Archive for the ‘English’ Category

Why are you a Muslim?

Sunday, June 14th, 2009

Why are you a Muslim? Have you really every considered this question or given it much thought? Was it because you personally discovered a means of truth or gained some kind of revelation or spiritual insight to life? Is it because you were naturally drawn into the religion of Islam due to some kind of intimate and personal relationship with G-d?

Are you a Muslim because that is what  your culture and society defines you to be? Just consider if you had been born and raised in the area of the US that is considered the bible belt. Under these conditions what do you think your chances would of been in accepting or believing in the Islamic faith?

Are you a Muslim because you don’t have the freedom of choice and to do otherwise  would cost you everything? Imagine once again that  you were born into a democratic society that allowed you the right of religious freedom. Would you still be a Muslim?

Are you a Muslim because that is what your family expects from you and because they are the ones who define your worldview and values?  What if you belonged to a family that allowed you to make your own decision concerning what you believe and fully accepted you regardless of your position?

Are you a Muslim because that is what everybody else is doing? What if you were a part of a culture that allowed for a diversity of beliefs? Would this still inspire you  to embrace Islam?

Are you following Islam because you have been told by the religious authorities and instructed through the educational system that Islam is the only true religion? Imagine being born in a atheistic country that had a whole different philosophy to a G-dless life. Would you still be a Muslim?

Are you a Muslim  because of the fear of not being a Muslim or the repercussions from not accepting this belief or faith yet what if you were not faced with these fears or inhibitions?

Is it possible that Islam is regarded as a practice that is defined to some degree  by a geographical location?

Is it possible that a person can be so integrated into a religious system that it becomes nearly impossible to break free from its influence?

Is it possible to believe only what we have been told to believe with a blind faith mentality that can not be questioned?

Can a person become so isolated within a culture that He cannot be influenced by outside sources?

Can a religion be a way of controlling and manipulating people in carrying out a political agenda?

Should a  religion cause you to lose a sense of personal identity?

Can you honestly tell yourself that after thinking through this blog that you would still be fully confident in affirming your belief in Islam or do you have doubts. If you are still  confident in your beliefs then could you just be a Muslim because of a strong sense of pride that will not allow you to be wrong? Can your over confidence cause you to be deceived?

So what is your true motivation in being a Muslim? Is it really a matter of truth or could it be best defined by culture?

Much of the growth of Islam has been through the efforts of  military conquest and child birth. Is this really a sincere or legitimate approach to faith ?

Anyway there have been Muslims that have doubted Islam and have miraculously broke free from the its stronghold by believing  in Jesus . I have included a link on my blog site that has  testimonies from former Muslims who found another solution to their doubts and fears.

In closing I would like to offer you a challenge to read these testimonies and then to ask God to reveal Jesus to you in such a way as to place your trust in Him as Lord and Savior. Don’t allow fear to keep you from doing this thinking that this will somehow keep you from a paradise that you are not even guaranteed from entering anyway.



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Islam and Jesus

Islam and Peace

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2009

Many times I hear from my Muslim friends that Islam is a tolerant or peaceful religion and that there is only a few extremists that are giving Islam a bad name. Yet, in the name of Islam, over the last fourteen centuries there have been more than 270 million people who have been killed and since 911 there has been approximately 20,000 terrorists attacks carried out globally. Thus violence reflects the values of Islam revolving around concepts such as jihad and fatalistic martyrdom which strongly encourage and suggest that violence, hatred and aggression is a legitimate expression of defining the Islamic faith. Both now and then, Islam through force and coercion has taken nations captive making them hostages through fear and intimidation as maintaining a conquering spirit with a mindset on conquest. Therefore for such adherents to honor the Allah of the Quran in carrying out these decrees of historical Islam I can not criticize them based on their sincere submission of obedience as being faithful to its teachings, nor should other passive or moderately peaceful Muslims, as they are the true practitioners of Islam as what is revealed in the following Surah’s: Qur’an 9:29, 9:73, 9:123. Essentially, according to Islamic theology, it also stands to reason that if Allah providentially allows these terrorists attacks to occur then it must be His will, right? Thus to resist in fighting the infidel may be a rejection and refusal to Allah’s perfect plan.
Even though I condemn these acts it is not hard to see that they are behaving in compliance to the Qur’an. So I think it is reasonable to ask yourself, if you claim to be a Muslim, that by not accepting these passages, if perhaps you aren’t a real or authentic believer as rejecting some of the passages as found within the Qur’an. Additionally, to selectively use only certain Surah’s which fit your religious ideologies, is in essence, to redefine and even question Islam’s beliefs as a form of apostasy towards developing your own new religious worldview, Qur’an 33:36. Furthermore to insist that Islam is a peaceful religion and not to oppose such terrorism in remaining silent becomes a form of agreement and permission towards these vile acts through affiliation as an accomplice to this crime on humanity. If you believe so strongly against terrorism then are you willing to oppose this movement even to the point of endangerment?
Unfortunately, even if the majority of Muslims are pacifists, it is the radical element of Islam’s leadership that carries the influence of Islamic culture, as the majority will comply in favor of their own movement over and against any competing world views. Moreover trying to approach this problem secularly to reform Islam through a democratic and diplomatic way is the Western method  of doing business not the traditional Islamic path.
You may at first object by pointing out that the Quran deals fairly towards others as within Qur’an 2:256, 109. Yet that’s only because during its earliest stages of development it was not in a position to fully defend itself but as it began to gain strength these Surah’s became abrogated as seen by the dichotomy of these other passages which I previously mentioned as transitioning to more aggressive form of behavior as to gain control, if need be, through the sword of violence.
This progression towards Islamic dominance and influence may seem like just another conspiracy theory but historically it is happened and is still continuing today as it begins with a stealthy agenda and progressively leads through various stages of development towards a firm establishment as eventually, over time, taking complete control of a society through the establishing of Islamic Law to finally subdue and subvert the culture, including unbelievers. This has often leads to oppression and persecution among Christians and other groups. I support a group called Voice of the Martyrs which is a Christian organization that helps and assists people who are victims of martyrdom. There are about 300,000 Christians a year that come under this definition which may vary anywhere from the loss of a job and property to imprisonment and even death. Which leads me to my next point as Muslims are often inconstant as emphasizing such Quranic citations as “there is no compulsion in religion” and yet overlook the fact that within predominant Islamic societies they persecute unbelievers in an effort to forcibly get them to convert through jihad, abuse of blasphemy laws, and the payment of the Jizyah as they isolate and marginalize them as second class citizens as supported by Ibn Kathir’s statement on the matter in 9:29. After all who ever heard of a Muslim humanitarian group that helps and assists infidels as they are mainly concerned with their own people and society not the rights of helping others towards belief as having a more superior view of themselves, Qur’an 3:110, 98:6.
However it has been Christianity that has taken some of the greatest strides towards the humanitarian rights of all others as founding and establishing such institutions as hospitals and orphanages as well as even recently assisting Syrian Muslims who are refuges in Iraq and who have been ignored by their fellow Muslims.
Anyway Islam’s advancement in a society starts as it takes parasitical control of a host nation through immigration, childbirth, and funding as conquering the infidel by means of attrition in displacing the enemy not by truth but by force. This process of Islamization can happen gradually as beginning with the initial friendly charade of Taqiyya as a method or means towards the end, as found within Qur’an 3:28, in concealing the true intentions of the Islamic community and is supported by the commentaries of Ibn Kathir and may be seen in America today and from this point advancing their influence to a very wide definition of what is termed defensive Jihad of which Islamic commentators ascribe to including criticisms against Islam or by unbelief as preaching a non-Islamic religion which is more descriptive of Northern Africa and Europe where they have gained some control. Lastly this finally leads to a Jihadi offensive in order for Islam to survive and thrive with absolute control as seen among the Islamic states that are governed by Sharia Law. Ironically such threats are even carried out to such a degree that religious wars are waged amongst it various factions or sects even though they are supposedly united as brothers under a common text. Therefore this whole idea of coercion is not substantiated on any level nor does it even come close to “Just War Theory” when it becomes the dominant force.
Finally this control is even maintained among its own members as threatening to kill apostates thus there is no real sense of personal rights. Freedom is just an illusion whereby Islamic norms are the reigning rule of policy as supported by family, government, and the Quran.
In conclusion, I do acknowledge the fact that there are tolerant and passive Muslims who are grieved and saddened by the aggression of those who take these Islamic beliefs seriously. I am glad that there are those within the Muslim community who do not practice and believe these Islamic doctrines. Perhaps deep down inside of them there is a silent rejection of Islam in which out of fear they are not able to confront or vocalize due to the potential ramification of their objection to such practices. Even subconsciously there may be some self-deception that will not allow them to honestly and objectively consider the beliefs surrounding Islam. However in their heart or conscience these Muslims are inwardly disposed and hard-wired to recognize the moral implications of committing acts of murder to further their religious obligations and commitments.
I believe that the Muslims which are more moderate in their viewpoints, apart from the teachings of the Qur’an, are responding in a reactionary manner having seen the contemporary evils of ruthless men such as Hitler, Stalin, Idi Amin, Pol Pot and Hirohito and are appalled at the atrocities and the arrogance of such hate crimes committed by these men who were performing the rites of genocide as no different from those who uphold to the religious crimes committed in the name of Allah.
Yet unfortunately some Muslims do not see their own contribution or take responsibility for their destruction to the ills of human society. This reminds me of a saying of Jesus concerning removing the log from your own eye first before taking the splinter from someone else’s eye. They are so blinded due to the obstruction of their own sight that we can not see clearly to view the true nature of the problem which is hypocritically in one’s own movement.
I believe that moderate Muslims instinctively know that they were formed by a loving Creator who desires to promote life and He has given us great examples of His love through the nurture and care of our earthly mothers. If God created these finite beings with a limited sense of love then how much more does an infinite God desire to express His unlimited capacity of love towards mankind. God lavishly poured out His love through Jesus to the world by giving Him as a payment for our debt of sin resulting in eternal life. God did not conquer us with hate but with love which is the ultimate definition or attribute of His being.
Lastly I want to thank you for reading this blog and I would ask you to take an honest and thought provoking approach to the matter of Islam. After all to take a more liberal view is already an openness to reconsider your belief system and its historical position that is contrary to human rights and the sanctity of life. I would further ask that you would be courageous enough to uphold truth even if it meant denying the very essence of your being including the cultural and societal values that have been imposed upon you.
Conclusively, there is a higher plane of human existence in which God has ultimately defined religion. A religion which can ultimately be described as a relationship of sacrificial love. This love would begin with Jesus and extend through the loving hands and arms of His disciples which would reach out into all the earth comforting suffering humanity. It’s a love that is honorable because it is not self-serving and even when this love is not reciprocated by others they continue to love anyway even if it means forgiving and loving their enemies by turning the other cheek.
Dear friend there is a better way and Jesus states that it is the only way. The way that leads to life and not death. Love instead of fear, hatred, anger, and murder. For God so loved the world that He gave Jesus that whosoever shall believe in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.



How to know God

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Permission granted by David Woods for excerpts taken from the article on “Jihad, Jizya, and Just War Theory” in the Christian Research Journal Vol.36/No.1/2013

Permission granted by David Woods for excerpts taken from the article on “ Muhammad and the Messiah” in the Christian Research Journal Vol.35/No.5/2012

The Quran Supports the Bible

Saturday, May 23rd, 2009

The Quran supports the divine inspiration  of the Torah, Psalms, and the Gospel accounts yet contemporary Muslim belief  claims that the bible is corrupted and can not be trusted. This of course cannot be proven and this statement is  merely just one of the many opinions being circulated among the practitioners of Islam.

One of the reasons for this kind of thinking  is because  there are many different bibles available and therefore the logic is that they can’t all  be right.

The main reason why there are different bibles is simply because of the vast amount of manuscript evidence that we have available to us. There exists about  6,000 Greek manuscript copies alone which is more manuscript evidence  than any other piece of ancient literature that has come to us from antiquity.

Today we have the luxury of printing as well as a better means of producing, sharing and preserving documents. During biblical times manuscripts were few and expensive. So due to the needs of preservation  as well as the urgent demand for the scriptures it became absolutely necessary for  copies to be made and circulated.

Copies were made available or produced  through critical scribal rules and techniques that were followed by the Jews so as not to alter the content of the original autograph. These copies are an advantage in   doing comparisons to ensure the accuracy of the text as well as validating its authenticity. You must remember that any discrepancies among the  accepted manuscripts are seen as minimal without alterations to its original content or text. What is also remarkable about the new testament is that if  had been destroyed it could of been nearly reconstructed  just from utilizing the quotes from the ancient church fathers which helps to serve as corroborating evidence to the  authenticity and reliability  of the scriptures as well .

Also in favor of the new testament is the relatively short period of time between the original autograph and the oldest existing copies with about 100 to 250 years  between them. This is relatively a short period of time compared to other ancient pieces of literature such as  Caesars Gallic wars which has a time gap of about a 1000 years.

Another means in helping to validate the authenticity of the bible comes with the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls which were found at Qumran back in the 1940’s. Up to this time the oldest copy of the Old Testament was the Masoretic text which dates to about 900 CE . When compared to the Dead Sea Scrolls which predate this manuscript by about a 1000 years we see no significant difference.

Also among the checks and balances of keeping the bible from corruption there were meetings that were conducted to establish and protect the scripture from heresy because other forms of pseudo-literature  were being circulated and the church leadership had to establish the given orthodoxy and canon which was  held to be as sacred scripture.  The Council of Nicaea took place in 325 CE among the Christians while the Jews had the council of Jamnia in 90CE.

Another reason why there are different bibles is for the practical purpose of getting the scripture into the common language of the people to whom it was intended. The disciples were commanded to go into all the world and preach the gospel and this is the only way that it could of been done in an efficient matter. There is no conspiracy to alter or change anything through bible translation. I cant imagine somebody handing me a bible written in its original language of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek and  expecting  me to comprehend its meaning. Even if I studied these ancient languages I am culturally trained to think in English and that would be my bias of interpretation.

The Quran is faced with the same challenges as the Bible when it comes to the rules of  literary criticism. After all it didn’t just fall out of the sky nor was it imprinted by the finger of Allah.

Lastly I would like to say that whatever Muhammad received in regards to biblical ideas he obtained and borrowed them through the secondary influences of both Christians and Jews who were the originators of such texts. If the Bible had been corrupted by this time in history in which Muhammad lived then how could Muhammad of received the truth of the matter since He was dependent  upon Christian and Jewish influence. The Bible contains good textual copies prior to the advent of Islam so I do not see this as a matter of debate. If the Bible were to be mishandled and corrupted by Christians and Jews then why didn’t Allah in his sovereignty initiate this revelation first with the Muslims. I know these arguments are ridiculous but I wanted to carry them out to their logical conclusion to allow you to see the inconsistencies in these unfounded arguments.



How to know God

Muslim Resources of Jesus

Islam and Jesus

Jesus the Last Prophet

Thursday, May 21st, 2009

I recently had a Muslim friend tell me that Muhammad was the last and final prophet. This is a belief that has come through the Hebrew scriptures and can be found in Deuteronomy 18:15.

This scripture was never intended to find its fulfillment in the  founder of Islam, which would of represented a foreign religion and a false deity or idol to the Hebrews, to whom this prophecy was misapplied .

Moses spoke this word specifically to the Hebrews and it ultimately found its application by the Hebrews towards a fellow Hebrew. After all the Torah originated with the covenant people of Israel and according to the apostle Peter in Acts 3:22 as well as Stephen in Acts 7:37 it had its consummation in the final prophet Jesus.

Moses told the children of Israel that God will raise up a prophet like me from among your brothers. A significant point when interpreting this text is the wording “brothers “ which was applied to those of Hebrew heritage.

Though there are some ancestral ties between the Hebrews and those of  Arab descent the scripture plainly applies it to the people of the book or Israel.

Lastly this scripture has not been distorted or misrepresented by Christians in tampering with the scriptural text after all the Torah is the centerpiece to Judaism who finds no sympathy in giving Jesus the title or the status of a  prophet.

You too may concur with the decision of mainstream Judaism in denying Jesus as this “Great Prophet” yet they would not agree likewise to the liberties that Islam has taken with the text either .

Finally as you study the prophetic ministry of Israel you will often see rejection as the primary reaction from the Jewish community. One of the greatest messianic scriptures as applied to Jesus comes from the prophet Isaiah. In Isaiah 53 it speaks of Jesus as a suffering servant who was rejected and despised of men yet accepted by God.

I pray that you will not deny Jesus his rightful position as the last and final authority  to whom the Scriptures find their ultimate fulfillment and purpose.

For the prophetic voice served to distinguish the “heir” resulting in those who would “hear” and receive its message and fulfillment in establishing a finality in the person and work of Jesus Hebrews 1:1-2. Those who have ears to hear may they hear what the Spirit of God is saying. Are you listening to the prophetic voice of God?


How to know God

Muslim Resources of Jesus

Islam and Jesus

Is Muhammad a false prophet?

Sunday, April 26th, 2009

Is Muhammad a false prophet? There have been many religions and cults that have made claims of receiving special revelations by means of a person who was to be a mediator or moderator of truth. Yet we must try to find out and discover which of these situations are discernibly true and which ones are myths and falsehoods. Anybody  can make claims to divine revelation but at some point these claims must be challenged to see if they are verifiable and if they will stand up under  the scrutiny and challenge of further criticisms. After all a testimony is only as good as the credibility of the witness or person. If you were going to establish a person as a legitimate witness in a court of law the first thing you would have to determine is their competency level. Could their testimony be counted as trustworthy based on the reliability of their character or would they be seen as an unfit witness.
I suppose the first thing I would like to consider is the character of the originator and founder of the religious  movement  that is defined as Islam.
Muhammad was a person who had become devoted to the  meditation and contemplation of spiritual matters. These encounters finally  led Him into a experience with a spiritual being in whom He thought was possibly a Jinn. These matters were so pressing on Him that He contemplated suicide twice and didn’t know whether He was to be regarded as a poet or a madman because of these revelations. Also early Islamic sources state that He was under Satanic influence when He wrote Sura 53 which would cause me to question the legitimacy of all His claims to divine inspiration. Moreover Muhammad at one point late in his life said that he was the victim of a magic spell that lasted about a year and according to Ibn Ishaq he mentions Muhammad as being bewitched during this time and Bukhari adds that the spell made him delusional.
We also see questions within his personal attributes and character as a whole. He used force and coercion by means of military conquest when necessary to further his exploits as related to propagating His beliefs. This was a religion that would take on the very form and definition of jihad or “Holy War” in order to maintain its influence and control and that is still the strategy behind Islam today. It began with bloodshed and it continues to shed blood today. So we see a religion that finds its identity not based on the elevated plane of the human expression of love but rather it is centered on the base traits of human mastery which leads to the destruction and exploitation of humanity.
Along side of this abuse of power is his questionable sexual behavior as taking advantage of a child named Aisha whom he marries and then later consummates the marriage when she is only 9 years of age before she even reaches puberty. He also allows for polygamy, but supposedly through a special revelation, he alone has the privileged right to take nine wives apart from the prohibition of Quran 4:3 which limits the number to 4. Another matter is the scandalous marriage with Zaynab by which his adopted son Zayd divorced her so that Muhammad could take her for his wife as a result of him being sexually aroused when accidentally seeing her nearly naked due to an untimely visit to see his adopted son. In addition to this Muslims can have sex with captive women without marrying them even when their husbands are still alive. Muhammad also permitted his followers to practice a form of prostitution called Muta, which is still practiced today, in which a Muslim could pay for sex, marry her for a short time and then divorce. Lastly concerning the violation of women rights he also allowed for a light beating if it was deemed necessary.
At this point it wouldn’t take much of a cross examination to find out that this religion was being established by a questionable person who lacked stability.
There have been others that in the course of history  have used a political an some times a religious platform to further their purposes and ideals. Many of these ideals have lead to the extermination and genocide of the human race based on a prejudice and intolerance that is beyond mere human influence and capabilities. Something that is so crass that it can only be described as being demonic in nature. People like Stalin and Hitler who were false prophets had achieved absolute authority that would  absolutely corrupt them and lead these evil geniuses to carry out their plans of destruction. Its amazing how people would rally behind the likes of the charismatic leadership of Hitler who may have been mentally unstable himself. We all are bewildered and look at these atrocities today and wonder how is it humanely possible for something of this magnitude to happen even in the 20th century and why do people believe the lies and the propaganda to the point of complete deception. Unfortunately this same phenomenon is still happening today with the likes of Islam. Its a madness that is infecting the likes of every aspect of humanity and culture. People are being lulled into supporting its claims and causes not realizing the grip of it destructive clutches in which one day it will inevitably come to ruin much like Hitlers regime.
The whole world recognized the depth of darkness behind the veil of these vile and wicked men and the great wrongs and crimes they committed to our world society which found  them guilty in the most extreme sense. Islam is a religion  with a growing worldwide influence that has infected mankind in epidemic proportions. Yearly there are thousands of people who wrongfully suffer and die because one man had a dream of questionable inspiration.
Will you really continue to follow this path of death and destruction? If you are a practitioner of Islam I would ask you just to simply put aside your tendency to defend what you regard as holy just long enough to look seriously at the evidence and to pray to God to reveal to you  the one who came to give life and life more abundantly namely Jesus.
Matthew 7:15-16

15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16 You will recognize them by their fruits.



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The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®) Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved. ESV Text Edition: 2007

Permission granted by David Woods for excerpts taken from the article on “ Muhammad and the Messiah” in the Christian Research Journal Vol.35/No.5/2012

Is Allah One?

Saturday, April 18th, 2009

The aspect of Allah being one alone did not originate from Arab influence due to their ancestors being polytheists.
I find it strange that the Arab culture would adapt the monotheistic views of a foreign culture based on the beliefs and influences of both Jews and Christians.
The basis for Islam has its roots in the conscious, conviction, and proclamation of a foreign faith. Why wouldn’t the all sovereign and supreme G-d who is the king of the universe originate truth with the ones who would eventually make claims to bearing its message (Muslims) unless it was really only just another source of deviation, falsehood, and corruption? Who borrowed truth from whom? Who influenced who here? Is it possible to pick and choose the aspects of religion that correspond with Islam’s personal worldview for the sake of possessing a unique identity? There are many cults that likewise come up with new revelations. Just study about the Jehovah Witnesses and the Mormons who have a similar experience to Islam. Joseph Smith like Muhammad was seeking truth and He likewise received a personal revelation through an angel. Of course Joseph Smith’s angelic visitation had its own unique message and translation that was much different from the angelic revelation as given unto Muhammad. So who is right? The famed Joseph Smith who know has one of the fastest and largest cults worldwide or the likes of Islam who is the fastest growing religion with over 1 billion adherents
The apostle Paul warns about this phenomenon before Islam was birthed or before Joseph Smith was a twinkle in his mother’s eye and he states in Galatians 1:8 that even if a angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you let Him be eternally condemned.



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Allah’s Name is not Sacred

Friday, April 17th, 2009

The personal name of G-d in Islam is Allah. This name has a possibility of twenty various derivatives making the name a mystery in and of itself.
The name existed in pre-Islamic times being used for the pagan deities that were worshipped by the Arab people.
So the usage of the name Allah preexisted before Muhammad’s revelation of G-d.



How to know God

Muslim Resources of Jesus

Islam and Jesus

Jesus is God’s Son

Thursday, April 9th, 2009

Islam would teach that God doesn’t have a son and I would have to say that I generally agree with you based on your perception of son-ship. Even though Jesus was born in a unique and miraculous way I agree that God is not having sex or reproducing after that fashion. That is a belief that is centered on pagan mythology and there are cults that teach this.
Dr. Michael Brown who is an expert in the field of Semitic languages, which is the original language and culture of the Jewish people and the Bible, has commented on the very nature of this concept. To begin with we must first keep in mind that our 21st century brain doesn’t think along the lines of ancient Hebraic thought.
Actually the word God’s son is used many times in the Hebrew Scriptures in which God relates to Israel as His son, as well as the kings, and also the angels. Since Jesus is the Messiah then He is the ultimate representative of this title considering that He is a descendant of Israel but also He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and lastly He has been exalted above the heavenly host or angels. Given His credentials then how much more is He worthy of this title as being God’s Son.
In the Bible the Hebrew word for son is “ben” or “bar” in Aramaic and “ibn” in Arabic. It can refer to a literal offspring which is how you are comprehending the use of the word for “son” or it can be spoken of metaphorically such as the “the sons of the prophets” which means the disciples of the prophets. When it refers to an Israelite king it means “son” by divine adoption as in 2 Samuel 7:14 where it says ”I will be his father and he will be my son” and it can also be said of the nation of Israel as in Exodus 4:22-23 where it  states that the Lord says “That Israel is my firstborn son and I told you let my son go so he may worship me.” Yet another meaning for son is someone who belongs to the same class of being such as the angels. By saying that I don’t mean that the angels are God but they are likewise referred to as the “benei elohim” or the “sons of God”. This word can also be used of the obedient people of Israel as spoken of in Hosea 1:10 where it says “They will be called sons of the living God.”
Lastly the word can denote a title or a specific mission so therefore since Jesus fulfilled the unique role  as the Messiah then He is to be  regarded as the ultimate” Son of God”. In conclusion the terms “son” and “father” can be used in a figurative or metaphorical way as corresponding to the bible contrary to a modern materialistic contemporary view. So regardless of your bias or common usage of these words as a part of your personal cultural expression or vernacular it can be wrongly applied as completely foreign to the ancient biblical worldview.
How to know God

Muslim Resources of Jesus

Islam and Jesus



* Of special note regarding the title and term ‘Son of God’ , it is used in its most unique and supreme sense as a reference to the divinity of Jesus as the Christ in Mathew 28:16-20, John 5:16-27, and Hebrews 1. The Divinity of Jesus and Islam