Who created God

The assumption is that man created God but based on various arguments which I have previously stated as related to the cosmological and teleological evidence it is much more plausible or probable that God is the Creator and Originator of Life as the first primary cause or mover to every known or unknown effect.
Atheist /Agnostic/ Non-Theist
However this premise of contingency would normally seem to logically apply to God as well yet this criteria for the law of cause and effect is dependent only upon what we known of universal laws but if God exists as creating this reality as beyond this realm then it does not necessitate that an omnipotent God is bound by the same criteria or restrictions of time and space as impotently dependent upon His own system.
Thus God “Is” as being greater and is not necessarily reduced to a lesser effect preceded by yet another cause and this is demonstrated as the universe has been shown to be finite based on Big Bang cosmology and the second law of thermodynamics as the expenditure of usable energy is being depleted as failing to support a previously held scientific and pantheist position of the universe as eternal thus there had to of been a first efficient cause of some sorts. To coincide with this concept is the impossibility of actual infinities which do not really exist apart from mathematical symbolism and can never be reached or attained due to the accumulative effects as you would never arrive at a infinite anything as it would only be surpassed by adding yet something else to the equation. Therefore there must have been a first cause that acted to create the first effect as initiating the formation and development of the universe and God best describes this activity apart from some magical or mystical non-personal life force to create such purpose and order. Science in trying to resolve this tension has tried to come up with other cosmological models even alien forces to now explain the embarrassment of this view of finitude by postulating reactionary and unfounded speculative theorems as a commitment of placing faith in their idealism at all logical costs in opposition to believing in an eternal God who created time rather than being time created.
So for the idea of the universe being all there is as suggested by Carl Sagan is not a statement of absolute truth but rather is a hopeful conjecture. To worship the cosmos as god is no different than the ancient pagan idolatry that worshipped the materialism of man made objects of wood and stone as giving credence to these imaginative inanimate objects or philosophies as having real sustenance and value in giving these lifeless forms or objects life.
This isn’t about unbiased empirical observations but it becomes a matter of choice as committed towards a preference to a wishful worldview whose point of reference is a loyalty or devotion to the impersonal random “action item” of chance with a determined hostility towards any aspect of a personal intelligent designer. Its should seem obvious to intellectual beings to intuitively and innately discern that just like a Rembrandt or even modern art for that matter; the canvas and paint just didn’t haphazardly come together to create a Masterpiece which is more like a conspiracy theory that is more consistent with magic, myth, folklore, and superstition rather than the scientific method.
However if a person is compelled or forced to apply this impossibility upon the universe without giving God a second chance or thought then this becomes just a presumption towards being emotionally driven with a pecularized bias of hostility towards a theistic worldview. Essentially this non- theistic or anti-theistic view is to make a god out of the universe and use the prophet of Darwinism to support the faith of this atheistic religion where materialism and naturalism rule as Lord and the measure of all things in a fanaticism towards worshiping this deity of scientism. However in the final weigh in it will be man that will be scaled and found lacking in this regards as God is the Supreme Judge of the soul.
In closing would you rather know that a “something” rather than a “someone” created the universe and if you have tendency to be anti-social towards a personal all sufficient being then perhaps your motivation may reveal your real position apart from truth. If you find that the idea of God is loathsome as an obstacle to your happiness then perhaps you are driven by fear rather than the validity of unbiased research.
Lastly to think that theism is an invention as some kind of virtual reality within cyberspace as opposed to a literal space realism as the ultimatum is a position that on some levels is no more scientific than science fiction.

Psalm 90:2

2 Before the mountains were brought forth,
  or ever you had formed the earth and the world,
  from everlasting to everlasting you are God.



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The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®) Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved. ESV Text Edition: 2007

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