Archive for the ‘Quanzhen’ Category


Saturday, February 14th, 2015

这个特别的宗派道教的成立,由王中孚也被各种其他受欢迎的名字,王重阳、 中阳子和汪哲等。在摘要的王发展宗教哲学的涉及他儒家的成长过程以及后来的修行,只有最后受训道教形式的信仰、 仪式,通过一些秘密的口语教学,他理应获得一把神奇的遇到的两个超人称为道教神仙中, 坜泉 / 钟礼泉和吕洞宾 / 吕纯阳然后一年后还接受进一步的书面的指示从这些已成为被称为赣仙源路的神仙之一。
我发现很难相信在这个探视或性质的此类事件的问候是这样的教学内容不是独特的添加或补充已经被发现在他内文化那时和他做的唯一的设置是加入他们一起营造冲撞他在儒家思想中的经验的教义已有既定的知识禅佛教和道教在采取他认为是最好的这三个意识形态和世界观作为形成一种混业的信仰体系。再次是什么本质上是有启发性的有关这个你需要特别的神圣偶遇他的成就一样一直站在其他凡人的肩膀上,基本上他教什么新发展独特的哲学观,但只是连体他被从这些不同的组作为抄袭道家普遍性以及它关于独身的教义与佛教哲学的思想相当坐在调解、 否认日常舒适、 重生和业力,以及借用佛教肖像和体系结构,以时尚,以及制订这个普遍性作为企图引诱别人拥有自己作为追随者的运动。即使在今天你看到它自己独特的表达,吕洞宾描绘道教玉皇大帝和观音作为观世音菩萨慈悲作为发展三个脑袋的上帝这么说代表佛教的菩萨的女性形象。
另一种方式,我其启蒙理论是由其原始的做法是使用外部炼金术与摄食的草药和矿物质以后方便真灵化和改造或改为内丹后证明致命杀手,因为也许它甚至负责中毒与它有毒的长生不老药的朱砂、 云母或黄金帝王的一些问题。讽刺的是这种实践承诺诸如长寿和不朽,但只有证明是致命的最后。因此如果外部方法被证明失败然后如何放心的是你的人为干预,制定一种更具适应性的冥想方法这种反动反应是任何比它的前辈更富有启发性吗?
一些其他可疑的做法围绕着占卜通过自动的神秘仪式或精神写在锋利的树枝拴在其中一个框架将移自动马毛覆盖马毛的砂作为一种工具用于吸引人们到超自然的经验,但这种做法并不需要作为任何比使用显灵板更富有启发性的终极真理魔术八个球、 星座、 棕榈油读、 塔罗牌和水晶球,等如只使您容易受到有害的实体作为被征服或被恶魔附身和攻击的邪恶影响制服。
无论如何,我觉得这个有智慧的外观,但坚持其苦行或出家的生活方式,在强调纪律与独身作为培养执着的缺乏、 纯净的心灵和通过其实践内丹不朽的誓言社区生活的敬虔伪形式的宗教组织的特征。也许你已经完全实现这些空洞的承诺不会传达的手段获得以其空索赔和从未得到证实为不符合你的生活方式和其他人在您的组织内的承诺完美的谎言,基本上这应导致你来质疑这种运动作为未能重要或完整对启蒙的真实性。在现实生活中这种理想主义的完美是永远不会成为实现其了,这辆车的宗教不能开车送你到你最终的目的地,这似乎只是在地平线上,在现实生活中是遥不可及的地平线上继续移动/班,也许你只保持汽油用完了但无论情况如何,我想鼓励你那启蒙路上通过自我培养模式的遥不可及或救恩可以获得,但不是作为信任在你的工作、 努力和行动,但宁可它可以接受因信仰上帝。这是可能通过东部亚洲宗教的基督教会,已经证明自己作为由它作为显然影响到数百万人的生命,包括我自己在内的影响改变了整个世界,这里是一些他们的证词。

28 凡劳苦担重担的人,可以到我这里来,我就使你们得安息。29 我心里柔和谦卑,你们当负我的轭,学我的样式,这样,你们心里就必得享安息。 30 因为我的轭是容易的,我的担子是轻省的。









Encyclopedia of Religion Second Edition, copyright 2005 Thomson Gale a part of The Thomson Corporation, Lindsay Jones Editor in Chief, Vol.3, pgs.1602-1603, Daniel L. Overmyer & Joseph A. Adler

Encyclopedia of Religion Second Edition, copyright 2005 Thomson Gale a part of The Thomson Corporation, Lindsay Jones Editor in Chief, Vol.4, pgs.2184-2186, Stephen R. Bokenkamp

Encyclopedia of Religion Second Edition, copyright 2005 Thomson Gale a part of The Thomson Corporation, Lindsay Jones Editor in Chief, Vol.4, pgs. 2199-2201 , John Lagerwey

Encyclopedia of Religion Second Edition, copyright 2005 Thomson Gale a part of The Thomson Corporation, Lindsay Jones Editor in Chief, Vol.4, pgs. 2207, Judith Magee Boltz

Encyclopedia of Religion Second Edition, copyright 2005 Thomson Gale a part of The Thomson Corporation, Lindsay Jones Editor in Chief, Vol.11, pg. 7415, John Lagerwey & Livia Khon

Encyclopedia of Religion Second Edition, copyright 2005 Thomson Gale a part of The Thomson Corporation, Lindsay Jones Editor in Chief, Vol.14, pg. 9676, Kubo Noritada

Religions of the world: a comprehensive encyclopedia of beliefs and practices/ J. Gordon Melton, Martin Baumann, editors; Todd M. Johnson, World Religious Statistics; Donald Wiebe, Introduction-2nd ed., Copyright 2010 by ABC-CLIO, LLC. Reproduced with permission of ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, CA.


Saturday, February 14th, 2015








Dragon Gate Taoism Resources

Wednesday, August 21st, 2013

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Quanzhen School of Daoism

Saturday, August 17th, 2013

 This particular sect of Taoism was founded by Wang Zhongfu who is also known by various other popular names such as Wang Chongyang, Zhongyangzi and Wang Zhe. In summary the development of Wang’s religious philosophy involved his Confucian upbringing as well as later practicing Buddhism only to be finally trained in Daoist forms of belief and ritual through some secret oral teachings as he supposedly obtained from a mystical encounter with two superhuman beings known as the Daoist Immortals, Zhongli Quan/ Zhong Liquan and Lu Dongbin/ Lu Chunyang, and then a year later also receiving further written instructions from one of these Immortals which has become known as the Ganshui Xianyuan Lu.

What I find difficult to believe in regards to this visitation or the nature of such an event is that the content of such teachings are not unique as adding or supplementing to the already established knowledge of teachings that were already found within his cultural setting at that time and the only thing that he did was join them together so as to create a syncretization of his experiences within Confucianism, Ch’an Buddhism and Daoism in taking what he believed to be the best of these three ideologies and worldviews as forming a  conglomerated belief system. Again what is essentially enlightening about this that you need a special divine encounter as much of what he accomplished has been by standing on the shoulders of other mortals as essentially he taught nothing new in developing a unique philosophical view but rather only conjoined his ideas that were taken from these various groups as plagiarizing  Daoistic universalism along with the Buddhist philosophy with its teachings about celibacy, quite sitting in mediation, denying daily comforts, rebirth and karma as well as borrowing the Buddhist iconography and architecture to fashion as well as formulate this universalism as an attempt to allure others to possess his own movement as followers. Even today in Hong Kong you see its own unique expression of this as Lu Dongbin characterizes Taoism along with the Jade Emperor and Guanyin as the female figure of Avalokiteshvara the bodhisattva of compassion representing Buddhism as developing a three-headed god so to speak.

From a philosophical standpoint my challenge to this whole perspective is if none of these movements by themselves are completely enlightening then what reassures Wang that his position is any more enlightening as the sum total of adding three zeroes still equals zero as applied to this religious equation.

Anyway I have previously written some posts on all three of these religious movements at





Also these types of religious expressions are common and defining among various cults and religions especially as not having to authenticate their experiences giving them a sense of unrivaled religious authority without providing the significant evidence to test the reliability to their truth claims.  Essentially anyone who has a little charisma and imagination combined with perhaps some form of mental instability can come up with these sorts of ideas as putting them in the religious spotlight and it’s no wonder that people who have a tendency towards these kinds of religious ideations are considered abnormal under the guidelines of psychology. His eccentric behavior further alludes to this conclusion as he dug and lived in a human grave known as the tomb of the living dead as well as stories of him sleeping on the ice which hindered him at first to gain converts as this caused some of his local contemporaries to question his sanity in that many regarded him as madman. Others can be gullibly drawn to such fascinating stories giving rise to personality cults which defines much of the Eastern religious landscape as leading to these legends and myths that surround such honored and mysterious people which may also coincide with this movement with their evolved hagiographic storytelling traditions such as the patron saint Lu Dongbin who is depicted as a scholar with a fly whisk and a sword that dispels evil spirits as found in popular art and drama. This would also include such characters as Qui Changchun living in a cave for seven years or Hao Datong spending six years under a stone bridge neither moving nor speaking and only eating when offered food and then there is Wang Chui who spent his nights in a cave standing on one foot so as to not fall asleep. These ascetic stories are either exaggerated folklore/legend or if true shows that these disciples of Wang Zhe could be suffering from the same religious delusion as their enlightened leader. Nonetheless I think it calls to question the sense of ultimate truth with either the fabrication of these stories or the unstable psychological makeup of these individuals who originated this movement.

Another way in which I question its enlightenment theory is by its original practice to use external alchemy with the ingestion of herbs and minerals which was later conveniently spiritualized and altered or changed to internal alchemy after proving fatal as perhaps it was even responsible for poisoning some of the emperors with its toxic elixirs of cinnabar, mica or gold. Ironically this sort of practice promised such things as longevity and immortality but only demonstrated  to be deadly in the end. Thus if external methods were proven to fail then how reassured are you that this reactionary response of human intervention to develop a more adaptive approach of meditation is any more enlightening than its predecessor?

Furthermore this practice initially attracted the Mongol monarch Genghis Khan/Chinggis Khan who was drawn to the notion of this fountain of youth in obtaining a drug for immortality as prolonging life but in turn was only given hygienic techniques by a notable disciple of Wang Zhe named Qiu Chuji or Qiu Changchun as the founder of the famous White Cloud Monastery of Beijing as establishing the longmen pai lineage/branch with its school of Dragon Gate Taoism. Qiu was given special privileges as  being in charge over the religious affairs in China which is probably the main reason why this movement continues to survive to this day. Anyway one of the most controversial aspects of this relationship is his association and alliance with this ruthless murderer and tyrant and like Khan, Qui also abused his new power and authority by using tax and labor exemption for himself and his disciples which also lead to many contrived conversions as well as a round of confrontations with the Buddhists. Moreover the Quanzhen sect would deprive others of their own unique form or expression of faith as invading existing religious establishments in reinterpreting the texts of their rivals as well as occupying their temples to form their single great system so that their religious agenda would become more empowering rather than enlightening which coincides which Wang Zhe practice of shocking people into enlightenment in which his methods were uncompromising and even violent.

Some of the other questionable practices revolve around the occultist ritual of divining through automatic or spirit writing in which a sharp stick fastened to a frame would move automatically over a planchette of sand which is used as a tool to attract people to a paranormal experience yet this practice does not necessitate ultimate truth as being any more enlightening than using a Ouija board, magic eight ball, horoscopes, palm readings, tarot cards and crystal balls, etc. as this only makes you vulnerable to the harmful entities as being subjugated or subdued by the evil influence of demonic possession and attack.

Another thing which is contradictory about their group is their message of unity in that  Wang’s seven original disciples established seven different lineages or branches in giving the impression of division amongst its founding members and successors. My question is if there were any differences within these lineage holders how can a movement in just one generation degenerate to form any kind of disagreement and how can a person ascertain that they are following the true branch of enlightenment as representing the valid and authentic expression of Daoism?

Anyway I find the features of this religious organization as having an outward appearance of wisdom but upholding to a pseudo form of godliness with its ascetic or monastic lifestyle in emphasizing a communal life of discipline with its vows of celibacy as to cultivate a lack of attachment, purity of mind and immortality through its practice of internal alchemy. Perhaps you have come to the complete realization that these hollow promises do not convey the means to obtain “all truth” with its empty claims and falsehoods in promising perfection which has never been substantiated as being inconsistent with your lifestyle and that of others within your organization and essentially this should cause you to question the authenticity of such a movement as failing to be vital or complete towards enlightenment. In reality this idealism of perfection is unattainable through the mode of self-cultivation as it can never become realized in that this vehicle of religion is not equipped to drive you to your final destination which appears to be just over the horizon which in reality is unreachable as the horizon continues to move/shift and perhaps you just keep running out of gas along the way but whatever the case I would like to encourage you that enlightenment or salvation can be obtained but not as trusting in your works, efforts and actions but rather it can received by having faith in God. This is possible through the Eastern Asiatic religion of Christianity that has proved itself as changing the entire world by its influence as manifestly affecting millions of lives including my own and here are some of their testimonies.

My testimony with Jesus

So in closing my declaration to you as confirmed by the stories of these believers is that Jesus is the perfect embodiment of truth as He has obtained a superior priesthood over all humanity as being the only way, truth and life as there is salvation in no other name mentioned among men by whom we can receive the gift of eternal life. Thus it is the three holy and pure ones namely the Father who sent Jesus to represent mankind on earth and the Holy Spirit as the ultimate life source who comes to inhabit or indwell the believer as enabling them through a new nature to live according to the wondrous virtue of a moral life. Finally Jesus said that if we give our lives to Him that He will provide you with this spiritual fulfillment.



28 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”



How to have a relationship with God

How to know God 

Other links

Dragon Gate Taoism Resources


Encyclopedia of Religion Second Edition, copyright 2005 Thomson Gale a part of The Thomson Corporation, Lindsay Jones Editor in Chief, Vol.3, pgs.1602-1603, Daniel L. Overmyer & Joseph A. Adler

Encyclopedia of Religion Second Edition, copyright 2005 Thomson Gale a part of The Thomson Corporation, Lindsay Jones Editor in Chief, Vol.4, pgs.2184-2186, Stephen R. Bokenkamp

Encyclopedia of Religion Second Edition, copyright 2005 Thomson Gale a part of The Thomson Corporation, Lindsay Jones Editor in Chief, Vol.4, pgs. 2199-2201 , John Lagerwey

Encyclopedia of Religion Second Edition, copyright 2005 Thomson Gale a part of The Thomson Corporation, Lindsay Jones Editor in Chief, Vol.4, pgs. 2207, Judith Magee Boltz

Encyclopedia of Religion Second Edition, copyright 2005 Thomson Gale a part of The Thomson Corporation, Lindsay Jones Editor in Chief, Vol.11, pg. 7415, John Lagerwey & Livia Khon

Encyclopedia of Religion Second Edition, copyright 2005 Thomson Gale a part of The Thomson Corporation, Lindsay Jones Editor in Chief, Vol.14, pg. 9676, Kubo Noritada

Religions of the world: a comprehensive encyclopedia of beliefs and practices/ J. Gordon Melton, Martin Baumann, editors; Todd M. Johnson, World Religious Statistics; Donald Wiebe, Introduction-2nd ed., Copyright 2010 by ABC-CLIO, LLC. Reproduced with permission of ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, CA.

The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®) Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved. ESV Text Edition: 2007