in Acts 3:22 as well as Stephen in Acts 7:37 it had its consummation in the final prophet Jesus.

Moses told the children of Israel that God will raise up a prophet like me from among your brothers. A significant point when interpreting this text is the wording “brothers “ which was applied to those of Hebrew heritage.

Though there are some ancestral ties between the Hebrews and those of  Arab descent the scripture plainly applies it to the people of the book or Israel.

Lastly this scripture has not been distorted or misrepresented by Christians in tampering with the scriptural text after all the Torah is the centerpiece to Judaism who finds no sympathy in giving Jesus the title or the status of a  prophet.

You too may concur with the decision of mainstream Judaism in denying Jesus as this “Great Prophet” yet they would not agree likewise to the liberties that Islam has taken with the text either .

Finally as you study the prophetic ministry of Israel you will often see rejection as the primary reaction from the Jewish community. One of the greatest messianic scriptures as applied to Jesus comes from the prophet Isaiah. In Isaiah 53 it speaks of Jesus as a suffering servant who was rejected and despised of men yet accepted by God.

I pray that you will not deny Jesus his rightful position as the last and final authority  to whom the Scriptures find their ultimate fulfillment and purpose.

For the prophetic voice served to distinguish the “heir” resulting in those who would “hear” and receive its message and fulfillment in establishing a finality in the person and work of Jesus Hebrews 1:1-2. Those who have ears to hear may they hear what the Spirit of God is saying. Are you listening to the prophetic voice of God?


How to know God

Muslim Resources of Jesus

Islam and Jesus

4 Responses to “Jesus the Last Prophet”

  1. Saurooon says:

    Hi, Super post, Need to mark it on Digg

  2. GarykPatton says:

    I think I will try to recommend this post to my friends and family, cuz it’s really helpful.

  3. CrisBetewsky says:

    Where did you take from such kind of information? Can you give me the source?

  4. admin says:

    I have collected this information from various sources yet I trust the Lord for guidance when I post a blog. Thanks for your comment.

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