Abortion is Murder

Normally I do not blog on moral issues directly because I believe in reform through a born again experience versus attempting to legislate righteousness through institutional intervention. Yet I realize the necessity for institution and I do thank God for its influence on Godless societies, however reforming should be left to a higher power. The bottom line is that changed people lead to changed behavior.

Abortion is one of those behaviors that is on the same level of evil as men who have killed because of their own political agenda. We have seen the atrocities committed by the evil genius of Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Hitler, and Stalin just to name a few. We are appalled when we see the photographic and physical evidence of these images displayed and we say in our hearts never again and yet people are offended when offered graphic images regarding abortion procedures. If we close our eyes and pretend it doesn’t exist or we distance ourselves making it less than real does this self induced deception rid our conscious from the ability and conviction to act?

Couple this with a anti-God philosophy, which would see a naturalistic viewpoint to mankind as being merely biological matter, and then you have incapacitated the mind to think critically thus eliminating the concern regarding the taking of an innocent life.

When this action is exercised on a personal level it usually serves the purpose of selfishness by eliminating any kind of responsibility based on a lack of convenience. The person assumes godhood in being able to make a whimsical decision based on the  unfortunate circumstance of their pregnancy and this is worse than the action taken by a death row executioner who is at least acting on behalf of justice.

It seems ironic that irresponsibility was what usually led a person into this situation and yet now society expects them to take responsibility in disposing of the situation through a procedure. If people would have planned responsibly for parenthood to begin with then they wouldn’t of  needed to consult Planned Parenthood in their irresponsibility. Planned Parenthood is responsible for most abortions in the US and they post their advertisements on bulletin boards along the highways of life because they see these unborn children as no more than just plain road kill.

Not only does abortion facilitate or assist our personal goals or agenda but it also serves the need on both a national and worldwide scale by limiting the burden of society through population control. The government does not want to give rights to the unborn and that is why abortion is encouraged. It only costs about 400 dollars in the US for an abortion but its costs 5 to 40 thousand to adopt. Abortion seems to be a win win situation except for the incapacitated soul that does not have a audible voice but whose blood screams out from the ground.

This genocide can pass around the human courts of law who can prosecute  insignificant misdemeanors such as jaywalking yet they see no value in protecting the lives of innocent victims and therefore the role of the justice system has been reversed in  upholding the rights of criminals by protecting those who through their premeditated acts of violence are released from all responsibility and found not guilty in the perpetration of such crimes.

We call it a crime when a girl throws her baby in a dumpster but as long the unborn is left intact behind the confines of a thin layer of membrane of the uterine wall then it now becomes sanctioned to dump the unborn in the surgical dumpster of the clinic where the life is now treated as no more than an unwanted skin tag.

The Holocaust was one of the greatest tragedies of this century were millions were killed yet based on worldwide statistics in 1996 alone there were about 46 million abortions worldwide of which 1,365,700 were conducted in the US. Many more victims than the holocaust.

When I first visited the holocaust memorial Yad Vashem and saw the pictures of the piles of clothing, shoes, and  spectacles you are at least left with a real life image of the crime but in an abortion procedure there are no remains left except for the women who are later traumatized by their actions of which no counseling session can adequately remove the blood guilt that is upon their consciousness leaving them with a sense of hopelessness and despair.

The holocaust has ended, except for its painful memories, but for the unborn it is a perpetual death camp. We know that the bodies of the Jewish people were disposed of by the furnaces of Auschwitz and yet these crematoriums are still in operation today reducing these unborn infants to ashes.

As a means of experimentation Jews were often used as guinea pigs by under going various operations and testing. This is no different today whereby the unborn is reduced to medical exploitation where there remains are used for the benefits of face cream or the selling of body parts. Is this any different then using the skin of a Jewish corpses in order to make human lampshades? Again lives are taken and used to benefit the comfort of others.

To think that in the US alone that there are 3,742 abortions a day which on average is  about 156 deaths an hour is unthinkable.

We pride ourselves as Americans in protecting the rights of others through our military   and humanitarian endeavors yet it is a oxymoron to accept the human sacrifice of the unborn by refusing the rights of these potential Americans who are our own flesh and blood .

We are overly preoccupied with more frivolous causes such as tree hugging and saving the whales and yet are we unconcerned over the precious life of an unborn child? We treat our dogs better than that. We might find it hard to take “Rover” to a veterinarian to put him down and yet we have no problem or remorse in deciding the fate of the unborn.

Also we rationalize the necessity for abortion through the what if’s of life as if that somehow legitimizes abortion by stating ever imagined scenario. The logic is that if you can justify it in one situation then all other cases become more easily absolved.

In killing the unborn we as a culture selectively are choosing to exterminate the human race. We treat the unborn life like a infestation of rats and cockroaches which we can not cohabit with. Perhaps next time it will be your turn if society sees you as a detriment instead of an asset.

Who knows maybe one day euthanasia will be required on our elderly population after all it is already being legally practiced now. The elderly are seen as a growing minority group because people are living longer by means of the advancement of our medical technology but in turn it is costing society money to allow grandma and grandpa to live a little longer. Population control might at some point in time involve the elderly which are viewed as losing their productiveness  to society and therefore it may seem justifiable to rid ourselves from this inconvenience.

The problem is that when people are reduced to being no more than flesh and bones and the firing of neurons then any life can be at risk if the needs or the philosophy of the community is somehow threatened.

This system of genocide has been made acceptable because we chose not to look at the reality behind the images of aborted or starving children. We dull our senses through the entertainment  industry which has desensitized us by means of violence to having a loss of respect regarding human life.

This legislation to preserve life has been mismanaged and much like the Jews of Germany’s holocaust who were refused entry into American ports we too have turned away the rights of others to enter through the safe harbor of the womb allowing them the sanctity of life .

In closing if you have committed abortion and though it has been overlooked by society and the earthly courts it has not gone unnoticed and accounted for by the heavenly courts in which you are guilty of murder. For the individual who recognizes this sin and a need for repentance and restoration to God  there is hope. God within his capacity as a sovereign has provided a way that you can have forgiveness even from the taking of human life. God is merciful and long suffering and only He can remove the guilt that has resulted from your wrongful actions.

Finally if you are contemplating abortion then please look at these informative websites before walking through the threshold of the clinic.




Teaching on Abortion



How to know God

Atheist and Agnostic Resources

English Articles on Atheism and Agnosticism

One Response to “Abortion is Murder”

  1. ocel says:

    interesting post, can it betwites with other methods here?

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