Archive for the ‘Tenrikyo’ Category


Saturday, October 11th, 2014








ヨハネによる福音書 11章25〜26節
25 イエスは言われた。「私は復活であり、命である。わたしを信じる者は、死んでも生きる。」26 生きていてわたしを信じる者はだれも、決して死ぬことはない。このことを信じるか。」


マタイによる福音書 11章28〜30節
28 “疲れた者、重荷を負う者は、だれでもわたしのもとに来なさい。やすませてあげよう。29 わたしは柔和で謙遜な者だから、わたしの軛を負い、わたしに学びなさい。そうすれば、あなたがたは安らぎを得られる。30 わたしの軛は負いやすく、わたしの荷は軽いからである。」









Saturday, October 11th, 2014


Four Spiritual Laws



Jesus Film: view in Japanese



Japanese Living Bible



Faith Comes By Hearing

Tenrikyo Resources

Tuesday, July 19th, 2011
Four Spiritual Laws


Jesus Film


New Testament/Bible


Audio Bible


Tuesday, July 19th, 2011

Tenrikyo is one of the many and various religious expressions in Japan that incorporates the eclectic views of Buddhism, Shintoism and even Christianity within its beliefs.

This movement is a part of the cult phenomena of Japan which is so widespread and diverse that there are upwards of a 100 new cults each year(1). Perhaps this cult explosion is a result of the Japanese people trying to fill the spiritual void or vacuum that has left them without an identity especially after the demise of their state religion of Shintoism.

Anyway a conflicting aspect of this particular group is that they do not have an exclusive right to its claims as it has largely borrowed its identity on the basis of other established religious world views and therefore even if there is a reform to the positions as expressed through these other rival religions whose to say that by reforming these beliefs that they are any more right than their predecessors. This may work to appropriate their values and perceptions but this does not presuppose or necessitate the logic of truth.

Another one of their controversial positions is in regards to having a belief in reincarnation and yet there is no evidence to verify this philosophy which is prevalent in most eastern religions. I wrote a post about the reality of “Hell” and I am including at the end of this blog I included a link which contains a documentary on people who were interviewed in explaining their near death experiences which coincides with the scriptural view of portraying a literal Heaven and Hell.

Additionally, the irony to this movement is that one of their spiritual goals of achieving enlightenment is by reaching the pinnacle of their earthly existence in obtaining the optimum age of 115 years of which their founder, Miki Nakayama or Oyasama, was not even able to obtain as she passed away at 90 years of age. So if this criteria could not be achieved by this elite individual then what hope is there for any of them in this life or in the life to come?

Anyway the matter of eternity can be resolved in which a person is not left to chance or guess concerning their outcome in life.  A person doesn’t have to be in a state of fear at the moment of death as it can be a peaceful experience even to the point of there being an anticipation in yearning and embracing this outcome in preparation for the after life. This confidence can be solidified once and for all when you are properly related to God in Christ Jesus and at the end of this post I have included a link on “How to have a relationship with God” which describes this relational and spiritual transaction.

Finally Jesus reassured some of his followers about the nature of death and the resultant consequence of those who put their faith and trust in Him.

John 11:25-26

25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies(physically); 26 and whoever lives and believes in me will never die(spiritually). Do you believe this?”

Lastly Jesus offers to all people everywhere including those who are bound by a religious duty or service that they can be sure of their eternal destiny in reaching the ultimate goal of their spiritual journey. Jesus accomplished this by shouldering the load of our moral burden therefore relieving us of any kind of insecurity that is based in guilt or shame. Which in turn has effectively resolved this tension and conflict giving us everlasting peace with God.

Mt: 11:28-30

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”


How to know God

Tenrikyo Resources




(1) Extract taken from Operation World, Copyright© 2001 by Patrick Johnstone. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

 “From the Handbook of World Religions, published by  Barbour Publishing, Inc. Used by permission.”