Archive for the ‘Atheist and Agnostic’ Category

Humans and Dinosaurs coexisting?

Tuesday, February 14th, 2012


Recently my wife and I celebrated our four year anniversary and we decided to take a road trip just south of where we live in the area of Glen Rose and Granbury Texas.

The unique thing about Glen Rose are the dinosaur tracks that were discovered in the Paluxy river bed back in the 80’s due to drought conditions and today some of these tracks  can still be observed. What really sparked my interest about this location was that there was a human foot print that was superimposed within a dinosaur track in an area that was adjacent to the Dinosaur Valley State Park on some private property. What is particularly fascinating about this specific print, which was removed and is on display at the Creation Evidence Museum, was that the human print was made prior to that of the dinosaur print. This doesn’t take a paleontologist to figure out that the dinosaur track distorted the human foot print not vise versa. Furthermore when I first looked at the print its as if I could of simply slipped off my shoe and have stepped directly into the print without any discernible difference.

At this point you are probably wondering if this print is legitimate and  therefore it was authenticated in order to prove that it was not a carving. Also the reason why I included a photograph of the banner instead of the display was because it is easier to see the prints this way. Anyway if you are interested in reading more about this subject then here is a link to the full article.

Many times we hear the same old storyline that is preached to us from the textbooks and science programs that macroevolution is a fact and that there was about 60 million years between the dinosaurs and the human race. I think it is reasonable to see from the evidence that evolution is still just evolutionary “theory” and sometimes we forget that. We may see evolution as scientific but in reality it carries with it a commitment to a  naturalistic “philosophy” whose “religion” is based on a god of materialism. Moreover this school of thought is steeped in presuppositions contrary to the claims of science which is supposed to be unbiased in its inductive research and deductive findings. Actually within academia there are even some schools today which are allowing for other theories since evolution has failed to meet conclusively with its preconceived notions of reality. I have written other blogs about some of the controversial evolutionary ideals which you are able to view at

Atheist /Agnostic/ Non-Theist

Perhaps this evidence doesn’t necessarily affirm everything about the creation or intelligent design model but minimally it shows that perhaps it is plausible to consider or accept other world views apart from evolutionary theory.

Anyway while we were in the area we also saw the tomb of Jesse James who was a famous outlaw of the Wild West who supposedly was killed back in the 1880’s in St. Joseph Missouri. Today due to our modern technology of photographic evidence it is likely that his death was faked and now some believe that the real Jesse James died of natural causes at 104 years of age in Granbury. This also reminds me of the story concerning the UFO or alien space craft which supposedly crashed back in the late 19th century in which the remains of these supposed alien beings are buried in the Aurora cemetery just a few kilometers from where I live near Rhome.

So whether or not aliens are the real deal or Jesse James is buried at Gran”bury”  is something that conspiracy theorists may continue to dispute and debate.

Nevertheless this shows that we can’t even prove some of these events which took place no more than about 100 years ago let alone what is projected to be millions and billions of years. Which oddly enough leads to my next point which supersedes dinosaurs, early humans, Jesse James and flying space ships to consider another matter which along with the creation theory is considered mythical by skeptics and that is the resurrection of Jesus. Granted to begin with this whole concept is an anomaly in that normally dead people do not rise. Furthermore I am not merely suggesting a resuscitation or a recovery as there have already been some cases of this kind of phenomena but what I am proposing from the biblical evidence is something radically different in what would be classified as supernatural.

As you can already see from the paleontologists and scientific communities that man has made some great discoveries yet there remains a finite ability to peer into the unknown as we are limited beings. We are always on the edge of new discoveries and there are so many  things left to find that before someone can say dogmatically that the resurrection can not happen they need to bring forth the burden of absolute truth regarding this event. If we can’t even tell who is in a modern gravesite or completely compile all of the fossil evidence which may affirm that man coexisted with dinosaurs then why not at least give the benefit of the doubt in allowing for some consideration regarding the argument in favor of the resurrection of Christ.

Thus pondering whether we coexisted with dinosaurs or considering if Jesse James faked his death along with musing over the idea of being visited/ invaded by aliens may be entertaining in stirring human curiosity but if Christ is who He and others claimed Him to be as testified through the numerous postmortem resurrection appearances then this matter shifts from contemplating less meaningful matters of temporal concerns to that of supreme importance regarding the eternal realm. We may spend our time researching  such interesting subjects but nothing can compare to the reality that has an eternal impact in contrast to these superficial matters. In other words if this event is true then it is one of the most important matters that a person can discover.

I have written a blog about the resurrection and even though it is not exhaustive in scope it may be something in which you might want to research and hopefully discover for yourself.

Merely concluding that Jesus was a historical person who was a religious leader and prophet is just the first step in discovering the importance of His person and work as Lord and Savior.

Additionally Jesus is responsible for the largest religious movement to date which in and of itself is something worthy to consider if for anything just to settle the matter of His identity.

Who knows maybe you might discover, just like a person who is amazed by viewing some of Ripley’s famous findings, that there are things which are beyond our experience or expectation but nonetheless are just as real and exciting.

My friend as we venture into taking the road trips of life it should cause us to look past the road side scenery of glancing at life as it passes us by; to challenging us to get out and explore something beyond our immediate window or world view in asking ourselves sincerely the bigger and more relative questions to life such as who am I and why am I here. These are normal cognitive questions that at one time maybe we asked ourselves but have we plagiarized our answers in looking over the shoulder of someone else whether it be a peer, parent, religion, science or even society at large? Have we just filled in the blanks with the same answer just because we find comfort in trusting in what other people see as the solution to the problem?

In closing I had to drive myself to the destinations at Granbury or Glen Rose and my encouragement to you is to at least be willing to personally navigate these issues not from the rear view mirror of skepticism but as you look forward in anticipating a new horizon just over the next hill.



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Image obtained by permission from the  Creation Evidence Museum in Glen Rose Texas.

What the Hell

Monday, October 31st, 2011

When dealing with the subject of Hell it is often taboo to discuss unless it is dealt with in a dissociative manner with the mindset of an unrealistic outcome such as the seasonal horror flicks or an unscientific documentary. Sometimes Hell is downplayed and seen as an invention of preachers and Hollywood to elicit a scaring or frightening response to move the emotions of people for conversion or merely for the effect of an adrenaline rush.

For some Hell is regarded as a make believe place and if it does exist then it is reserved for the worst of the worst or perhaps its just a temporary residence but for the most part  their viewpoint is that the average Joe has nothing to worry about.

I have actually wrote a blog about the biblical perspective of Hell combined with some explanations concerning near death events which includes a video testimony from a medical doctor of people who have experienced this reality

Anyway in my first post I dealt more with the doctrinal and phenomenal experience of Hell and for the nature of this blog I am speaking more about the philosophical objections that people often use as a sedative to calm themselves in numbing their minds against the notion of such a place. Interestingly enough the fact that some people attempt to process their thoughts in a defensive matter regarding this subject is suggestive that our subconscious bears witness to a moral intellect which confirms a sense of judgment.


Romans 2:14-16

14 (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, 15 since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.) 16 This will take place on the day when God will judge men’s secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares.


Anyway some deal with this subject on the front end by just trying to repress or get rid of the God idea altogether while others just shrug their shoulders in response towards God in hopes that ignorance is bliss. However, according to the Barna Group 81% of Americans accept some form of afterlife and nearly two-thirds of them regard heaven as their final destination. Additionally, 71% affirm that there is a Hell but of this group only a half of one percent believe in a personal hellish outcome.

Many of us have no problem agreeing with the red letters of Christ when it comes to a heavenly abode but we don’t take seriously all His claims of Hell which apart from the popular sayings concerning “the kingdom of heaven”  Jesus refers more to Hell than to this heavenly realm. It’s not too hard for people to have a sense of expectation towards the narrow gate of the glorious afterlife but it is much more difficult to anticipate the broad way of its counterpart Matthew  7:13,14. After all if Hell is really irrelevant then this whole idea of suffering on the cross and the concept of salvation is meaningless. Recently while watching Dr. Frank Turek’s show on he brought up some interesting points when contemplating the intellectual and  emotional objections to this matter which I would like to further disclose.

The first question is why is there a Hell to begin with and who goes there? Originally Hell was designed for the devil and his angels and it would also include all the rebellious creatures against their creator Matthew  25:41, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Revelation 21:8 and Romans 1:21-32. It is a place where beings are quarantined from God and eternally judged for committing acts of cosmic treason and for suppressing the truth of Him in unrighteousness Romans 1:18 including the grace of His pardon John 3:18, Romans 2:4,5 and Hebrews 2:3. Furthermore, God does not just randomly send anyone to Hell nor does He desire than any should perish but that all should have everlasting life 2 Peter 3:9. Gods wants all people to be saved but not all people want to be saved and what is logically possible may not actually be achievable with free creatures. Therefore people just don’t haphazardly end up in Hell and He would not let them “go to Hell” if there was a chance that they would be saved.

We choose our final destination as free creatures and outside of heaven there is no other alternative. Amazingly many people want heaven but then they forget who is there and who they have tried to avoid all their life and if they didn’t want the Lord in the here and now then why would they want to spend an eternity with God?

Also Hell from a biblical perspective isn’t portrayed as some temporal place of punishment whether through annihilation or a purgatorial existence but rather it is described as everlasting and eternal Matthew 25:41 and 2 Thessalonians 1:9.

Additionally as surely as death is final so are the consequences of an afterlife as there is no hope for a reincarnated state. As a man is appointed to die once and then face the judgment Hebrews 9:27. We see an example of this in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus in which the rich man could not go back to save himself nor could Lazarus return to warn the rich man’s brothers, Luke 16:19-31.Hell is not a place for penance or repentance and if we could change our mind in Hell then what is the sense of this intermediary existence on earth as there must be some finality to life. Why have this life if choices can be made latter? There must be a point when there is a “final answer.”

Another matter we might question is regarding God’s justice on how He can eternally condemn sinners who have never heard about Jesus because the bible is explicit on the exclusivity of Christ.

As there is no other name given to men by which we must be saved Acts 4:12.  Jesus is the way and the truth and the life and no one comes to God except through Him, Jn 14:6.

We wrongfully assume within our finitude that it would be impossible for God to communicate such knowledge of Jesus due to logistical problems but with God all things are possible and if they can be saved then God will use every means to ensure they have the ability to receive the necessary information such as what is reported among Muslims who are coming to Christ in these restricted nations where they have no or very little exposure to the biblical concept of Jesus and yet it is through this unique medium of dreams and visions by which Jesus is appearing to them.

I have personally have met someone from Iran who had this experience and I don’t doubt his sincerity in breaking free of his cultural norms after all just to be a target or martyr for nothing is nonsensical.

Anyway God will give true seekers the truth about Jesus such as the biblical examples of Cornelius or the Ethiopian Eunuch as found in Acts. Also this is being accomplished exponentially today in this contemporary age of information and mass media in that it is becoming much more difficult to completely avoid this witness with the advent of TV, radio broadcasting, literature distribution, internet, video, or through the conventional methods of feet preaching.

So no one can claim total or complete ignorance to God’s truth of which there is no excuse Romans 1:18-20 and Romans 2:15,16.


Romans 1:18-20

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and    unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,

19 because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them.

20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.


If we don’t respond to the natural or general signs of creation and conscious then He is not obligated to give a fuller disclosure in regards to a special revelation so as to be saved.

Another reason why some may never hear of Jesus is because God so ordered the world so that those who never hear the gospel would have never believed it anyway, Acts 17:26-27

Therefore it seems that God prearranged the world both in time and space for those who would favorably respond to Him and for the majority who are reading this post this  isn’t the problem anyway.

Another objection to the concept of Hell and judgment is that an individual may think that it is unjust to be involuntarily cast in the play of this human drama in being subjected to sin under the influence of our common ancestry in Adam and yet Christ as the second Adam has become our regenerative representative therefore removing this curse by becoming a curse on our behalf, Galatians 3:13. According to the staging of life it is the heroic actions of God Himself who delivers us from the villainous plot of our own iniquitous nature  by making an entrance through the incarnation to rescue us through His salvific work.

Additionally we may also think it’s unfair for God to choose the methodology in which we are to be forgiven and yet by our reasoning we grossly underestimate the severity of sin and its “just” consequences which were placed on the sacrificial altar of the cross.

You may blow all this off and just say well I already have enough problems in this life to worry about the life thereafter and perhaps you have exaggerated your seemingly urgent  circumstances by declaring your protest as hell on earth which to a degree does speak of the curse nonetheless it is not an accurate or adequate depiction as being a proper frame of reference when relating to the biblical concept of Hell which uses such graphical imagery as unquenchable fire, outer darkness, fiery furnace where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth along with torment and everlasting destruction.

The little wild fires that you are trying to put out today are manageable compared to the fire of eternity which will be unquenchable, Mark 9:43,44. Therefore in this life God’s blessing can still be obtained of which in Hell there is no hope, 2 Thessalonians 1:9.

When it comes down to it generally it’s not too difficult for some to think of a hellish existence  because we realize that if God exists and if He is supremely sovereign and just then there must be a means of reckoning His justice especially on those who have committed heinous acts of crime without receiving their due punishment here  on earth.

However I think the real objection comes when we consider God’s judgment in allowing unregenerate people to suffer eternally for temporal sins. After all isn’t Hell overkill? This may also lead into the another question about God’s love and His goodness which I have also written about at

Actually sin doesn’t necessarily stop at the grave as it continues perpetually. Thus sin and rebellion is just a continuum into the afterlife and likewise punishment continues for eternity as well. It isn’t about infinite punishment for finite sins as evil is perpetually resident in Hell.

We may wrongfully think that somehow we don’t meet the criteria for an eternal inferno as being in the camp of evildoers who deserve Gods wrath and yet all have sinned. Sin is simply classified as lawlessness in which all are counted worthy of eternal death, 1 John 3:4 and Romans 6:23. Also a person in their agnosticism cannot default on Hell in that Jesus states that if you are not for me then you are against me, Matthew 12:30. Also we can’t avoid it by thinking that somehow our good deeds cancel out our bad deeds with a payment towards our karmic debt. If we break the law we are guilty and likewise condemned, James 2:10.There is no middle ground or lukewarmness with God and either you are righteous and justified before Him or you are not. You are either alive to God or dead to Him.

Essentially all mankind is subject to moral failure as being under the federal headship of the progenitor of our race namely Adam who has imposed on humanity a nature of sin of which the bible supports in stating that we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God Romans 3:23 and that there is none righteous not even one Romans 3:10. You may consider your self a good person and your morality compared to others may be noteworthy in the same way a fruit inspector scrutinizes rotten apples but you are no  comparison with a holy God who demands moral perfection. The bible supports this view with such verses as “be perfect as God is perfect”; “be holy because I am holy”, Matthew 5:48, 1 Peter 1:16 . I believe this is confirmed in the very hearts of all who at one time or another has been burdened with a sense of guilt which confirms our inability to achieve perfection.

Part of this matter in dealing with sin is that we have an obscured perspective in respect to our visual acuity which overlooks the diagnosis of sin in having a log in the eye problem which further advances to macular degeneration as we fail to fully recognize our own sinful corruption resulting from a depraved mind, Romans 1:28.

On the other hand the positive aspect of being sensitive to sin is not meant to just leave us in a state of condemnation like putting a dog’s nose in its own mess but it is a redemptive act of God to intervene in our lives to make us more acutely aware of our transgressions by whom the Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, judgment and righteous to come, John 16:8. We more vividly see this overwhelming sense of sin as recorded in the biblical narrative in which people who were suddenly and unsuspectingly ushered into the awesome presence of God where there was an invasive awareness of guilt and fear. Isaiah bears witness to this in Is 6:5 with his words “woe to me for I am ruined for I am a man of unclean lips and I live among a people with unclean lips.” Experientially we get a small foretaste of this when we come face to face with a pastor or even a cop at which point we become consciously aware of what we say and do as we recognize our human weaknesses which is susceptible to being exposed causing us discomfort as evidenced by the temporary change in our behaviors.

So how much more responsive would we be before a holy God who not only omnisciently knows our actions but also who can discern our hearts and thoughts in that  no flesh will be self justified in His sight, Romans 3:20 and Galatians 2:16.

Moreover we are not to be left in a paralytic state of fear when faced with the danger of judgment as we are summoned to respond to God’s saving provision. Our initial response may be like that of Peter who supernaturally wanted to run away from his guilt when he recognized the person of Jesus as Lord by which he awkwardly responded according to His spiritual state to “go away from me Lord for I am a sinful man. However we aren’t to distance ourselves from God when we come to discern our unregenerate condition but rather we are to posture ourselves like David who sought God’s mercy and grace, Psalm 51.

So when we come to the crossroads in life where we encounter God’s conviction along with a heightened sense of His drawing presence John 6:44 then we are called to respond to God in humility and submission so as to seek reconciliation with Him in accordance with His divine will and purpose, 2 Corinthians 5:19. Then as we become the benefactors of His grace and mercy we are then able to confidently and boldly approach His throne of grace Hebrews 4;16. This is because His perfect love drives out all fear because fear has to do with punishment, 1John 4:18.

As a child I was often forewarned  by my parents to behave otherwise I would be on the receiving end of the belt of discipline and in retrospect to my parents threats I am not completely confident  that they always had my best interest at heart yet I am reassured that God’s forth telling is motivated by perfect love so much so that He sent Jesus in my stead to take my due punishment thus consequently averting His just wrath and without this compensation what hope would any of us have.

Furthermore as benevolently serious as He is towards pursuing the redemption of those who believe; He is likewise just as zealous to exact His full wrath against those who mock His gracious provision by spitting on the Son, Hebrew 2:3 and John 3:18.

In conclusion there are other objections which are not covered in this post and some matters aren’t fully disclosed or handled according to the biblical record and even though this answer may not satisfy the skeptic this tension of not knowing is perfectly eased based on the nature of God who alone is supremely just and loving.

Lastly when contemplating this matter we shouldn’t think of Jesus as only a means to the end in obtaining fire insurance but the fact that a fire is inevitable should get you to begin to consider the coverage under God’s plan. Ultimately fear will not be the driving motivator to our decision regarding Christ because it is the kindness of Christ which leads us to repentance resulting in a reciprocation of love by which we acknowledge Him as both Lord and Savior, Romans 2:4.


Romans 6:23

23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.



How to know God

Atheist and Agnostic Resources

English Articles on Atheism and Agnosticism





Permission granted by Dr. Frank Turek at

Permission granted by The Barna Group,  “Americans describe their views about life after death”, October 21,2003,

Help God

Sunday, October 9th, 2011

The cry of “Help God” is often a desperate plea we may find ourselves in when facing a predicament but it is frequently short lived as we relapse into a sense of complacency once the dilemma passes or subsides. These crisis conversions sometimes are not sincere and are just a desperate attempt to relieve us of undesirable circumstances. Sometimes we see God as a Monty Hall in a “Lets Make a Deal” type of mentality thinking that somehow we are doing God a favor by being a willing contestant in His game of life. Yet when we realize that it is God’s intent to give us the gift of salvation instead of our own self interests then we treat Him as if He Zonked us with some kind of booby prize.

In reality sometimes being in a pickle is an act of grace and mercy by which we are confronted with a state of helplessness of which perhaps even our close associates are unable or unwilling to bail us out. At times these situations are a barometer of reality when going through the storms of life in which we find ourselves drowning in a sea of shock and panic. It’s in moments like these that we are most susceptible to being honest with ourselves and God by seeing the limitations of our own mortality much like the Apostle Peter did in reaching out his hand to God in order to seek the safety and the refuge of the boat or perhaps the calming of the storm.

However we are often conflicted in our actions by which we have at times held out our fist in rebellion to God only to extend our arms to be picked up and held when our world comes crashing down around us.

We must ask ourselves when seeking God what is our motivation and is it just a deception of disguise to appease God until we can get ourselves out of this fix?

Now for those who oppose God’s help maybe they have looked critically at religion and God as a crutch and now faced with a hardship of their own they come to realize that they are mortal invalids propped up on the feeble limbs of human pride as they are toppled over by the fragility of human experience.

Instead of resorting to God in the midst of their problems they resolve to fix or heal themselves in order to try to get back up after they have been bucked off or knocked down. They may dabble in religion and troubleshoot their way through the gamut of disaster by approaching it by means of  meditation in blocking negative energies by attempting to extinguish pain or they may take the other extreme of fatalism by accepting their circumstances  as some kind of cosmic retribution or Karmic debt. Still others see this matter as just illusory in which they disassociate themselves through some hypnotic state of escapism. Some may even flirt with the self help programs by taking a Bob the builder kind of approach with a “Yes, we can fix it “ attitude or maybe they are like the little steam engine who gets up enough courage and steam through their mantra of thinking in which they visualize that they “think they can” to advancing to “they thought they could” only to run out of steam at the end of life realizing that they had come up short in making it to their final destination. Other secular avenues of relief may come  through pop psychology by relieving the symptoms of pain which comes with human trauma as looking to medication and techniques as a way of coping with the trouble in life and like the dysfunctional lion of Oz they only need to see the Wizard.

This sense of control or invincibility is a facade until they are faced with their own mortality and like the foxhole conversion of atheists they tend to see their life differently when faced with the inevitable.

God is often a last resort for people and they only temporarily seek or want Him to be a Cosmic parent much in the same way a teenager at times only selfishly needs mom and dad to rescue them once again. This plea for help is an act of desperation, a last minute ditch effort to solicit the Almighty for a temporal favor while play acting in hopes of tricking God by pretending to be sincere.

The real reason why we avoid God at all costs is because of who He really is and this  problem far outweighs the circumstances in which we find ourselves in. Our most real or  significant problem is with God to begin with and sometimes it is only after we are in danger of falling off the roller coaster of life that we finally come to our senses by asking the more relevant or deeper questions which are of eternal significance. Prior to this we may have sloughed off God as being subliminal and superficial in preference to our independent thinking regarding our personal desires and needs. Some people would prefer to remain in this state of unresponsiveness as long as things are going their way and then when they aren’t then as a last resort they dust off their bibles.

The scripture bears out this animosity, hostility and estrangement by stating that our sinful nature does not sincerely seek after Him and that according to God’s standard of righteousness all have sinned and fallen short which leaves a person with a sense of  guilt and shame which in this respect only adds to their problems. Of course the good news is that God desires to “help” us and not abandon or leave us in the quagmire of His wrath and fury if we would just let Him.

Anyway there are many who have been left out in the cold of life and they just want to come close enough to God to benefit from the shelter and warmth that He provides in hopes of averting the flames. They may think of God as a one night stand in desiring the heat and comfort of divine intervention without a commitment.

Furthermore some have just opted to avoid or distance themselves entirely from God by justifying their defiance in blaming Him for the mess that we and our world are in and I addresses this further in another post that I written about regarding pain and suffering.

However on the flip side of this equation I believe that there are authentically genuine people of whom God’s allows them to be trapped in this maze of trouble as a means to seek and find Him.

This is accomplished as someone may find themselves hopelessly stranded in this hostile world of which we have been betrayed and hurt and therefore we initially respond by retreating to seek refuge with an omnipotent being which we think can readily defend us from the tsunamis of life by attending to our felt needs. The  humility that comes with this kind of awareness and responsiveness has led many down the path of repentance in realizing their true spiritual state or condition and instead of putting on a masquerade in hiding or pretending that they have it all together they realize life’s own shortcomings including their own. Now for others who arrogantly remain in a state of psychosis as being a self made person they succumb to the delusion of over estimating the human prodigy by viewing themselves as god and yet one day this will prove to be fatal as their vanity mirror becomes broken and shattered.

Finally the real tragedy to our life is not the temporal and earthly afflictions we find ourselves in but rather it is the weightier measure of eternity regarding our moral aptitude towards a holy God of which we must give an account. In saying this I don’t mean to be insensitive to your situation by underestimating the gravity of the problem because it is God who also helps us in our time of need in that “He is our refuge and our strength; an ever present help in trouble.” After all there were many people in the bible who asked for God’s help and the book of Psalms is full of such passages. Yet the greatest “help” God can ever give us is the gift of eternal life through the person and work of Jesus.

In conclusion some may only see God or Jesus as just a temporary advantage in providing them “help” such as He did when He fed the hungry bellies of the multitudes or like the Samaritan woman at the well who initially wanted Jesus to “help” quench her need for thirst. Both parties had legitimate and immediate needs but they failed to discern Jesus as the “Bread of Life” and the “Living Water” the likes of who alone could only really satiate the perpetual urgency of their souls.

In closing I really hope you find your source of “help” which is in God alone.



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Atheist and Agnostic Resources

English Articles on Atheism and Agnosticism

Where is God

Saturday, October 8th, 2011

Some may ask the question ”Where is God” in retrospect to some cataclysmic disaster or calamity of which I have already written about in respect to the subject of evil in association with pain and suffering.

Others may view this matter in regards to the ontology of God which deals with His nature as pure being. This views depicts God as omnipresent with a disembodied spirit in which He is everywhere and is not subjected to the same limitations we have to time and space. This isn’t to be confused with the belief of pantheism which sees divinity as a part of the whole universe but rather God necessarily exists as a separate and distinct  being apart from the contingency of naturalistic or physical objects. He fills the world with His presence but in essence He is not the world.

I think more specifically what people are really wanting to know in regards to this question is does God really exist and is He a personal being? This matter can be approached philosophically but for the sake of  practically I am discussing this matter from a experiential level.

To begin there are several different ways in which God reveals Himself of which the first or primary one is universal or general in that God makes Himself know to all through the created order of the universe and also through a rational moral conscious.


Romans 1: 18-20

18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.


Psalms 19:1-4

1The heavens declare the glory of God;

the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

2Day after day they pour forth speech;

night after night they display knowledge.

3There is no speech or language

where their voice is not heard.

4Their voice goes out into all the earth,

their words to the ends of the world.


Romans 2:14-16

14 (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, 15 since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.) 16 This will take place on the day when God will judge men’s secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares.


Secondly there are those unique moments or less conventional methods in which there are special revelations as seen through a physical manifestation of God such as with an epiphany and this is something I have experienced once in a dream when I was a young child and others have also witnessed through their dreams. This phenomena of dreams is so powerful that religious Muslims have to come to faith in Jesus as a result of these dynamic encounters.

Also I had a Jewish friend who wanted nothing to do with Jesus but in the final months of her life she actually had several visitations while she was in the hospital.

There have also been people who have experienced heaven and hell when undergoing a near death experience in which God was revealed to them as explained by a medical doctor in this video.

Near Death Experiences 

Additionally I have two close friends who had a NDE and described to me this very reality.

Finally there is another method of which God openly reveals Himself and that is through the person of Jesus Christ who is confirmed in the lives of His covenant people the church and Christians from all walks of life have a personal testimony which affirms their belief rather than mindlessly announcing and accepting some religious creed. I am including the testimonies of my family along with others which helps to establish the credibility of this claim.

Another testable way in which Jesus is substantiated and that is through    the witness of prophecy of which God does nothing with out first revealing it to His prophets. The works of Jesus as found in the bible were spoken hundreds of years before He tread the sole of His foot on Israeli soil. What is interesting is that some of these scriptures could not be manipulated to be self fulfilling as these texts though congruent do not coincide as being simultaneous in time. Therefore the nature of His life and death including His healing and miracles could not be fabricated to fit His life story. So God uses the reasoning and intellect of prophetic revelation to help establish and confirm Jesus’ identity as divine apart from mere proclamation. So this isn’t just about some abstract concept of a mysterious faith but there is some concrete evidence which testifies to the reality of belief.

Again Jesus did nothing in a corner and His miracles were evidenced by many but not always received and therefore the skeptics of that day are like some of the scientists of our age who were never converted but were always looking for new signs or explanations never being convinced by the empirical evidence they already had. Amazingly enough even ancient Jewish writings as found in the Talmud which is not sympathetic towards the historical Jesus gives Him credit for these undeniable acts even though they wrongly identify His inspiration as being under the control of sorcery.

Another matter when referring to the question about God displaying Himself it is not done in a way so as to merely satisfy our curiosity but He generally reveals Himself more specifically for a purpose so as to accept and  receive Him. This partial hiddenness of God is His prerogative and if you are acquainted with the gospel narratives of Jesus He spoke many times in parables which depicted a story that had a spiritual reality taken from a familiar or natural truth or setting and this was His chief way of teaching or communicating divine revelation regarding the illumination of His gospel and at the same time it served the purpose of concealing the message from the unbeliever.

In the same way that this message of truth was relayed by Jesus is very similar to how God reveals Himself which is mostly by being intuitively receptive to these various revelations in discerning the mysteries of His kingdom which otherwise would land on deaf ears. This is accomplished  as  we are divinely enabled by God to respond to His revelation through the eyes of faith by means of His own direct intervention as is symbolic of Peters famous confession “Thou art the Christ the Son of the living God” in which Jesus responded “that flesh and blood has not revealed this to you but my Father who art in heaven.” This is characteristic of God who exposes Himself by drawing us to Him through the convincing and  convicting work of the Holy Spirit to facilitate belief apart from our own initiative.

Now regarding other corporate demonstrations from God another biblical example is when the children of Israel saw the miracles of Egypt and the providential care of God during their wilderness journey but nevertheless were given over to complaining and idolatry. This great exodus of people who originally came out of the land of Egypt never laid hold of the promises of God in the Holy land except for 2 members of this vast community. This is also true today as witnessed through the rebirth of modern Israel which is the fulfillment of the ancient vision of the dry bones of which Ezekiel saw and is now starting to come to pass through contemporary miraculous intervention of which ironically many of the people who have heard these stories continue to be secular. Thus “seeing” is not always “believing” and therefore does not necessitate faith by following after God.

In closing it could be that your questioning about “Where is God”  is coming from a defiant attitude towards Him in demanding a “show and tell” appearance as a smokescreen to somehow justify your unbelief? After all if God were to succumb to your appeal and appear to you today would you honestly be willing or prepared to accept Him as Lord and Savior? An honest answer towards your motivation may reveal the truth about why you think it is necessary for  God to meet your requirements or expectations and in turn this  may be the very hindrance which has kept you from knowing Him in a very real and personal way. The problem isn’t so much with our ability to be able to see and know because God is talking and revealing to some degree therefore the question is are we tuned in or are we listening to the static of anti-god rhetoric or being influenced by our societal or personal presuppositions and biased beliefs which interfere with a clean receptivity to the message?

If we were as attentive to God as we were to looking for Waldo when we were kids it wouldn’t  be that difficult to find God. Like Waldo He’s in the picture it just were not interested in discovering Him.

Lastly If you are not ready to make a commitment to God today then would you at least consider  the probabilities of my statements and be willing to investigate more according to some of the previous blogs which I have wrote?

Atheist /Agnostic/ Non-Theist

In conclusion God has revealed Himself rationally through nature, conscious, fulfilled prophecy and also experientially through the supernatural realms of modern day healings, miracles, visions and dreams yet more importantly or precisely He has made Himself known personally and intimately through Jesus who became flesh and dwelt among us who in turn has given the comforter or the Holy Spirit to indwell those who believe. So what more can we ask for besides just being directly translated to heaven?

Finally I would encourage you to pray in your own simple words for God to open you heart and reveal to you His truth concerning the person and work of Jesus Christ.



How to know God

Atheist and Agnostic Resources

English Articles on Atheism and Agnosticism


Who is God

Wednesday, September 7th, 2011

Well this is a very important question given that there are many diverse religions and cults in our world which are trying to provide an identity to this God crisis. One thing should be clear from the onset of this challenge is that all viewpoints about God are not equally valid and if you study comparative religions it is obvious that the notion of God is in some instances antithetical and irreconcilable between sects and therefore can not be adequately resolved. In these cases one could be right and the other wrong or they could both be wrong but they can’t both be right which would be a logical contradiction.

Eastern thought loves to embrace syncretism and pluralistic values in stating that all paths lead to the same reality like individuated streams making there way to the same reservoir of truth. Yet this oversimplification is not a honest and critical evaluation of these divergences. A better analogy is a reservoir whose outflow concerning the knowledge of God has become diluted and contaminated through its streams that have cut new channels in the bedrock of culture. If we were to somehow condense the central or essential elements between like religions there may be some similarities but the commonalities such as being classified as a religion doesn’t make Christianity identifiably Buddhist nor does it work in a floral arrangement either as a chrysanthemum is not a rose and therefore the saying goes that a rose is a rose is a rose. There are real differences here of which we can’t ignore and to say that it is all the same god with different expressions is to undermine these peculiarities leaving these religious world views without a real or unique expression.  For instance if you were to just to take one defining point or basic component to religion by identifying the nature of God you would have a vast array of ontological differences relating to  animism, pantheism, panentheism, polytheism, monotheism, etc.,etc. Obviously atheism such as found in traditional Buddhism and theism such as what represents classical Christian thought are mutually exclusive as they are not cooperative views about God. Satanism is a cult which is opposed to Christianity and desecrates anything considered  sacred or holy by the Christian faith to such a point they hold blasphemous black masses and define human value by making such statements as evil is good and good is evil.

Again it may be tempting when we notice similarities  to think that they are all worshipping the same God with different religious titles in being a manifestation of the same reality but to think or speak this way is a misstatement and an oversight to the reality of this problematic equation of defining God. For instance if you wanted to isolate the idea of  “likeness” we also share allot in common with the genetic makeup of  watermelons in that our bodies are largely made up of water and even though we are both living things that proceed from a common origin there are differences which sets us apart as separate substances. This idea of watermelon is just a ridiculous example of my point but the harmonizing of all religions is no less surreal.

Anyway I do recognize and concur that some of the similarities to religions is that we are all human beings which have common traits or more specifically perhaps there is a God who made all of mankind in His image with similar attributes as related to the generalities of human value which is a favorable  argument for a  monotheistic view towards God. Yet ironically this shared genetics and knowledge does not necessitate  the worship of a common god or a god concept which according to biblical definition is due to the corruption of human  nature which is a whole new subject which is beyond the scope of this post.

So from a  biblical perspective the bible states that we intuitively know God through the universality of general revelation by means of our intelligence as we possess a moral aptitude of conscious and a seeable cognition regarding the created order which speaks and conveys a comprehensible message about God. This knowledge however can be and has been ignored by suppressing  the truth in unrighteousness by giving way to false philosophies and religions which according to the author of Romans leaves us without excuse, Romans 1:18-2:16. Favorably speaking this idea is realized as some scientists,  psychologists, and sociologists hold to Judeo-Christian thought but what is unimaginable is that there is a community which refuses to reason about God even though they are perhaps the best equipped  in understanding this phenomenal extravaganza of such things as teleology in regards to the fine tuning of the universe or the complexities of the human psyche. This resistance of  bias has an agenda  which does not allow them to pass over the threshold of discovery due to their own personal presuppositions which adheres strongly to a naturalistic explanation to all things.  They may delegate  the concept of God to the metaphysical world of superstition which talks about such matters as faith and yet with forked tongue they can speak passionately and comfortably about conceptual ideas of unexplained hypothetical theories as if they are real but at the same time scoff about the idea of  God. For instance I just watched a program on near death experiences and it became obvious at the end of the show what they wanted to accomplish through this program which was to reassure people not to fear death. Still they could not explain why some people had hellish experiences and just dismissed it as a minority view or an anomaly and in turn focused much of their time on the heavenly experiences of individuals. They also tried to attribute these situations to the release of brain chemicals but they could not offer solutions for those who had a familiarity with things outside of their ability to know whether it was someone who had lost brain activity but were still aware of  their surroundings or a blind person who for the first time had visual images of real physical objects or the incidents of young children who have not yet had any kind of social conditioning but were able to communicate things beyond their capabilities.

So if they are able to succumb to these kinds of prejudices according to the strictest forms of discipline such as with the sciences then how much more can a person be deceived through some of the abstract ideas as related to philosophy or religion.

Anyway even with our human limitations if we begin our God quest by examining our motives through introspection this may be a good starting point towards finding a greater degree of illumination as we prayerfully and humbly research God in allowing the pieces of the puzzle to come together in forming a picture of  a specific reality. This is how Lee Strobel and Josh McDowell who were both devout atheist/agnostics came to know God.

Josh McDowell

Furthermore if you would be open to begin this search with integrity in an openness/ readiness to embrace the answers wherever they may lead you then I believe that God will make a way to reveal Himself to you in a very real sense by which you can trust and submit your life to Him. After all I think He is more interested in revealing Himself to you then you are to discover Him. This isn’t about a game of hide and go seek as God  desires to have an intimate relationship with His creation which finds fulfillment through a reciprocation of  love. We can imagine this just as we have been given the gift of human love through the care and nurture of  a mother which is a microcosm to the personal attributes of a loving God who created our mommies.

Anyway I have tried real hard not to include a lot of  Christianese in this blog and yet I realize that it is nearly impossible for me to speak meaningfully about this subject without imposing my beliefs. However, since a person must begin somewhere in their investigation I would encourage you to consider the monotheistic view as embraced by the largest religious body in the world which supports a Christian worldview. If anything this will give you a point of reference as you begin to compare other religious views.  I believe there are many favorable points to Christendom but one thing that sets it apart is the pragmatism of empirical evidence which goes beyond the abstractions of religious thoughts as testified by the many millions of radically changed lives including my own. I am including my families testimonies along with some others.

Another thing to consider about Christianity is that it largely supports a value system of honesty and who deals with dishonesty with the most strictest of consequences so that even if there is a bias it is tempered with truth. Anyway here are some good Christian websites to begin your study and they contain a wealth of information on comparative religions and competing philosophies as well.

Additionally there are outside and secondary sources which can also be utilized as a means of verifiability in the study of  literature, history, archaeology, and even scientific inquiry. You can view some of these issues on my blogsite at

Atheist /Agnostic/ Non-Theist

In conclusion to this challenge it is obvious that each religious ideology has its own unique expression in which they can’t all be right and therefore this makes the process of choice essential and necessary. Also this process doesn’t give us permission to randomly pick  by finding something that fits our own criteria as truth is independent of our conditional terms. Nor can we escape through default or by an impasse by taking the route of the skeptical agnostic as we are committed and accountable as reasoning beings who are cognitively connected to ultimate reality . To take a position that God can’t be known or that nothing can be spoken meaningfully about Him is to make an absolute statement which would imply that we are omniscient beings in which we are not.

This in turn does not suggest that we can know everything which is also wrong for all the same reasons but to say that we can know something about God is at least plausible whether now or futuristically.

If somehow you are really committed to taking this cynical approach are you willing to commit to this kind of  skepticism in regards to other aspects of your life and if not are you just being selective due to ulterior motives?

So anyway I am sorry to close on such a harsh note its just that if God “is” then this must be something that has to be settled as it is the most significant aspect to living especially if He has given us the breath of life. Finally I hope you pray to God in asking to reveal Himself to you in a more specific and tangible way so as to believe upon Him.


Jeremiah 29:13

13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.



How to know God

Atheist and Agnostic Resources

English Articles on Atheism and Agnosticism

Is God All Loving?

Sunday, August 21st, 2011

One objection to God centers on the presumption that if God is all loving then why does He severely penalize or punish others who have violated His commands, decrees and laws as expressed through the biblical text? Along with this criterion a person may likewise include the concept of God who allows for pain and suffering in the world and acts of war or violence along with the eternal judgment of hell which I have previously addressed in a few of my other posts.

I believe that the whole misunderstanding to this dilemma stems from the confusion about the nature of God who is ultimately good rather than inclusively loving. Goodness is more accurately defined as being balanced with the concept of justice coupled with the benefits of grace and mercy. For instance, humanely speaking we typically wouldn’t consider someone to be a good judge if he lovingly let the guilty party go free while allowing the innocent party to unjustly suffer. The exception to this is when the eternal Judge  grants clemency to those who are the beneficiaries of Christ’s substitutionary role as both victim and redeemer.

Anyway it’s pretty obvious why government to some degree mimics biblical principles in regards to having some moral absolutes by taking punitive actions towards matters of law otherwise you would end up with lawlessness and civil unrest. So for some to believe  that Darwinistic thought or naturalism will evolve to become a better alternative worldview by means of natural selection and survival of the fittest will only be disappointed to know that moral relativism will only result in the downfall not the uprising of mankind. We have seen this already acted out by the bloodiest regimes of this century that have killed more people than any other point in history as being under an atheistic ideology. This kind of rationale is what allows the abortions clinics to operate by justifying their actions in defining a baby as just an appendage of flesh. This kind of thinking is what is behind genocide which sees a need to exterminate life as based on its own criteria whatever that may be. Who knows perhaps it may be you who will one day be the victim of this godless system. When people become reduced to just animals and devalued to the point of classifying humanity as just another creature then this degradation leads to justify certain acts as instinctual. On the other hand to see the supremacy to human value in having a standardized view towards a  moral law code is to go beyond the confines of individualism to recognizing an overarching and sovereign principle of authority namely God.

So if  all these laws originate with God and not with man then these moral factors, if extrapolated  backwards in time and space from our immediate authority, will only end up at a source which is beyond mere humanity.

Thus mankind is innately hardwired with a moral conscious and it is only through the process of desensitization do we begin to loose touch with some of our moral capacity/faculties. Yet even then there remains a moral imprint which cannot be completely eradicated and the conscious is testable as with the polygraph machine which verifies that we know both psychologically and physiologically when we are being deceptive unless of course you are a sociopath. There has also been some research on this in which children were tested to see if they knew right from wrong and the results indicate that they are not merely a product of nurture but rather of nature.

The scriptures also bear witness to this in Romans which states that we are born with a capacity for morality that sets us apart as a special creation by which we bear the image of God in generally knowing right from wrong and good from evil so that even though mankind doesn’t have the biblical script as a divine guideline they still have an immediate general revelation of moral conscious towards a supreme creator so that they are without excuse. Therefore it is this law of conscience that results in guilt and shame when we transgress these internal law codes.


Romans 2:14-15

14 (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, 15 since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.)


So it is God’s intervention and impartation which is the basis for jurisprudence which allows for human civilization and yet this moral knowledge does not necessitate moral fortitude due to the sinfulness of the human nature.


Romans 1: 28-32

28 Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them. 


So even if the moral compass is off as seen through the variances among cultures there still remains universal standards of general law which always recognizes that such actions or conditions are invariably wrong such as the rape of a baby among other things.

These moral injunctions and responsibilities are actually an act of love in protecting the rights of others and to some degree even the rights of the offender by limiting the amount of retribution. This also mercifully portrays the boundaries of God’s law by informing us in order to preserve our life from God’s righteous judgments.

So I think what is really being challenged here is not so much the necessity of law and justice as it is the degree or the severity of which some of these crimes are to be punished.

Accordingly, the bible mentions such matters as capital punishment, annihilation and damnation as being ordered for certain individuals or societies. This may appear to be harsh or extreme to us but we can’t compete with an omniscient and omni benevolent God who knows the farthest outreaches of these evil actions and their subsequent consequences and therefore only He is best to judge the long term or ultimate effects of such unlawfulness. We can plainly see how some of these moral laws are neglected and their resultant effect on society which has led to some of the pain and suffering which is prevalent among our human cultures of which we are unable to heal the wounds of its injured victims nor reform the ways of its transgressors. Today some of these matters are not taken seriously and they are left to the realm of being archaic by the standards of modern society and contemporary trends of living. For instance sexual immorality is often trivialized and seen as a matter of preference to the point that society does not blush over these kinds of matters.

Yet much of these actions are at the very heart and center of what is to be viewed as essential for the health and survival of community and it is no wonder why these kinds of lawless societies begin to show signs of moral bankruptcy through their break up of families.

Yet more important than just these social factors is the idea that we are creaturely and are under the theocracy of a creator. So as a person intuitively and innately comes to this understanding they then become acutely aware that even though they may temporarily have freedom of choice they are ultimately responsible to the one who gave them life. Sin is not neutral and it no only affects and influences society but it is a flagrant offense of cosmic treason to the one who has given us the breath of life.

Part of the problem when looking at the consequences of violating God’s laws is that as humans we often underestimate our evil behavior and rationalize and trivialize matters until we numb our moral conscious towards matters of right and wrong by arrogantly making the assumption that we are basically good. Yet the problem is that we often wrongfully confuse our principle of goodness with God’s standard of righteousness.

Yet the biblical record states that according to God there is none righteous; not even one and all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Additionally our thoughts are not His thoughts nor our ways His ways and too often when measuring moral infractions we find ourselves just comparing apples to apples and yet God has overturned the applecart in search for something edible only to find that all apples are rotten at the core.

Also God is not to be completely associated or identified with the fruitlessness of humanity in that He exists as a “holy other.” Furthermore the relativity of this age may downplay offense through human comparisons but when compared against the righteousness of God’s character their acts according to the bible is no more than filthy menstrual clothes. A better analogy is if you had a scale in which you weighed the cumulative acts of all humanity against the holiness of God which would still not be enough to tip the scale in mankind’s favor. We can’t think that some good is good enough because God demands moral perfection as no flesh will glory in His sight. What acts of goodness that we are able to do is only just a miniscule reflection of something that is yet more glorious.

Additionally, the appearance of right actions does not mean a true intention or even right thinking as an individual could be motivated by the selfishness of greed, power, self piety, etc. In addition to this God omnisciently discerns and judges the very thoughts and motives of our hearts by which guilt is likewise imposed against the iniquitous party. For example fornication is extended to the point that you become an adulterer of heart through the eyes of lust or you become a coveter without even apprehending your desires or a murderer of sorts through inappropriate anger.


Matthew 5:21

“You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ 22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment.


Matthew 5:27

27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Do not commit adultery.’ 28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.


So as you can see we all miss the mark of God’s target even though we may possibly perform some good acts throughout the course of our life. However, these acts or works are reckoned to us as being obligatory not meritorious and committing  one sin is the same as reaping the benefits or consequences of all sin whereby the penalty for sin is ultimately spiritual death or separation from God in that the soul that sins will die. This may appear to be an inequality of justice but all sin must be judged as God cannot eternally cohabit with sin or the sin nature.

At this point it becomes quite obvious that there is no one who can live up to the demands of God’s righteousness requirements and even the disciples of Jesus were feeling the weightiness of these commandments by stating “who then can be saved from God’s wrath” whereby Jesus stated “with man it is impossible but with God all things are possible.”

Therefore all sin will be judged accordingly as none of us can be truly spared in that the rigor mortis of spiritual death is a condition of the human soul from inception to the grave. It is only the new birth of the Spirit than can overcome this natural birth of the womb.

In retrospect to this matter the response concerning God is that He is good and His mercy endures forever and therefore God has made a way in making a provision of love, grace, and mercy through the saving act of Christ who delivered us from the ultimate consequences of judgment which is hell. This took place as God himself took on the form of humanity as our representative in bearing the justice of our sins and imputing to us His righteousness which would have otherwise left everyone guilty before the tribunal of God because all have sinned and likewise would have perished. That’s why it is amazing grace because God did for us what we couldn’t do for ourselves even through our best efforts of humanism and religion.

In response to this moral dilemma the bible says that there is no greater love than this then for a man to lay down his life for his friends and yet Christ died for us while we were yet His enemies. The godly interceding for the ungodly and that is something to muse about my friend when questioning God’s capacity for love.

Now in returning to the supposed controversy regarding the severity of sin some may contend  that this is somehow God’s fault in that He created mankind knowing we would be weak and fallible creatures which in turn would make evil choices and therefore we were set up to fail from the get go.

Yet when God formed his original creation it was good but the dilemma to free nature is the dichotomy for the potential of good/evil and without this choice then we are delegated to being robotic entities. God made mankind in such a way in which we would willfully serve or deny him which sets us apart from the animal world regarding our intellect as free moral agents in response to God.

So whether its through personal experience or worldwide observation we see bad things happening and yet even with all of this resident evil the earth may still be considered the best of all potential worlds which God could have possibly made therefore minimizing the impact of evil. Regardless, it is not possible to have a sinless world as we are not God and because we all have a will then sooner or latter the inevitable presence of sin will emerge, such as with Adam and Eve, and so it’s not a matter of “if” mankind would fall but rather “when”. God’s original goodness of man didn’t even make it past the glorious garden and so how much better do you think any of us would have fared on this outcome? Only God himself is perfect and in order for sinless beings to exist means that we would all have to be God which is a contradiction at this point as we are diametrically distinguished as contingent beings apart from God’s necessary being in which we are ontologically different as the creature is not the creator. At best we are made in God’s image as He has left an impression of the divine will upon our hearts.

Yet in spite of this shortcoming it was God who lovingly and mercifully gave us a means of rescue and salvation before the foundation of the world was even laid by providing Christ as our mediator in giving His life as an exchange on our behalf consequently putting to death our fallen adamic nature.

Again the primary infraction is the universality of a sin nature by which we repress our capacity to know and worship God in accordance with the general revelation of truth. For instance we may favor naturalization over intelligent design or Freudian thought against a mind that is cognizant and conscious towards a supreme moral being.

Therefore the primary sin is denial and rejection of God and the honor and glory that is due His name.


Romans 1:18-25

18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. 

21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. 

24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. 


Continuing on in referring to God’s perpetual justice; if this earthly existence is all there was then what justice might there be to allow wickedness to go unpunished in this life or righteousness to be left unrewarded in this domain. Yet determinately God has provided for the realms of life and death according to the eternal habitation of heaven and hell.

In the final analysis, like it or not , it is God’s prerogative to make the rules and we can either obey them or reject them. At this point it is more of a matter concerning moral choice rather than an intellectual problem. It is God who should be consulted on matters of law as it is His gavel which overrules all human government. So if God “is” then His standards are absolute and like Job we must humbly see ourselves as a lump of clay who submits to being molded according to the craftsmanship of the master potter by which we have been designed according to God’s purposes and not our own.

In conclusion the hostile sinner challenges God’s love as they only see God’s wrath and impending judgment but to their fault they neglect to apprehend the salvific benefits of Christ. Maybe the question we should ask ourselves is why in His long suffering has He not already destroyed us in our wickedness and why has He persevered with the human race as long as He has without wiping us off the face of the earth? The scripture tells us plainly why God withholds his judgment and that is because His desire it that none should perish but that all should have everlasting life. So after all maybe you have overlooked  God’s love because you are just looking for love in all the wrong places.

Lastly you may not have no immediate conviction from this post and yet just like the emperor who had no clothes you are unsuspectingly displaying your nakedness in plain sight of all without being aware of your true nature which is spiritually barren and destitute. You may lift your head up high in your prideful procession in life; not willing to look at yourself in fear of noticing your true condition but nonetheless that does not make you any less revealing before God and others. You can’t ignore the fact and it just a matter of time before your parade will be over.

Perhaps you may be convicted by these very words that I spoke of here and maybe these statements may cause you to fear concerning the severity of God’s law then hopefully this will help serve to motivate you to do some serious soul searching. This post was not designed to leave you hopelessly paralyzed with despair nor was it intended to be the sole basis of your decision to follow Christ. One thing that I hope it accomplished was to give you a  glimpse of revelation concerning the essence of God’s goodness and love in which He sent Jesus to personally save you by lovingly allowing you to respond to His kindness which leads us to repentance.

Anyway this may not satisfactorily answer your questions but minimally God’s goodness of justice and love go hand in hand in bringing forth the righteousness of His eternal law which informs, protects, rewards, punishes as well as honors the name of God in bringing about His will and purpose for mankind.

Finally I would like to leave you with a scripture which helps portray the love by which Christ has shouldered our moral burden.


Matthew 11:28-30

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” 



How to know God

Atheist and Agnostic Resources

English Articles on Atheism and Agnosticism

Textbook Lies

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011

Often times when we read a scholastic book we often take it for granite that we are reading a factual account of reality. Yet these resources sometimes carry an agenda which is elusive to the general populace but finds public acceptance and approval as being trustworthy without challenge. This is the situation with some scientific studies and findings which are not only bogus but they are intellectually dishonest and downright corrupt. These illusions and misconceptions have poisoned the minds of all ages giving them a basis on which to establish a fallible worldview as related to evolutionary theory as afforded by this pseudoscientific pretense.

An example of this is the “peppered moth” study which was supposed to be a good example of natural selection but what these textbooks won’t tell you is that these moths don’t naturally appear on trees trunks and that the pictures were fraudulent as they were glued to the tree.

There is also the exaggerated drawings of Ernst Haeckel who took the artistic liberties of depicting different drawings of various animal embryos to give the appearance of making unrelated species look similar. This was a way of portraying that all of life has evolved through similar stages as being interrelated through a common ancestry. What these spectators don’t take into account is that these living creatures are hardly discernable at the earliest stages of life and that there are certain life supporting components that are essential to all of these creatures which utilize the same common elements within the environment. In response to these drawings there were actual photographs taken in 1997 by the embryologist Dr. Michael Richardson which refutes the artistic imagination of Haeckel.

Another myth is that we have vestigial organs, which at one timed numbered over 100,  and these organs were thought to be  the leftover remains of our evolutionary past and therefore they are depicted as just some extra form of human baggage. Yet these organs have been proven to be beneficial to contemporary man and just because something can be surgically removed, such as the appendix or the tonsils, doesn’t mean that we are cutting off a needless body part and to do so can compromise or alter our health and well being.

Also there are the images of Neanderthal man which have been altered to make it look like the lower jaw is a protrusion resembling that of a monkey. This fakery was accomplished by dislocating the jawbone and jutting it forward in order to give it this appearance. However when the jaw is properly placed it looks no different then that of modern man.

In addition to this there are those drawings of the evolutionary tree which is to somehow show the relationship between the species but in reality it is only the wishful thinking of the evolutionary theorists who forcibly manipulate an association between these groups. The problem with this diagram is that it is missing all the links or transitional life forms which are necessary to make sense of this otherwise unintelligible philosophy. Ironically there are no provable specimens to date that fill in these gaps and with all of the fossil evidence that we have it appears that this is a figment of human invention and imagination in attempting to make a leap of faith to formulate this faulty logic and imagery.

Finally there is Stanley Miller and Harold Urey who supposedly re-created the early stages of life in producing amino acids and yet their tests were conducted under the wrong conditions as their gaseous mixture was not the right atmosphere for the earth which would have contained volcanic gases instead of a hydrogen rich environment and therefore their test results were invalid.

In conclusion the conspiracy behind these theoretical beliefs and hoaxes is that they are still being taught within our educational system today. This shows that the scientific community is more interested in tickling the ears of the general public by taking advantage of misinformed individuals in preaching their message of propaganda which favors a worldview that is hostile to God as its exploits science at the expense of the scientific endeavor to discover and explore truth.



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Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., “Survival of the Fakest,” The American Spectator, December 2000/January 2001, p.20

Jesus and Miracles

Saturday, June 11th, 2011

One thing to consider when contemplating the miracles of Jesus is whether or not you have a God concept to begin with. If God exists then it isn’t too hard to bridge the gap between nature and super nature. So to begin with if you have questions related to agnosticism and atheism I have written some posts about this subject at

Atheist /Agnostic/ Non-Theist

Anyway when contemplating this question perhaps a person should first consider their own preconceptions and biases before delving into the objections regarding the idea of the miraculous. I think the best approach is to be open to the possibilities and even see the supernatural as a plausible explanation to what may be classified as mysterious or unidentifiable phenomena.

Skepticism as related to this matter is built into the framework of our society as we at times have been deceived by impostors but just because we have had some bad experiences doesn’t necessitate us taking a position where we throw out the baby with the bath water.

Also as finite creatures we have only just begun to discover the tip of the iceberg when it comes to obtaining phenomenal knowledge as none of us are either omniscient or omnipresent. That’s why science uses such loose words as theory because there is always the element of unknown factors that arise to be discovered. Sometimes these ideas have to be retheorized as they may either be wrong or insufficient. However some in the scientific field would rather look the other way and provide ad hoc arguments rather than violate their limited vocabulary by allowing the term God or miracles to be mentioned. Many in the scientific community may argue that they can not study these entities or ideals and therefore they would categorize them as being mythological in nature and yet they are inconsistent in their position by making certain a priori assertions by pursuing such unknown things as quarks, strings, gravitons and black holes. They can even speak dogmatically about these things to the point that it is believable and use their authority of academia and education to swoon you to believe. On the positive side of scientific inquiry it may be surprising for you to know that there have been notable contributors and prominent scientists that do not always have a faith system of naturalism when it comes to the cosmos. Here is a list of scientists who were recognized and accomplished in their fields and still held on to a theistic worldview which would include the storyline of the bible along with miracles.

It is also interesting to note that there is an audience that is enamored with all of these paranormal reality shows and maybe this is because 8 out of 10 Americans believe in miracles which includes a third of the American public who have claimed to of experienced them.

We live in a sophisticated and technological world and these belief systems aren’t just limited to tribal groups but these are people who are educated in modern society and therefore not everybody believes the press about atheism and anti-supernaturalism. Also most of the world has a religious position and some of those who subscribe to atheism are individuals who have been suppressed by a Godless system. For instance we are seeing the resurgence of religion in Russia after the fall of Communism in the Soviet Union and this is a sign that religion cannot be effectively exterminated by an anti-God philosophy.

In moving on to the evidence for the miracles of Jesus it may seem minute from a historical vantage point yet there are still miracles happening today as there was then. I am including some links about people who from a world wide audience have experienced the miracles of Jesus and even though I can’t verify each of these cases perhaps you could at least give them some consideration by listening to their testimonies and then you can judge accordingly.

So from an ancient perspective the discussion of miracles is more difficult to substantiate apart from the bible as there are only a few external resources which make reference to Jesus.

Of these limited sources that are available there are not enough documents during this particular era of history regarding this specific region that would allow us to peer objectively into the life and miracles of Christ. In spite of this Jesus has been mentioned in both Jewish and Roman resources which gives credence to Him as being a historical character even though it does not confirm nor deny His miracles. Perhaps the lack of material was due to an inadequate knowledge which at times may have been second hand and minimal as Christianity was initially localized and was more of Jewish movement which was primarily maintained in the Jewish sector as an in house matter. Nevertheless as this movement began to grow Rome began to take notice of them as well and from here some of these reports were being generated.

The fact that these letters did not contain information about the miracles of Jesus may be because they were only dealing with the matter at hand versus writing an autobiography on the person and works of Christ.

It’s really speculation why this information is not found and from an opponents view this may seem like an argument for the latter addition of mythological components into the text since there is no mention of miracles from this correspondence and yet these biblical documents were developed quite early enough that it is unlikely that these myths could of been fabricated as a apart of the storyline which usually takes place over a period of two generations. However, there is a reference that is recorded in the Jewish Talmud which is unsympathetic towards Jesus and which mentions these miracles and healings but gives credit to Him as a sorceress. It is understandable how the Jewish sector would know more about this since they were Jesus’ primary audience and mission. So I believe that it is a credible source document because it is hostile to Christ and therefore his enemies have countered these suppositions by giving some verifiable evidence concerning His miracles even though the source or nature of these events is misdirected. So anyway in light of the testimony of this Jewish resource we really don’t have any good reason not to believe in the miracles of Christ.

In addition to this there is some internal evidence which I believe gives credence to these miracle stories when using the Bible as a primary source document and therefore I have written a post about the reliability of the bible which adds to the authenticity of these miraculous accounts.

Also the New Testament letters and documents were written from either the primary witnesses or interviewers of such witnesses to these Christ events.

This is important because as Christians they held to a strict moral code that if they were to tamper with these texts in a fraudulent matter this would have been considered damnable based on the New Testament teaching about liars. So it is inconsistent to see a conspiracy theory as based upon this criterion.

Additionally many of these eyewitnesses were persecuted and condemned to death and so to perish for a cause that you have been far removed from in time and space is one thing but its quite another to knowingly die for a lie.

Moreover when considering the miracles of Jesus they are relatively demythologized compared to the Nag Hammadi gnostic gospels which show more of a mythical portrayal of Christ by eradicating his humanity. At least from a New Testament perspective the miracles of Jesus are referred to in real life variables not as unicorns, tooth fairies, Santa Claus, or the Easter Bunny.

When Jesus turned the water into wine we understand all of the components that surround the miracle as being materially real and identifiable unless you are one of those who think everything is an illusion.

Lastly it would be difficult for this early community of believers to thrive an multiply since these claims of resurrection and miracles could of been easily challenged or refuted since Jesus went public with many of these signs and wonders.

In regards to Jesus’ miracles some have responded in promoting a gratuitous position to these events by assigning them to the realm of the allegorical as a figure of speech but this approach is contrary to the scholarly approach of sound hermeneutics and exegesis which strives to get at the true intent or meaning of these miracle stories.

Finally you may be one of those who believe in the supernatural but deny God and yet by taking such a position does nothing to disprove that God exists as a part of this realm and if anything it helps to open the door in allowing the possibility of God to waltz right on in.

In dealing with the supernatural this should beg the question for a deeper reality of importance in going beyond the sensationalism of the unknown as in being confronted with the matter of ontology as it relates to a conjunction between the material and non-material world. It should cause us to think beyond the peripheries of life to that of a more significant existence and to perhaps contemplate a personal association or responsibility towards a reality which could bring the potential for there being a God kind.

You may say well if God exists then he would miraculously show himself to me and yet the Psalmist says that he already displays His work in creation and in the book of Romans the scripture reads that we are given the moral capacity to understand God so that through this general revelation we are without excuse. Yet you may be saying I need the special revelation of God and perhaps you will receive it but does seeing necessitate believing? Is that really the only thing that is coming between you and God is some mysterious manifestation or is this just a red herring for you to claim a state of ignorance and innocence to your unbelief?

Again you may see the paranormal as something fascinating and entertaining but I believe it overlooks the more relevant questions or conclusions to the message of the supernatural such as the existence of God and who am I and what is my purpose in relationship to this God or Jesus.

If this kind of logic or reasoning makes you feel uncomfortable, resistant, and hostile by rejecting the idea of God then perhaps you need to ask yourself what is the true motivation for your feelings.

The bible states that the human heart is deceitful above all things and therefore if you fail to identify the true reason to this dilemma then I would encourage you to seek God on this matter as a starting point.

If you are sincere in resolving this tension but are unsure then it would behoove you to approach God with a simple and genuine prayer in asking Him to open up your heart to understand what can’t always be readily embraced. In so doing I  pray that God would make Himself known to you in a fuller way so as to entrust your life to Him and then see what He will do.

In conclusion I know I didn’t answer every question or address every issue  to the miracles of Jesus but I hope it got you to think about what you may have considered unthinkable before or maybe at least it left you with a reasonable doubt to a anti-miracle position.

In the final analysis taking a position on this matter is not like frivolously choosing a favorite ball team but rather this is about facing the reality of the most important aspect of living which is a relationship to this God of miracles. In the end it doesn’t matter what I want to believe nor does it matter in what you want to avoid but rather we should seek after truth and allow the evidence to direct us through the bases of life with the goal of reaching home plate having been declared safe by this umpire called truth.

In closing I will leave you with my personal testimony.



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“Beyond Opinion” Copyright 2007 by Ravi Zacharias and fellow author Alister McGrath Ch. 2, published by Thomas Nelson, Nashville, Tennessee

“Jesus Under Fire”  Copyright 1995 by Michael J. Wilkins, J.P. Moreland, Craig Blomberg, Darrell Bock, William Lane Craig, Craig A. Evans, Douglas Geivett, Gary Habermas, Scot McKnight, and Edwin Yamauchi

Used by Permission from Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49530

Mutations and Evolution

Tuesday, May 17th, 2011

Mutations supposedly benefit the advancement of life through the concept of evolutionary theory by means of natural selection. Yet mutations have not been proven to progress life but rather they have shown to be either neutral or harmful towards an organism. Also mutations do not add any new genetic information to the gene pool but only leads to a loss of information as DNA can not be improved on and will more than likely lead to sterilization and death versus a proliferation of life.

All of this mutation business is to somehow lead to the configuration of a new species but if we were to look at the fossil records there is only the evidence for extinction rather than an emerging/transitional species which requires new genetic information.  If makes you wonder if life really occurred billons of years ago and based on the evidence of  extinction its any wonder that there should be any life at all and therefore it appears that there is a better case for the demise of all living organisms versus the rise of species. After all we hear on a regular basis about extinctions but when have you ever heard about a new species?

Additionally, if this process is a necessary means to the end regarding the survival of the fittest then why should we use modern conservationism to try to save those species which are considered endangered contrary to the historical and natural processes of elimination?

If we really thought that mutations meant the advancement of life then why don’t these same scientists who support this theory put themselves and their family and pets in some nuclear hotspots to benefit the race such as with Chernobyl or Three Mile Island? That’s because they realistically know that exposure to radiation is harmful and not helpful in advancing society unless you see population control as being beneficial.

Also why doesn’t society outlaw abortion for those women who have abnormal pregnancies as this could mean a developed improvement with time? You may argue that it appears to be presently harmful which becomes a judgment call and a immediate inference in light of what distant and future genetic mutations may take place to advance the human genome.

Again, along this line of thought it takes special pleading to somehow show that these mutations take long periods of time to be beneficial which based upon the fossil evidence and modern phenomena these transitional species are non-existent. Not only that but to base science on the inductive reasoning of naturalism by assimilating a deductive hypothesis of  beneficial mutations is more an inspiration of mythological speculation and imagination then the scientific method.

Now in regards to manipulated genetic modifications it is one thing to see diversity for instance in the dog kingdom due to the loss of  genetic information but in the end a dog is still a dog. Micoevolution within a species is not a problem as we readily see variations within species but to be indoctrinated to believe that all of these small variations lead over time to a huge jump (of faith) towards the macroevolutionary process of molecule to man is a fraudulent and unfounded claim. It is a desperate attempt to salvage the question of life with a naturalistic philosophy versus a theistic view of reality.

Whatever future course that science takes  it will be a biased and predisposed approach towards embracing something in opposition to an innately obvious sense of otherness. Evolution is the predominate secular theory for now but based on their own philosophical presuppositions they are subjected to their own criteria which states that most everything is in a constant  state of flux and therefore as their theory continues to be proved obsolete or inadequate it may have to be replaced with the obvious and superior evidence of intelligent design as the future of this movement appears to be bleak.

If science commits to an alternative view of intelligent design then perhaps they will take a position that life was somehow generated from an unknown and advanced alien race while avoiding the God question at all cost. Maybe the true motivation behind any futuristic revisionist outlook to the concept of origins is really more about a science of escapism rather than objective truth.

In summary with all of the technological advancements and modern technology that we have available there has never been any scientist that has ever observed a random mutation to produce a new hormone, enzyme or simple organ.

When looking at DNA as the building blocks of life we see thousands of pages of complex and technical information which is essential and basic for all of life’s functionality. This information requires a code which in turns involves a mental source rather than some mindless random act of chance.

Life abounds in the language of the cell and yet can this degree of intelligence, by which we have only discovered the tip of the iceberg, be formed by a state of non-intelligence?

Could it be that the language of the cell is really been programmed by a “Creator” who  not only speaks to us from a cosmic plane but also on a cellular level as well?


Psalms 19:1-4

1 The heavens declare the glory of God;

the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

2 Day after day they pour forth speech;

night after night they display knowledge.

3 There is no speech or language

where their voice is not heard.

4 Their voice goes out into all the earth,

their words to the ends of the world.


Romans 1:18-23

18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. (false religion and philosophy)



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Michael Pitman, Adam and Evolution (London:Rider Press, 1981), pp.67,68

The Resurrection of Jesus

Thursday, April 14th, 2011

When writing about the resurrection it is the cornerstone of the Christian faith whereby this movement stands or falls. 1 Corinthians 15:17 17 And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.

To begin with Jesus is seen as a historical character, unlike some mythological beings, who underwent the brutal death of crucifixion of which even the New Testament critics will acknowledge.

Unfortunately when reporting on this event we didn’t have the benefit of the BBC or CNN news. Nor did we have the convenience of electronic media or the printing press. Nevertheless even if we had these great means and modes of communication a person must still wade through the quagmire of bias from a mostly liberal media.

Anyway in addition to the bible I will try to give some external resources to help build a case concerning the plausibility of this event but regrettably these secondary accounts are mostly inferences.

To begin with the New Testament will be the primary source document in which I will be referencing. In exploring the NT it is often set apart in ancient literature as containing exceptional textual evidence regarding its historical and archaeological accuracy yet in spite of this the critic would be quick to point out that there are supposedly mythical components to this text as well. Yet to begin an analysis with this kind of presupposition regarding everything that is related to super nature is already a prejudicial view towards a monumental work which I believe is unwarranted. Anyway I have written some posts about Atheism and Agnosticism which deals with the possibilities of God and therefore if Jesus is deity according to the biblical testimony then anything is possible.

Atheist /Agnostic/ Non-Theist

Now regarding the circumstances that surround the details of the crucifixion/resurrection as published in the NT there is what is referred to as the embarrassment  factor which helps to authenticate the credibility of the gospels.

Such criteria for this premise would be the cowardice of the disciples such as the denial of Christ and fleeing the scene to hide. We even see one disciple initially rejecting the testimony of the postmortem resurrection appearances of the Lord. Additionally, it was the women at the tomb who were the first witnesses to the resurrection instead of the inner circle of men who were considered his closest companions and associates such as John, James, and Peter. In ancient times a women’s testimony was invalid and yet they are the key observers of this initial appearance.

Also much of the Bible is given in very realistic language  and is often not overly sophisticated or glamorous in its descriptive rhetoric which often gives a less than favorable light especially towards those who are considered its caregivers.  Many ancient texts if given enough time through their oral traditions or resultant large gaps  between the original and subsequent copies have a tendency to mythologize the text and we can see this clearly with the invention of the apocryphal books such as the Egyptian Hag Namadi documents which give a more mystical and fanciful decor to the outlook of the NT by concocting a legendary scene of the biblical worldview. So the New Testament is considered relatively demythologized already as based on the comparisons of these texts which I have written about in another blog as well

So is it more likely to believe in a hyper form of script or is it more plausible to affirm a simplified version which is portrayed as being unpolished in an ordinary version concerning the person and work of Christ?

Also when considering the sincerity of the disciples of Jesus it is inconceivable how they would be willing to lay down their lives for a dead lie, such as the resurrection, especially if the scuttlebutt was that they supposedly stole the body  as what many critics both past and present have suggested.

Additionally, the NT records that the disciples were hiding themselves which seems like a more common reaction then having a boldness to move the body by violating the edict of Caesar who enacted a large fine for anybody who would violate another persons burial site and who later issued a death sentence for grave robbery or disturbing the burial plot. So to put oneself in harms way unnecessarily is contrary to how the New Testament portrays this often fearful group and is contrary to self preservation especially since many of these disciples suffered rather than temporarily benefiting from this growing faith.

It is understandable how someone may sacrifice their lives as a martyr when they revere a person of whom they have been far removed from in time or space or say a charismatic person who has swayed and hypnotically convinced them of his or her greatness. People can be disillusioned and spell bound by being caught up in a cultish affinity of devotion in a follow the leader type of mentality. You know there is nothing unique about this phenomena as this is a common occurrence among rock stars to cult leaders. Yet to continue to follow someone who has instilled in His followers hearts a death and resurrection scenario only to fulfill one half of the equation is just plain crazy even from a cult phenomena. If he had only risen in their hearts in a spiritual or a allegorical/metaphorical dimension then the NT would support this stance by changing the headlines of their story and yet the bible does not communicate it this way but rather it displays the text in a very literally graphic way which gives no leeway for misinterpretation. Also how plausible would it be for all the disciples to have hallucinatory visions which some have suggested?

In addition to this the belief in the resurrection was not an evolutionary apologetic invention as it encapsulates the oldest recognizable creed of the early church as found in 1 Corinthians 15:3-8  stating that Jesus died for our sins and was buried and raised from the dead on the third day and appeared to them not in visions or dreams but who manifested Himself tangibly and visibly. After all they could of just made up another story which would be more in agreement with the Jewish expectations of their time which only saw the resurrection as an end time event and not as an isolated incident as we have here with Jesus. They could of still held out His glory and enshrined His tomb and just said that He will return and restore all things in the coming age. Ironically, if their purpose was to somehow benefit personally from this message then it wouldn’t make sense to fabricate  a story about a resurrection when the people you were reaching out to were not in agreement to this gospel message which at times even befuddled the apostles as well.

To say that these Apostles anticipated all of these objections by putting together a script that had such levels of sincerity and ignorance as a way to seduce others into a messianic frenzy is highly unlikely. In order to fabricate a text like this that has the appearance of originality and truthfulness is a complicated sophistication that normally evolves with age and yet based on the relativity short duration between the autograph and the copy leaves a short period of time whereby to embellish the texts.

I think another criteria for authenticity is Luke’s gospel which has a commitment to displaying the facts through the careful interviews of contemporary eyewitness accounts such as described by his historical approach in which he plainly explains his intent and motivation from the onset of his letter, Luke 1.

Another aspect to the testimony of the New Testament is its emphasis on the nature of truth which is at the very heart of Christian ethics and so for the apostles or the copyist to perjure themselves this way would put them in danger of eternal judgment.

Finally in conclusion to the testimony of the reliability of the New Testament I have written a post which may be of interest to you

In moving on to dealing with secondary references there were not many resources  available that were reporting at this time in history about this particular geographical location and even if there were it wouldn’t necessarily guarantee that the reporting would be right on target. Of those records that have survived they are diverse enough to give us some idea of what had taken place which includes both Jewish and Roman sources which are both unsympathetic towards this movement and these records can be found in the Talmud, Tacitus, Josephus and Pliny the younger which confirm the life and death of Jesus along with his alleged resurrection.

We also see a historical figure of James or Jacob the brother of the Lord who was the head of the Jerusalem church and who at one time was not supportive towards his brother in that he mocked Him and thought Him to be crazy. So for James to be convinced enough to be a leader of the movement and then die as a martyr is a paradox at worst. James more than most knew the real Jesus in a very ordinary way as they both lived together under the same roof and for him to be committed to worship a member of his own household is a strange devotion for someone who would have been considered a charlatan.

Another secondary source is the jewish Tanakh or the hebrew bible and even though Christians use this Old Testament as their sacred scriptures its origination predates  Christianity as proven by the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls and therefore it is a good resource when contemplating such matters.

The Old Testament speaks of a chief Messianic figure who would die an unduly or untimely death. Yet God would not allow this holy one to see decay by giving Him the light of life as seen in the motif of Psalms 16 and Isaiah 53. These scriptures may seem to be vague and a bit obscure for a definitive case but in turn we don’t see any concrete evidence which would adequately refute this position either.

Another aspect of controversy is that Jesus is identified with the dying and rising gods of other ancient religions which were associated with the seasonal cycles of life and death and yet these gods were presented in a mythological fashion of which the literature postdates Christianity. So to associate the origin of this belief on foreign sources is erroneous.

Also there have been a lot of theories on how Christ may have been resuscitated instead of resurrected such as the swoon theory where Jesus regains consciousness and is able to  just walk away after he had been severely scourged, crucified, and speared and then somehow naturally recovers from this death blow. However, in spite of this theory there is no alleged record of His recovery whether it be secular or religious. Had Jesus recovered like this then perhaps this may of helped their case by which He miraculously overcomes death. Also how could they preach a resurrection if He was still alive knowing full well that they were just propagating a falsehood?

To come up with theories may be intriguing to some as based on our insatiable desire for the unknown regarding conspiracy theories but just because we can be entertained with these notions seems more like the efforts of an escape artist versus and kind of academic entreaty.

Also to preach the resurrection among their contemporaries would be quite difficult due to the popularity of Jesus gravesite. After all if Jesus was still in the tomb then it could be easily proven whether or not His grave was occupied.

Some other things to consider is my own personal life transformation which cannot be argued against from an experiential point of view because I am a life that was radically changed literally overnight. It’s one thing to change your mind about something or even to have an emotional spiritual experience but what I am referring to is a sense of  immediacy which was so abrupt that from a human standpoint I know that it would be impossible for me to change myself apart from divine intervention and so for me to deny the identity of the resurrected Christ who gave me life would be a lie and an act of hatred towards others by withholding this gospel truth. Many people try religion from a do and don’t approach of works or some form of self help program but what I am talking about here is what is referred to in the bible as being born again when the Lord changes you from the inner part of your being much like taking a bath on the inside. I speak more about this in my personal testimony at

Actually this is not only my story but is characteristic of many hundreds of millions of people from all walks of life such as doctors, politicians, historians and scientists and to say that my experience is coincidental is just close mindedness.

Also for those of you who are interested in Near Death Experiences I am also including a link regarding the testimonies of others who have seen the risen Christ.

One other thing that boggles the mind is the universal acceptance of Jesus as the Jewish Messiah when much of the non-jewish world has been antisemitic and hostile towards the Jews at different times in history.

Lastly as children we played the game of “where’s Waldo” and as adults we were wondering if somehow Elvis faked his death as people claimed to have seen him. Yet today we have people who would like to associate this matter as a game or a conspiracy theory because normally dead men don’t rise.

This reminds me of when people first see the showcase of Ripley’s freakish anomalies where our minds have a tendency to automatically associate this stuff with some kind of trickery and that’s because its largely outside of our sphere of experience. This even happens among the scientific elite of our society who specialize in the knowledge of phenomena and even in their field of expertise they are at times shocked by their discoveries or they find that there are limitations regarding their knowledge of certain things and so like this show these matters may have unknown natural explanations but this does not necessarily rule out metaphysical possibilities of which we as finite creatures are yet to break through the barrier of omniscience.

Finally, can you honestly ask yourself if you had been there and witnessed what the apostles and others had testified to that you would have readily embraced this faith by surrendering your life to Jesus? If there is a hesitancy to submit yourself to this concept  then perhaps your real motivation of skepticism is beyond the need for evidence but rather it is a matter of willful volition.

In closing all I would challenge you to do  is to be open to the possibilities that I have expressed in regards to “where is Jesus” and to just ask God with an honest heart to make Jesus tangibly real so that you can trust Him as the Lord and Savior of your life.

Lastly as you trust in God’s intervention of revelation regarding Jesus this matter will still need to be resolved by you, believe it or not.



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“Jesus Under Fire” Copyright 1995 by Michael J. Wilkins, J.P. Moreland, Craig Blomberg, Darrell Bock, William Lane Craig, Craig A. Evans, Douglas Geivett, Gary Habermas, Scot McKnight, and Edwin Yamauchi

Used by Permission from Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49530

“Reprinted by permission. “(A Ready Defense), Josh McDowell and Bill Wilson, copyright 1990, Thomas Nelson Inc. Nashville, Tennessee. All rights reserved.”