Textbook Lies

Often times when we read a scholastic book we often take it for granite that we are reading a factual account of reality. Yet these resources sometimes carry an agenda which is elusive to the general populace but finds public acceptance and approval as being trustworthy without challenge. This is the situation with some scientific studies and findings which are not only bogus but they are intellectually dishonest and downright corrupt. These illusions and misconceptions have poisoned the minds of all ages giving them a basis on which to establish a fallible worldview as related to evolutionary theory as afforded by this pseudoscientific pretense.

An example of this is the “peppered moth” study which was supposed to be a good example of natural selection but what these textbooks won’t tell you is that these moths don’t naturally appear on trees trunks and that the pictures were fraudulent as they were glued to the tree.

There is also the exaggerated drawings of Ernst Haeckel who took the artistic liberties of depicting different drawings of various animal embryos to give the appearance of making unrelated species look similar. This was a way of portraying that all of life has evolved through similar stages as being interrelated through a common ancestry. What these spectators don’t take into account is that these living creatures are hardly discernable at the earliest stages of life and that there are certain life supporting components that are essential to all of these creatures which utilize the same common elements within the environment. In response to these drawings there were actual photographs taken in 1997 by the embryologist Dr. Michael Richardson which refutes the artistic imagination of Haeckel.

Another myth is that we have vestigial organs, which at one timed numbered over 100,  and these organs were thought to be  the leftover remains of our evolutionary past and therefore they are depicted as just some extra form of human baggage. Yet these organs have been proven to be beneficial to contemporary man and just because something can be surgically removed, such as the appendix or the tonsils, doesn’t mean that we are cutting off a needless body part and to do so can compromise or alter our health and well being.

Also there are the images of Neanderthal man which have been altered to make it look like the lower jaw is a protrusion resembling that of a monkey. This fakery was accomplished by dislocating the jawbone and jutting it forward in order to give it this appearance. However when the jaw is properly placed it looks no different then that of modern man.

In addition to this there are those drawings of the evolutionary tree which is to somehow show the relationship between the species but in reality it is only the wishful thinking of the evolutionary theorists who forcibly manipulate an association between these groups. The problem with this diagram is that it is missing all the links or transitional life forms which are necessary to make sense of this otherwise unintelligible philosophy. Ironically there are no provable specimens to date that fill in these gaps and with all of the fossil evidence that we have it appears that this is a figment of human invention and imagination in attempting to make a leap of faith to formulate this faulty logic and imagery.

Finally there is Stanley Miller and Harold Urey who supposedly re-created the early stages of life in producing amino acids and yet their tests were conducted under the wrong conditions as their gaseous mixture was not the right atmosphere for the earth which would have contained volcanic gases instead of a hydrogen rich environment and therefore their test results were invalid.

In conclusion the conspiracy behind these theoretical beliefs and hoaxes is that they are still being taught within our educational system today. This shows that the scientific community is more interested in tickling the ears of the general public by taking advantage of misinformed individuals in preaching their message of propaganda which favors a worldview that is hostile to God as its exploits science at the expense of the scientific endeavor to discover and explore truth.



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Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., “Survival of the Fakest,” The American Spectator, December 2000/January 2001, p.20

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