Archive for the ‘Buddhism’ Category


Friday, October 10th, 2014













28 「すべて重荷を負うて苦労している者は、わたしのもとにきなさい。あなたがたを休ませてあげよう。
29 Tわたしは柔和で心のへりくだった者であるから、わたしに学びなさい。そうすれば、あなたがたに魂の休みが与えられるであろう。30 わたしのくびきは負いやすく、わたしの荷は軽いからである。 」








Buddha the Enlightened One

Pain, Suffering and Evil



Encyclopedia of Religion Second Edition, copyright 2005 Thomson Gale a part of The Thomson Corporation, Lindsay Jones Editor in Chief, Vol.2, pg.631, Manabu Watanabe
Encyclopedia of Religion Second Edition, copyright 2005 Thomson Gale a part of The Thomson Corporation, Lindsay Jones Editor in Chief, Vol.12, pg.8352, Richard K. Payne
Religions of the world: a comprehensive encyclopedia of beliefs and practices/ J. Gordon Melton, Martin Baumann, editors; Todd M. Johnson, World Religious Statistics; Donald Wiebe, Introduction-2nd ed., Copyright 2010 by ABC-CLIO, LLC. Reproduced with permission of ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, CA.

The Illusion of Pantheism

Thursday, May 8th, 2014

The old adage that god is all and all is god sounds something more acute as describing the camaraderie of the three Musketeers as “all for one and one for all” rather then an accurate metaphysical construct toward the nature of God which is demonstrably, fundamentally and practically flawed as incomprehensible and philosophically irreconcilable on so many levels.
First of all how is it possible for an infinite god to be anything but infinite with a corruption or change such as a fragmentation with a multiplicity of finite parts as a contradiction to gods ontology? Moreover what brought about this illusory state of ignorance away from the absolute sense of god to begin with as becoming a schizophrenic disunity? In other words how did this essential reality become an illusion? Thus if God is anything less that than ultimate then essentially god is not ultimate.
Likewise how reassuring is it that this disjointedness could ever be ultimately rejoined once again with this possibility of a relapse towards a cyclical system of samsara? Furthermore with the current population explosion what proof is there that these temporary and illusory material modes of existence are moving towards extinction resulting in a absolute state of union?
Another dilemma to the pantheistic view is that the ultimate or absolute sense of god is portrayed as being amoral and yet humanity, as god, functions as moral creatures. Again how is it possible that this higher form of amorality is able to devolve into a lower form of morality? Yet Hindus are encouraged to behave benevolently towards others which intuitively seems contrary to reaching their final amoral state. Essentially their actions, not their pantheistic philosophy, pragmatically suggest that such philanthropy is of a greater, rather than a lesser, order in comparison to its amoral counterpart especially as it contributes to the very survival of civilization, culture and society. Thus to accommodate their theory as a stepping stone in reaching nirvana or moksha is plainly irreconcilable to how they value and conduct their day to day lives. Also how can moral distinctions be illusory and virtually meaningless and then somehow mysteriously transform these meritorious deeds as making them meaningful or substantial which seems to be more like magic than ultimate truth? In reality, according to pantheists belief, there should be no need in differentiating between the acts of Adolf Hitler and say Mother Teresa since there is no real difference and to otherwise object would be to criticize god. Yet which pantheist lives beyond moral attributes as idly standing by while being morally violated which again is a testament towards the realism of a universal justice system as deliberating right from wrong? To say there is no distinction in the value between a friend giving a gift and for a thief to steal that gift is just plainly dishonest and a lie. Can you imagine a world and society that is governed without moral boundaries as having to live in a lawless state of anarchy? Basically the pantheist innately understands that there is something real and significant to having ethical standards for social engagement as something which they can not and should never be liberated from or avoid and which survives even beyond death or the grave as believing in the karmic forces of retribution which shows that moral values, according to Hindu beliefs, are significantly relevant in understanding the consequence of immorality as violating the universal principles of right and wrong/good and evil. Finally in this regards I am not saying that Hindus are immoral but what I am establishing is that they really don’t have a firm basis to act accordingly if such behavior is essentially unreal or illusional and to accommodate their belief as stating that this is merely a necessary means to the end takes special pleading which is falsified by their lifestyle. Finally to say that god is amoral is making the concept of god equivalent to that of an insane sociopath.
Another matter is that the pantheist will reject reason and logic such as with the law of non contradiction as stating that “A and non A “ are one and the same reality, and yet their daily living does not coincide with this belief system nor does their pantheistic philosophy which supports a dualism of what is true and false based on differentiating between reality and illusion. Some examples of this unfounded theory would be for the pantheist to assert that a person does not exist which ironically requires a person to exist to make such claims. Also it specifies that there are actual infinities within a time/space dimension which is a fantasy and a myth that only resides within mathematical formulations. Moreover to declare in their limited state that god is unknowable is self defeating as well as making an omniscient and absolute statement about knowledge as a finite creature.
Additionally, if the pantheist was consistent with their own doctrinal beliefs it should cause them to be skeptical of their very own statements which come from finite beings and who could be deluded themselves to invent the concept of man as being divine. Therefore they can’t really even trust their very own system of thought as being subjected to its limitations as depending on the illusory minds of human teachers and texts that may be delusional in their content of which I strongly suspect as this whole philosophical system is basically and self evidently counterintuitive as being unnatural and irregular especially as there is no confirmation or effective demonstration that supports these beliefs as being falsified through the actions of their daily lives. After all what evidence does the pantheist have to suggest that the material world is unreal? What verifiable method do they have to prove their point against a naturalistic reality? Moreover which pantheist would dare cross the street without looking both ways for traffic as only believing that vehicles are just a figment of their imagination? Consequently, it is much more conceivable to believe in a physical reality then the science fiction of the Matrix which is only the creative illusion of a Hollywood production. In addition to all of this, to state that we are merely living in a dream like fantasy world that isn’t really real but only appears that way is just plain nonsense. Thus this whole kind of irrationality regarding illusions is just unsustainable and abnormal in showing a lesser degree of probability or plausibility then its antithesis.
The other unrealistic aspect of their philosophy is that individuality or personality such as the conscience, will, emotions, and intellect are likewise illusional and are opposite to the simplistic nature and character of god and yet in reality what person does not function this way unless they are comatose? It appears that this oversimplification of god is unconvincing in light of the cosmological and teleological evidences regarding the complexity of design and origins which I have previously written about as well in other articles.

Atheist and Agnostic

Moreover to say that god is more congruent to that of a rock or a stick basically signifies that humanity is really lagging behind on the evolutionary scale of progression towards godhood. It seems like going backwards in reincarnation is a move forward as aligning oneself with god.
In regards to this whole god concept it also seems contrary to how some Hindus relate to others as differentiating between the members of their society with a caste system which treats the Dalit as sub-human. Yet to disrespect another representative of god is essentially to disrespect yourself.
Another value within Hindu society is to be tolerant in teaching that “All paths lead to God” which I have already written about in another blog and yet for the nationalistic Hindu to violently react against invading philosophies and religions shows that they really don’t believe or accept this as they see it as a disharmony to their culture by which they  vehemently attack other belief systems.

All Paths Lead to God

In conclusion this whole methodology towards pantheistic realism is really just a mirage of backwards or reverse engineering to accommodate or manage the struggle of life with its pain, suffering, and death as an attempt to erect a monument as trying to establish an institution to house all of life within the framework of a single structure. It is a reactionary attempt to explain and unify such diversity in life as trying to force a square peg in a round hole and yet it just doesn’t work that way. Therefore to make such claims of orthodoxy without orthopraxy is virtually unreal, unenlightening and unorthodox. Jesus referred to this mentality as hypocrites who pretended to be something they weren’t.
Perhaps this whole conceptual idea of illusion is a way or path of coping with the tragedy and differences of life as giving a sense of hopeful reconciliation. However to believe or desire something no matter how sincere you are does not necessary make something real or unreal for that matter. Respectfully, to think that Hindu society at large is more advanced in enlightenment based on their religious views is contrary and unfounded based on the infirmity of its society which contains many of the world’s lepers and blind which show that such practices and beliefs do not lead to a more enlightened path or society.
Lastly I would like to propose a biblical world view that has been scrutinized and yet shown to be historically and philosophically reliable as a coherent, relevant, and plausible system as an explanation to life as a defining a more probable reality.
The bible offers an overarching explanation to reality as revealing that a eternally transcendent, omniscient and omnipotent God created all realities, both physical and spiritual, with mankind as the pinnacle of His created order. Mankind is made in Gods image, though not God, as sharing in His qualities as a consciously moral and intellectual being who has the volition as a free moral agent and yet in spite of this greatness has paradoxically chose to rebel against the holiness of his Creator causing a corporate split or separation between humanity and God as mankind received a sinful nature. The good news in all of this, is that God as the sovereign potentate, as a personal and merciful being, brought forth Jesus into the world, who as Lord, became flesh and blood to save and redeem mankind in bringing humanity back to God through a reconciliatory and redemptive effort of obedience in giving His physical life as a type of sacrifice to liberate and set free mankind as offering His perfect self on the implement of human suffering, namely the cross. This legally forensic and substitutional transaction satisfied God’s justice in making this transaction a means of payment as securing salvation for those who trust in Him resulting in eternal life and peace with God in unifying us with Him as forgiving humanity in saving us from the final outcome of eternal death which would have otherwise resulted in the perpetual suffering of those who willfully reject this gracious and provisionally kind offering which in the most ultimate sense has eliminated the consequence and outcome of pain and suffering by removing the curse that had once alienated us from God. Conclusively, this may all appear as a mystery of words, terms and concepts but apart from the self attempts of human religion and its rigors of meritorious deeds, those who simply call upon His name will receive complete liberation in this life and the life to come as relationally receiving a glorious and heavenly inheritance.

John 8:36

36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
Mt 11:28-30
28 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
How to know God




Holman QuickSource Guide to Christian Apologetics, copyright 2006 by Doug Powell, ”Reprinted and used by permission.”

The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®) Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved. ESV Text Edition: 2007

Ritual cleansing and purification

Sunday, April 6th, 2014

When you look at many of the major world religions they have some sort of cleansing ritual associated with normal life events such as with childbirth and death including their normal day to day actives of human experience as with menstruation, flatulence, sleep, sexual contact, unconsciousness, emission of blood, semen, vomit, and disease, etc.
Some of these purification rites involve ablutions such as are practiced among the Bahai Faith while others prefer their bodies to be completely immersed in water.
For the Jews this ritual involves such acts as hand washing and the Mikvah while Muslims have the Ghusl and Wudu. Hindus bathe in the holy river Ganges and practice  Achamana and Punyahavachanam. The Shintoist performs Misogi and the Native American Indian has their Sweat Lodge.
Though these religions have a vast array of differences in their world views there are some similarities or familiarities as involving some form of water which for them carries a real sense in which a person consciously discerns their uncleanness with an innate awareness that they are in some significant way defiled therefore in need of cleansing as symbolized by these actions with the use of this universal solvent as an agent of purification.
This self awareness as found in some religious expressions becomes a behavioral attitude towards having a mindful sense of a transcendent reality with a methodological approach according to the old adage of cleanliness is next to godliness. However to say that there is a correlation to this physicality or materialism as applying it as an effectual agent as dealing with divine disfavor and dissatisfaction or as an opportune to sanitize ones, so called, divine essence proves to be counterproductive  as constantly needing to repeat the same activities over and over again with an endless cycle of washings which intuitively seems to lack a complete sense or sufficient effect to sustainably cleanse. These reactions towards a need for sanctification and holiness seem to fail in creating a stockpile of merit as they are short lived as being negated with the brevity of time as they perpetually rewash themselves again and again as being subjected to their frequent immorality and imperfection as human beings. Thus it appears this need for repetitiveness to be thoroughly cleansed can’t be entirely removed in the ultimate sense as leaving some aspects of their being unclean and in need of someone else who is capable to reach the unreachable part of their self identity as eliminating the defilement of their human hearts.
Anyway there are some real practical benefits of hygiene when it comes to bathing and washing but to make a direct association between the internal and external facets of an individual through these habitual mannerisms of superficial skin deep treatments, which may be sincere and outwardly appear to be a form of wisdom, yet are unable to penetrate beyond the surface level as connecting the physical realm to that of the immaterial and immortal soul  as contributing towards an individuals spiritual well being.
Rabbi Yeshua put it this way as addressing His fellow Jews concerning such practices

Matthew 15:1-2,11, 17-20
15 Then Pharisees and scribes came to Jesus from Jerusalem and said, 2 “Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat.”
11 it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.”
17 Do you not see that whatever goes into the mouth passes into the stomach and is expelled? 18 But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person. 19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander. 20 These are what defile a person. But to eat with unwashed hands does not defile anyone.”
Apart from human filth the other aspect of this matter may deal with the significant sense and understanding of a deeper realization to remove the impurity of guilt and shame left behind from their moral failures. This reminds of the Shakespearean play in which Lady Macbeth shouts “Out, damned spot” concerning her role in the death of King Duncan as a need to remove the sin stained bloodshed from upon her hands.
In some respect by performing these rituals it becomes an indirect way through their actions to openly confess as recognizing their state of immorality and therefore washing becomes a way of responding according to their human ability and self effort to somehow mysteriously do the job as sufficiently dealing with their moral failures with this compulsive drive to be made clean. Again, I believe this fails to demonstrate an efficacy regardless of their awareness, desire, piety and zeal in performing these rites as the sufficient means to reconcile or ratify  these matters through the limited and dependent abilities of human factors as a somewhat penitent act to offset as to appease, gain favor and acceptance by these various methodologies. Even if all this were somehow possible then when would  it ever be enough to absolve their status or state of uncleanliness and to what degree of scrubbing can sufficiently eradicate the tattooing that has indelibly left its mark upon the heart which has pigmented the spirit and soul with death from both its past and future actions.
Conclusively there is a real conscious sense which is inherent within all mankind that we have violated the standard of a holy God as indicative with an impending sense of a future judgment for those who fail to resolve this substantial conflict.

Romans 2:14-16
14 For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them 16 on that day when, according to my gospel, God judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus.

Mankind has struggled to deal with this tension in forming or creating a delusional religious dialogue of ideologies as blazing a trail in finding a solution to navigate this journey towards enlightenment while the hostility of the deceived  anti-theistic psychopath just plainly denies the need to leave their personal abode as to venture out on a quest, which according to their belief, leads to no where as religion becomes an avenue by which weak willed persons have succumbed to the Freudian neurosis of fantasy as seeking a path to a make believe land.  So interestingly, either way, mankind has found a method to traverse or cope with this matter as to self manage this conscious appeal from the Creator.
In response to this crisis I would like to suggest a solution by means of the person and work of Christ who unlike other religious expressions isn’t about mankind trying to find, approach or reach out to God but rather it is about God pursuing mankind relationally with humanity reciprocating a trust response. Thus it isn’t according to the the strength, or for that matter weaknesses, of mankind’s personal abilities but rather cleanliness and purity has been graciously offered as a free gift resulting in fellowship and worship by which God, not us has made possible.
Titus 3:5
5 he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 6:23
23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Ephesians 2:8-9
8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast.
1 John 1:7 
7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.
1 John 1:9
9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
You may object in believing Christianity to being no different than any other form of religious expression with its cleansing sacrament of Water Baptism and in part I would have to agree with you as for some it is no more than a mere bath as going through the motions of identifying with the Church but who are in essence unclean as pseudo believers. True baptism, as a central tenet of the faith, primarily serves as an outward sign or symbol of the effectual and cleansing power of the perfect and precious life blood of Jesus which redemptively purifies all believers in judicially declaring them righteous as coinciding with the transference of the Holy Spirit as the personal change agent who through the process of regeneration brings about an inner transformation. Thus the act of water baptism is a witness or testimony to a reality that didn’t come by combining the elements of hydrogen and oxygen in order to benefit from a liquid but rather it was through the saving work of Christ and the living water of the Holy Spirit as the dynamo that inhabits a person as evidenced by a changed heart and life. It is God Himself that gives the good gift of salvation and the Holy Spirit which does not subsist through the plunging efforts of human baptizers and therefore water baptism becomes only a glimpse concerning this heavenly reality of the power of God in this womb like transaction as giving new birth to a person, not as being born of human will or origin such as with religious activities, but rather through the initiation of God as being born from above or born again through Christ and the Holy Spirit. This being born anew is not to be confused with the Hindu and Buddhist concept of rebirth, as it is the resultant work of Christ who imparts the Holy Spirit as contingent upon His initiative followed with a responsive act of faith or trust in His salvation.
The scriptures likens this reality based on future redemption of Israel according to the Hebraic prophet Ezekiel 36:25-27.

25 I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean from all your uncleannesses, and from all your idols I will cleanse you. 26 And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. 27 And I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to obey my rules.

Rabbi Yeshua said it this way during the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot in

John 7:37-39
37 On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. 38 Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” 39 Now this he said about the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were to receive, for as yet the Spirit had not been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.

The ancient Jews at best had a temporal satisfaction in their ritualistic duties to God but as stated in Hebrews 10 these were only symbols not the reality  themselves as Christ’s offering for our cleansing was given once and for all as the perpetual sacrificial offering as the “Lamb of God” who takes away the sins of the world. To say that Jews don’t need a sacrifice today as the rituals of prayer, fasting and good deeds will suffice as being satisfactory is an act of violation and rebellion against the inscripturated word as denying the fulfillment of the Torah regarding, Leviticus 17:11.

11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the altar to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life.

No matter how many Mitzvot you perform what surety is there that you have done enough or that your sins have been forgiven apart from the provisional sacrifice of God’s mercy and grace through the Messiah in Isaiah 53?
Likewise for my Muslim friends to deny the death of Jesus as some semblance of failure within the prophetic office entirely misses the point that this was God’s glorious plan to provide an Abrahamic type of  substitutionary atonement by means of the Messiah whose temporary disgrace and shame served as a joyous purpose and occasion as enduring the cross in leading many to glory, Hebrew 2:9-18; 12:2.

In closing Jesus can give you living water which can completely and fully satisfy  and refresh your soul and even though the heavenly Father can lead you to this water He won’t make you drink of it. So finally I would encourage you my friend, like the Samaritan woman, to simply ask for this living water which is essential towards quenching your spiritual thirst apart from false religions, cults  and philosophies which will only leave you high and dry as only being thirsty once again.

John 4:10, 13-14
10 Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.” 13 Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this (well) water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

Lastly Jesus invites you!
Mt 11:28-30
28 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
How to have a realtionship with God




The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®) Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved. ESV Text Edition: 2007

तिब्बती बौद्ध संशाधनहरू

Friday, November 29th, 2013


Nepali Bible

Audio New Testament


चार आत्मिक नियमहरु


येशुको चलचित्र

Jesus Film: view in Nepali

तिब्बती बुद्ध धर्म

Friday, November 29th, 2013

तिब्बती बुद्ध धर्म जसलाई लामावाद पनि भनिन्छ, यो महायान वुद्ध धर्म, हिन्दुई बज्रयान जस्तै धेरै परम्पराहरू मिलेर बनेको छ जसमध्ये यसमा आध्यात्मिक शक्ति पाउनका लागि तन्त्र-मन्त्र को प्रयोग जस्तो गुढ प्रथाहरूको प्रयोग गरिएको छ र यसमा शमनी बोन धर्म पनि मिलेको छ जसको प्रभाव इरान जस्तो संस्कृति देखि लिएर भारत सम्म बौद्ध सोच को एक अद्वितीय अभिव्यक्ति को रुपमा छ जुन थेरवाद नामक धेरैजसो सबैभन्दा प्रामाणिक र रूढिवादी बौद्ध सोचभन्दा बिल्कुलै अलग्ग छ | बुद्ध धर्म को यो रूपले दार्शनिक अट्कलहरूभन्दा पनि अभ्यास र साकार गर्नुलाई ध्यान दिन्छ र यसको प्रमुख उद्देश्य र लक्ष्य भने आत्मज्ञानको लागि एउटा फास्ट ट्रैक दिनु हो जसले गर्दा एउटा जीवन कालमा नै निर्वाण प्राप्त गर्न सकियोस् |

यसको सत्य को दाबीको समर्थन गर्नुमा एउटा गाह्रो चाहिं के छ भने एउटा संस्कृतिको रुपमा यो शिक्षाले मौखिक संचरणको समर्थन गर्दछ, जसमा बाहिरि रूपबाट धेरै नै कमी कमजोडीहरू छन् जस्तै समय को अन्तरालसंग सूचनाहरू बदलिन थाल्छ र हराएर जान्छ अथवा यसलाई  गलत तरिकाले प्रस्तुत गरिन्छ जसले गर्दा म त यो सोचिरहेको छु कि यी वंश धाराकहरू द्वारा पारित गरिएको सूचना मध्ये कति चाहिं साँच्चै नै प्रमाणिक अथवा मूल छ | यसबाहेक संचारको यो अभ्यास उनीहरूको आफ्नो विश्वासलाई सुशोभित र फेरी विकसित गर्ने कारण पनि हो जसले गर्दा एउटा नया धर्मले पनि जन्म लिन सक्छ जुन यसको वास्तविक रुपभन्दा अलग छ | त्यसोभए प्राप्ति र साकार गर्नको लागि यो अभ्यास एउटा परम आवश्यकता हो भने उनीहरूको विश्वासहरूलाई पहिलो श्रोत मानेर प्रबुद्धता प्राप्त हुन्छ भन्ने कुराको त कुनै निश्चितता नै छैन | अन्तमा भन्ने हो भने उनीहरूको भाव “टेलिफोन”को खेल भन्दा धेरै ज्ञानवर्द्धक छैन जसमा सबै सदस्यले आफ्नो कथा एकअर्कालाई सुनाउँछन् र अन्तिम व्यक्ति सम्म जब कुरा पुग्छ तब त्यो बिल्कुलै बेग्लै भइसकेको हुन्छ |

अझै एउटा समस्या यो कारणले गर्दा हुन्छ किनभने धेरै मानिसहरूले गलत रूपले आफूलाई धेरै धर्मको गुरुहरूलाई समर्पण गरिदिएका छन् जुन यो आन्दोलनसंग मिल्छ किनकि उनीहरूले भन्छन् कि उनीहरूले दिएको संदेश सम्पूर्ण तरिकाले सत्य हो, तैपनि जे कुरा सत्य हो त्यो त केबल उनीहरूको छलपूर्ण व्यवहार हो किनकि यस्ता धेरै आध्यात्मिक गुरुहरूले बहाना बनाउँछन् र झूठ बोल्छन् |

त्यसो भए म यस प्रकारको भक्ति, सम्मान अथवा श्रद्धाको सीमा माथि प्रश्न गर्छु कि तपाईं कसरी आफूलाई अर्काकोलागी त्याग्न सक्नुहुन्छ जहाँ कुनै संरक्षण पनि छैन र यो त एउटा खतरनाक तरिकाको भक्ति भयो र यो सोच्नु कि यिनीहरूले तपाईंलाई ईश्वरले जस्तै गरेर सुरक्षा र आशिर्वाद दिनमा सक्षम हुन्छन्, यो त त्यसैको बराबरको धोका भयो |

मती १५:१४ : “तिनीहरूलाई छोड़ीदेओ: ती अन्धा अगुवाहरू हुन् | यदि एउटा अंधाले अर्को अन्धालाई डोर्याउंछ भने, दुवै खाडलमा पर्नेछन् |”

चोग्यम त्रुन्ग्पा रिन्पोचे जसलाई आधुनिक समयको एउटा एकदमै महत्वपूर्ण बौद्ध शिक्षक मानिन्छ, उहाँसंग जोडिएको शम्बाला नामक बौद्ध परम्परामा यस्तो पहिले नै भइसकेको छ | यो शिक्षकको ठाउँ पछि उनकै जेठा छोरा सक्योंग मिफाम रिन्पोचेले लिएका थिए जसको जन्मको नाम ओसल रंग्द्रोल मुक्पो थियो र उनलाई सक्योंग र एक श्रद्धेय तिब्बती लामा मिफामको पुनर्जन्म पनि मानिन्छ | यो आन्दोलनको भित्रको घोटाला भने रिन्पोचे र उनका धार्मिक वारिस (त्रुन्ग्पस वज्र रीजेंट) ओसल तेन्जिन अथवा थोमस रिच द्वारा दर्शाइएको अनैतिक व्यवहार थियो | यो सबै कुकर्म पूरै अनैतिक रूपले र नियमनिष्ठ को विपरित गरिएको थियो जस्तै तेंजिनलाई एड्स भएको थियो र उसले आफ्नो यौन साथीहरूलाई यसको बारेमा केहि भनेको भने थिएन | यसबाहेक उनको एक प्रसिद्ध शिष्य पेमा चोद्रोंले भनेअनुसार उनी रक्सी र यौन संग जोडिएको आफ्नो जंगली बानीहरुकोलागि पनि बदनाम थिए र उनले सबै नैतिक मापदण्डहरूलाई पनि खारिज गरिदिएका थिए अनि यो पनि भनिएको छ कि उनलाई पागल मानिस पनि मान्न सकिन्छ, तैपनि यो सब भन्ने मान्छे अहिले सम्म एउटा भक्त नै हो र यो बाट के थाह हुन्छ भने यो केवल एउटा असन्तुष्ट साझेदारको निराधार टिप्पणी मात्र होइन | विडम्बना त यो हो कि कति धेरै लामाहरूलाई घोटाला, भ्रस्टाचार र नराम्रो कामको विचारसंग जोडिएको छ; कति अपराध त यस्ता छन् जसमा यी व्यक्तीहरूलाई प्रकोपी बोधिसत्वको रूपमा दर्शाइएको छ र यी नैतिक कमजोडीहरूलाई गलत रूपले खारिज गरिएको छ, तापनि मेरो विश्वास त यो हो कि यी कार्यहरूलाई असली रूपमा बाइबलको सन्दर्भमा अरू राम्रो प्रकारले चित्रित गर्न सकिन्छ |

मती ७:१५-२०

“झूठा अगमवक्ताहरूदेखि होशियार बस | तिनीहरू तिमीहरूकहाँ भेडाको भेषमा आउँछन् | तर  भित्र त तिनीहरू डरलाग्दा ब्वाँसाहरू हुन् | तिनीहरूको फलले तिमीहरू तिनीहरूलाई चिन्नेछौ | के मानिसहरूले काँडाका बोटहरूबाट अंगूर अनि सिउँडीबाट नेभारा टिप्छन् ? यस्तै किसिमले, असल रूखले असल फल फलाउँछ, तर खराब रूखले फलाउन सक्दैन, अनि एउटा खराब रूखले असल फल फलाउन सक्दैन | असल फल नाफलाउने हरेक रूख काटेर ढालिनेछ अनि आगोमा हालिनेछ | यसरी तिनीहरूका फलद्वारा तिमीहरूले तिनीहरूलाई चिन्नेछौ |”

१ यहुन्ना ४:०१

प्रिय मित्रहरू हो, जुनसुकै आत्मालाई विश्वास नगर, तर ती आत्माहरू परमेश्वरबाट आएका हुन् वा होइनन् भनी जाँच गर, किनकि संसारमा धेरै झूठा अगमवक्ताहरू निस्किआएका छन् |

यो बाहेक जसलाई दलाई लामाको रूपमा मानिन्छ र तथाकथित रूपले तिब्बती बौद्ध परम्पराको मुताबिक तुल्कुस नामक एउटा वंशक्रमको पुनर्जन्म पनि भानिन्छ, उनलाई करुणाको बोधिसत्वको प्रकटीकरण मानिन्छ र राष्ट्रिय संरक्षक देवता अवलोकितेश्वर पनि भनिन्छ | गेगुल अथवा गेगुल-देहात जसलाई पहेंलो रंगको टोपीको सम्प्रदाय पनि भनिन्छ, त्यहाँ दलाई लामा अहिले पनि एउटा महत्वपूर्ण र प्रासंगिक व्यक्ति हुन् तर उहाँले त अब सन्यास लिई सक्नुभएको छ तर यो कुरालाई लिएर म निश्चित छुइन कि एउटा महत्वपूर्ण व्यक्ति कसरी आफ्नो व्यक्तित्व र मिशनबाट टाढीन सक्छन् | हुन त उहाँलाई ज्यादै नै धेरै सम्मान गरिन्छ त एक व्यक्तिको रूपमा उनका धेरै सीमाहरू छन् र मैले पहिले नै यो बारेमा एउटा लेख लेखेको छु |

दलाई लामा

अब अगाडी बढ्ने हो भने त कर्म को बारेमा उनको विश्वासहरूमा विसंगतिहरू छन् किनकि चीनको साम्यवादको भ्रस्टाचार अन्तर्गत तिब्बती भिक्षु र भिक्षुनीहरूले उत्पीडन र साम्यवादको सामना गर्नु परेको थियो जसबाट दलाई लामा आफै पनि निकै प्रभावित थिए | त्यसैले यदि तपाईं यस् तर्कमा विश्वास गर्नुहुन्छ भने त यो प्रश्न उठ्छ कि के वास्तवमा यस जीवनमा अथवा अर्को कुनै जीवनमा ज्ञान प्राप्त गर्ने के कुनै आशा छ विशेष गरेर ती सबै धार्मिक रूपले समर्पित मानिसहरूलाई देखेपछी जसको कर्मको नियम अन्तर्गत न्याय भएको छ र यो कुरा त उनीहरूलाई पनि थाह भइसकेको होला कि तिनीहरू पूरै समय एउटा भांचिएको वाहनमा चढेका थिए र त्यो पनि उल्टो दिशामा गइरहेको थियो | यदि व्यक्तिगत हिसाबले भन्ने हो भने म यो भन्छु कि मेरो विचारमा यो पूरै धारणालाई नै कायम राख्न सकिंदैन र यो सबै कुरा भित्र तिर नै विष्फोट हुन्छ किनकि उनीहरूको आफ्नो सिस्टमले उनीहरू आफैलाई नै विनाश गरिसकेको थियो र यही कारणले मानिसहरूमा सबै कुरा भाग्यमाथि नै छोडिदिने एक किसिमको विश्वासको जागरण भएको थियो र मानिसहरूले आफ्नो जीवनको सम्पूर्ण नतीजाहरूलाई कारण र परिणाम अथवा जस्तो रोप्यो तेस्तै काट्यो भनेर स्वीकार गर्दछन् | अरू चेतनाशील प्राणीहरूको मदत गर्नु र अरूहरूको दु:खमा दया देखाउनु पनि त अरूहरूको ज्ञानोदयमा अवरोध पुर्याउनु भयो किनकि कर्म को बल को नियमको हिसाबले त उनीहरूले जीवनमा दु:ख र सजाय पाउनुपर्ने हो त उनीहरूलाई दया, करुणा र प्रेमले हेर्नु त यसको विपक्षको कुरा भयो | अन्त्यमा कसरी एउटा मानिस त्यस कुराको लागि जिम्मेवार हुन सक्छ जुन उसले अन्जानमा पछिल्लो जन्म अथवा अस्तित्वमा गरेको थियो ? अन्तमा यस  प्रकारको दर्शनको दुविधाले गर्दा तिब्बती “लोकप्रिय धर्म”लाई प्रतिक्रियावादी प्रतिकृया को रूपमा भनिएको छ जसले कारनीय अथवा कर्मको हेरफेर गर्दछ र विभिन्न प्रकारको देवताहरूलाई खुशी गर्नको लागि विभिन्न प्रकारको कर्मकाण्ड गर्दछन् जुन यस्तो पद्धतिको बाबजुद दार्शनिक विरोधाभासको लागि उपयुक्त प्रमाणित भएको छैन |

त्यसै पनि यस प्रस्तुतिमा म मृत्यु पछिको जीवनको बारेमा एउटा अर्को विचार पनि प्रस्तुत गर्न चाहन्छु र म मृत्युको निकटको घटनाहरूलाई जारी गर्न चाहन्छु जसले पुनर्जन्मको दर्शनलाई नै खण्डन गर्दछ किनकि बाइबलले त यो भन्छ कि मृत्युपछि एउटा मानिसलाई अनन्तको न्याय मिल्छ र ऊ कुनै अर्को जीवनकाल अथवा पापमोचन सम्बन्धि अस्तित्वको कुनै अस्थायी मध्यस्थ मन्चमा प्रवेश गर्दैन | यहाँ मैले एउटा पूर्व नास्तिकको विडियो सामिल गरिरहेको छु जसको एक चिकित्सकको रूपमा नैदानिक अनुभवले संसारमा पुरानो शास्त्रीय बौद्धको स्थिति बाहेक एउटा अर्को सत्यको पनि प्रमाण दिएको छ |

के नर्क वास्तवमा छ?

यस आन्दोलनसंग जोडिएको अन्य कति विवाद यस्ता कति धेरै प्रथाहरू र विश्वासहरूको वरिपरी घुम्दछ जुन यस समूहको नेतृत्वबाट असंगत छ र यो त पारम्परिक बौद्ध सिद्धान्तको विचारहरूको पनि विपरित छ जसको उदाहरण दलाई लामाको आफ्नो अनुयायीहरूलाई ज्योतिष र ब्रह्माण्ड विज्ञानसंग जोडिएको अन्धविश्वासबाट बच्ने सूचना हो | यहाँसम्म कि बुद्ध आफैले पनि जादूसंग जोडिएको प्रथाहरूलाई सानो कला भन्दै त्यसको निन्दा गरेका छन् | यो बाहेक सिद्धार्थ गौतमले कहिले पनि आफूलाई देवता अथवा परमात्माको रूपमा मानेनन् र सबैभन्दा राम्रो रूपमा उनी भगवानको अवधारणासंग सम्बन्धित आफ्नो विचारमा नास्तिक थिए | यसबाहेक विचलित गर्ने तान्त्रिक अनुष्ठानका व्यवहारहरू पनि छन् जस्तै प्रकोपी देवताहरूलाई स्पस्ट यौन मुद्रामा कल्पना गर्नुको बौद्ध धर्मको पौराणिक रूपसंग कुनै सामन्जस्य छैन |

जुन कुराले यस धर्मलाई अझै धेरै गाह्रो बनाउँछ त्यो हो यसको “लोकप्रिय धर्म”संगको एकीकरण र समन्वयता जुन कहिलेकाहीं त यो संग संगत रहन्छ तर धेरैजसो त यो मान्यता विदेशी हो | यस् प्रकारले यो कुरा त पूरै स्पष्ट छ कि तिब्बतीहरू र शुद्ध बौद्ध सोचको बीचमा कुनै निरपेक्ष स्थिरता छैन किनकि यसमा ज्यादै नै धेरै परिवर्तनीय कुराहरू छन् जसले उनीहरूको विचारसंग सामन्जस्य त राख्दछ तर यस सम्प्रदायको सर्वोच्च नेतृत्वसंग भने यसको संघर्ष छ |

यी सबै कुराहरूको साथमा उनीहरूको कति धेरै विश्वास क्षेत्रीय किंवदन्तीहरू, अन्धविश्वासहरू र उनीहरूको तत्कालको संस्कृतिको लोककथाहरूले गर्दा अँध्यारोमा छन् किनकी उनीहरूले स्थानीय देवी देवताहरूको पूजा गर्दछन् | उनीहरूको विभिन्न कथाहरूमा उड्ने भिक्षुहरू र दंतकथाहरूमा शम्बालाको राज्य अथवा लुकेको घाटीहरू थिए जसलाई हिमालयको रहस्यमयी ठाउँहरूमा सम्पर्कविहिन गरेर राखिएको थियो र यसमा ल्हासाको मन्दिर पनि सामिल थियो जसको बारेमा यो भनिएको छ कि उनी जोवो शाक्यमुनीको छविको सम्पर्कले गर्दा धन्य भएका थिए |

यो धार्मिक आन्दोलनको नराम्रो पक्ष यो हो कि उनीहरू विभिन्न तान्त्रिक गतिविधिहरूमा सामेल थिए जस्तै पेशनीगोई, अट्कल र जादुई क्षमता पाउनको लागि उर्जाको संकलन |

सारांशमा भन्नुपर्दा यो सबै कुराहरूले शायद तपाइंको आत्मालाई सताइरहेको होला र यो पनि हुन सक्छ कि तपाईंको मनमा विभिन्न प्रथाहरू र अनुष्ठानहरूको वास्तविकताको बारेमा सन्देह छ होला कि के यो साँचो हो कि यो सबै गरेर ज्ञान प्राप्त गर्न सकिन्छ जसमा निम्नलिखित विभिन्न गाह्रो कार्यहरू सामिल छन्:

दीक्षा, श्रद्धा अथवा पस्रिनु, प्रसाद र दान, प्रार्थना, तन्त्र र मन्त्र, गायन, गूढ कल्पनाहरू, एकाग्रता र सांस लिने व्यायाम, समारोहहरू, उत्सवहरू, वस्तुहरू र अवशेष, मुद्राहरू र हाथको इशाराको उपयोग, उनीहरूको देवताहरूको चित्र र लौकिकसंगको मण्डला, सूत्र पढ्नु, प्रार्थनाको पांग्रालाई घुमाउनु, प्रार्थनाको झण्डा, कैलाश पर्वत अथवा तसा री जस्ता पवित्र स्थान अथवा वस्तुहरू र व्यक्तिहरूको परिक्रमा गर्नु, दीपक र धूप चढाउनु, पशुहरूको बलि, भारत र नेपालमा विभिन्न पवित्र स्थलको भ्रमण गर्नु र विभिन्न पवित्र शहरहरू, तीर्थ, मन्दिरहरूक मठहरू, गुफाहरू र पहाडहरू घुम्नु आदि, आदि, आदि|

अनि यो कर्म र आर्जित योग्यताको सतत चक्रको प्राप्तिको कुनै मानक छैन र यो त यस कुरामा सिमित छ कि एउटा मानिसलाई कहिले पनि यो थाह हुँदैन कि निर्वाण प्राप्त गर्नको लागि उसले पर्याप्त गरिसकेको छ अथवा त्यो सबै उसले कहिले पनि प्राप्त गर्न सक्छ कि सक्दैन | यो सबैको पछि कस्तो असर होला यदि तपाईं आफ्नो जीवनको अन्त सम्म पुग्नुभयो र  प्रबुद्धत्ताको प्राप्ति तपाईंबाट टाढा जस्तो देखियो भने र त्यसलाई पाउने सबै सम्भावना तपाईंभन्दा टाढा देखियो भने तपाईं के गर्नुहुन्छ ? अनि यस्तो अवस्थामा के होला यदि एउटा मनिसलाई लाग्यो कि उसले प्रबुद्धता पाइसकेको छ तर वास्तवमा उसंग धोका भएको रहेछ अथवा त्यो मानिसको के होला जसलाई यो लागेको थियो कि ऊ आफ्नो अन्तिम गणतव्यसम्म पुगिसकेको छ तर वास्तवमा आफ्नो आध्यात्मिक लक्ष्यसम्म पुग्नमा ऊ विफल भएको रहेछ ? यो प्रणालीले त अन्तिममा गएर मृत्युको आड लिएर मानिसहरूलाई दबाउँछ किनकि यसले मानिसलाई कर्तव्य र भयको भावनाको हिसाबले अधिक भार दिन्छ र यो दमनकारी व्यवस्था यी महत्वपूर्ण मानिसहरूको जीवनमा निराधार दर्शनको साथ् हावी छन् | पछाडि फर्केर हेर्ने हो भने यो धार्मिक वास्तविकताको जन्मजात अथवा स्वयम् स्पष्ट ज्ञानसंग लड्ने एउटा प्रणाली हुनसक्छ तैपनि मात्र मानिसहरूको कल्पना र अट्कलको आधारमा आफैलाई अड्कलबाजीको शिकार बन्न दिनु सांस्कृतिक रूपले स्वीकार्य त हुन सक्छ, तर अन्तमा गएर यो गलत र बेकार प्रामाणित हुन्छ | यो बाहेक आध्यात्मिक हुनुले यो कुराको गारन्टी दिंदैन कि तपाईं आत्मिक रूपले सक्षम हुनुहुन्छ अनि इमान्दार हुनुको यो मतलब होइन कि तपाईं इमान्दारीसंग गलत हुन सक्नुहुन्न र अनिवार्य रूपले कोही सधैं सही पनि त हुन सक्दैन |

समापनमा म तपाईंलाई चुनौती दिन चाहन्छु कि तपाईं विश्लेषात्मक ध्यान गर्दै आफ्नो महत्वपूर्ण सन्देहलाई कायम राख्नुहोस र तिब्बती बौद्ध शिक्षाको बारेमा आफ्नो प्रश्नहरू पनि जारी राख्नुहोस र यो सबैले तपाईंलाई आफ्नो वर्तमान धार्मिक विश्वदृष्टीबाट अलग गरेर नयाँ अवसर र सम्भावनाहरूको लागि खोलेर तपाईंलाई पुरस्कृत गर्न सक्छ | म तपाइंलाई प्रोत्साहित गर्न चाहन्छु कि तपाईं यहाँसम्म खुला र तैयार रहनुहोस कि अमान्य विश्वासहरू माथि पुनर्विचार गर्नुहोस् र जाने बुझेर अनि हिम्मत गरेर गलत व्यवहार वाला कुनै पनि शंकालु आवेदन र अभिव्यक्तिलाई त्यसको व्यवस्थित शिक्षाहरू र सिद्धांतको साथमा अस्वीकार गर्नुहोस् |

अन्तमा प्रतिक्रियाको रूपमा म आशाको एउटा घोषणा गर्न चाहन्छु र तपाईंलाई आश्वस्त गर्न चाहन्छु कि आध्यात्मिकतालाई बचाउन सकिन्छ किनकि येशु परम सत्य हुनुहुन्छ र यदि तपाईं उहाँमा आराम लिनको लागि तैयार हुनुहुन्छ भने तपाइंले आफ्नो हृदयको खजानाको बारेमा थाह पाउनुहुन्छ जुन पहिलेबाट चाहिं लुकेको थियो र तपाईंलाई यसको बारेमा थाह थिएन त अब “बाटो”को रूपमा खुला रूपले सबैलाई यसको बारेमा थाह छ |

मती ११: २८-३०

“हे सबै थाकेकाहरू र बोझले दबिएका हो, मकहाँ आओ, अनि मा तिमीहरूलाई विश्राम दिनेछु | मेरो जुवा आफैमाथि लेओ अनि मबाट सिक, किनकि म नम्र र कोमल हृदयको छु, अनि तिमीहरूले आफ्नो आत्माको लागि विश्राम पाउनेछौ | किनकि मेरो जुवा सजिलो र मेरो भारी हलुंगो छ |”

यो सब यस कारणले पनि सम्भव भएको हो किनकि यसमा कुनै सेन्सरशिप छैन र परमेश्वरले आफ्नो संदेश कुनै स्थानीय हाशिये धर्म अथवा कुनै गुप्त समाजसमा मात्र सीमित गर्नुभएको छैन, तर यी अद्भूत जातीय तिब्बती सहित उहाँले सबै जनजाति, जीव र देशलाई माया गर्दै सबैलाई अंगाल्नु हुन्छ |

यूहन्ना ३:१६

“किनकि परमेश्वरले संसारलाई यस्तो प्रेम गर्नुभयो, उहाँले आफ्नो एकमात्र पुत्र दिनुभयो, उहाँमाथि विश्वास गर्ने कोही पनि नाश नहोस्, तर त्यसले अनन्त जीवन पाओस् |”

अन्तमा येशु अन्त सम्म पुग्ने साधन हुनुहुन्छ किनकि उहाँ सबै मानिसलाई पाप र गलतबाट मुक्त गर्नुहुन्छ र यो उहाँको प्रभावशाली काम द्वारा पूरा हुन्छ अनि यो अरूहरू जस्तो छैन जसको अपूर्ण प्रयास आफ्नै प्रभावशाली कामद्वारा सबै हासिल गर्नुपर्ने भनेर हुन्छ | यो नै अनन्त काल देखि येशुको मन्त्रालय थियो जस्तो कि उनको नामले बताउँछ कि उहाँको जीवनको बोलावट नै अरूहरूलाई परमात्माको निर्णयबाट बचाउनु थियो र यसको लागि उहाँले आफ्नो अवतारको माध्यमले बलि दिइने बाख्राको भूमिका निभाउनु भयो र उहाँले हाम्रो लागि मारेर बलि मोचंको अन्तिम मूल्यको भुक्तान दिनुभयो जुन एउटा आदर्श फिरौती थियो र उहाँको योग्यताले गर्दा हामीले अनन्त जीवन पाउन सक्यौं |

यो लेन-देनको अभ्यास प्रामाणिक पश्चातापको माध्यमले हुन्छ जसको लागि हजारौं अभ्यासित शब्दहरूको आवश्यकता पर्दैन तर साँचो मनले गरिएको सोच नै काफी हुन्छ किनकि यस्तो भनिएको छ कि “जो कोही जसले परमेश्वरको नाम पुकार्दछ उसलाई बचाइनेछ |”

त्यसैले म आशा गर्दछु कि तपाईंले मेरो यस प्रस्तावमाथि ध्यान दिनुहुन्छ कि तपाईं दीक्षा र अनुभवको सुरुवातको माध्यमले अनि प्रार्थनाको माध्यमले परमेश्वरसंग कुरा गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ र उहाँलाई भन्न सक्नुहुन्छ कि उहाँले येशुलाई परम वास्तविकता र ज्ञानको पथको रूपमा तपाईंको अगाडी प्रस्तुत गर्नुभएको होस् | आखिरमा यस प्रकारको संवाद र विचार भन्दा टाढा रहनु त्यस गम्भीर सोच भन्दा पनि अलग रहनु हो जसले गर्दा तपाईं आफ्नो परोपकारी रूपले आफूलाई तर्कबाट निर्देशित हुनको लागि समर्पित गरिदिनुभएको छ चाहे त्यो पूरै नया दिशा नै किन न होस् जसमा तपाईंले आफूलाई गुरूहरू, संस्कृति र समाजलाई आफ्नो विश्वास र प्रथाहरूलाई चलाउन न दिएर यो काम सत्यलाई गर्न दिनुहुन्छ |

यसबाहेक म यो प्रार्थना गर्दछु कि यो नया प्रकाशलाई हेर्न र बुझ्नको लागि तपाइंको ध्यान केन्द्रित रहोस् र तपाईं येशुलाई आफ्नो प्रभु र उद्धारकर्ताको रूपमा मानेर शान्तिमा स्थायी रूपमा रहन सक्नुभएको होस् |

त्यसो भए संक्षिप्तमा भन्ने हो भने त येशुले ब्रह्माण्डका निर्माताको रूपमा सारा श्रीष्टि र सारा जीवनको उत्पत्ति गर्नुभएको हो र सत्यको अवतारको रूपमा यो नै सही पाठ हो र खास भन्ने हो भने एकमात्र “बाटो” हो | येशु नै “विश्वको प्रकाश”को रूपमा रोशन र उज्जवल स्तम्भ हुनुहुन्छ जो मानिसहरूको मन र मस्तिस्कमा चम्किनु भएको छ र यी व्यक्तिहरूलाई उहाँले मुक्त गर्नुहुन्छ र बदल्नुहुन्छ | यो त येशुको सम्पूर्ण पवित्रताले गर्दा भएको हो जुन उहाँको अनुयायीहरूलाई हस्तान्तरित गरिएको छ जो उहाँको लागि सम्पूर्ण तरिकाले समर्पित छन् र उहाँको उद्धार कार्यमा विश्वास गर्दछन् र उहाँले उनीहरूको पापी प्रवृतीको कमजोडीहरूबाट स्वतन्त्रता दिनुहुन्छ जुन पापले गर्दा सबैजनाले परमेश्वरको उल्लङ्घन गरेका छन् | अनिवार्य रूपले व्यक्तिगत योग्यताको आधारले यो सबै पूरा गर्न सकिन्न त्यसैले राम्रो समाचार त यो हो कि कानुनी रूपले पनि उचित यो लेनदेन प्राप्तकर्तालाई विशेष अनुग्रहको रूपमा दिइएको छ किनकि येशुले पूरै दया र करूणाका साथ् आफ्नो भक्तलाई यो सित्तैको उपहार दिन्छन् |

अब परमेश्वरसंगको यस सम्बन्धका साथमा मानिसको जिन्दगीमा जीवन परिवर्तन गर्ने घटना पनि आउँछ जसमा अनुयायीले एउटा नयाँ प्रकृति पाउँछ जसले गर्दा ऊ राम्रो र पुण्य कर्म गर्नकालागी सक्षम हुन्छन् र यो कुरा उनीहरूको विश्वासको प्रकटीकरण पनि हो | यो ज्ञान, बरू यसले बौद्ध धर्मको परिभाषासंग मेल खांदैन, तर विश्वाससंग तुरुन्त आउँछ र पूरा हुनको लागि यसले पूरै अथवा आंशिक जीवनको समय पनि लिंदैन तर विश्वासीले यो तुरुन्त पाउन सक्छ | यो बाहेक यस वास्तविकतालाई परमेश्वरको आत्मा द्वारा सत्यापित गर्न सकिन्छ जो हरेक मानिस जसले यो संदेश पाएका छन् कि उनीहरू वास्तवमा नै साँचो र जीवित परमेश्वरका सन्तान हुन् उनीहरूकालागि व्यक्तिगत रूपले गवाह बन्नुहुन्छ | अनि परमेश्वरको यो संघ कनै प्रकारको ध्यान अथवा योगले गर्दा पाइंदैन, तर मसीहको मध्यस्थताले गर्दा पाइन्छ जसबाट हामीले अनन्त जीवनको प्रतिज्ञा पनि पाउँछौं जसले गर्दा मानिस मरेपछि समाधिपछि पनि बाँच्दछ किनकि हामीलाई कुनै अर्कै आयाममा स्थानान्तरित गरिन्छ जुन वर्तमान अन्तरिक्षको प्रतिबंधले गर्दा सीमित छैन, अनि यो वास्तविक हो जसलाई स्वर्गीय निवास पनि भनिन्छ |

अन्तमा मित्रहरू तपाईंहरू पनि म संगै हिंड्न सक्नुहुन्छ जहाँ तपाईंले आफ्नो आत्माको धार्मिक तड़पलाई पूरा गर्नको लागि पूर्ण शान्ति, खुशी र प्रेम को परिपूर्णता पाउनुहुन्छ |

भजन ३४:८

परमप्रभुलाई पारख गरेर हेर,

कि उहाँ कति भला हुनुहुन्छ|

उहाँमा शरण लिने मानिस धन्यको हो|



परमेश्वरसँग सम्बन्ध कसरी बनाउने


अरु सम्बन्धित विषयहरु

तिब्बती बौद्ध संशाधनहरू


Tibetan Buddhism




Encyclopedia of Religion Second Edition, copyright 2005 Thomson Gale a part of The Thomson Corporation, Lindsay Jones Editor in Chief, Vol.2, pgs.1150-1159, Matthew T. Kapstein

Encyclopedia of Religion Second Edition, copyright 2005 Thomson Gale a part of The Thomson Corporation, Lindsay Jones Editor in Chief, Vol.13, pgs.9181-9187, Per Kvaerne

Encyclopaedia Britannica,Inc., copyright 1993, Vol.11, pg.756-757, Tibetan Buddhism

AMG’s World Religions and Cults, AMG Publishers, Chattanooga, Tennessee

“Reprinted by permission.  “(Nelson’s Illustrated Guide to Religions), James A. Beverley, 2009,Thomas Nelson Inc. Nashville, Tennessee.  All rights reserved.”

Chan Buddhism Resources

Sunday, November 24th, 2013

Four Spiritual Laws



Jesus Film



New Testament/Bible



Audio Bible


तिब्बती बौद्ध संसाधनें

Saturday, November 23rd, 2013

ऑडियो संसाधन



लिखित बाइबल



“यीशु की फिल्म”



देवताओं मुक्ति डाटा की “चार आध्यात्मिक कानून” योजना

तिब्बती बौद्ध धर्म

Saturday, November 23rd, 2013

तिब्बती बौद्ध धर्म जिसको लामावाद भी कहा जाता है, ये महायाना बौद्ध धर्म, हिन्दुई वज्रयान जैसे कई सारे परम्पराओं के मिलने के वजह से बना है जिसमें आध्यात्मिक शक्ति हासिल करने के लिए तंत्र-मंत्र का प्रयोग जैसे गूढ़ प्रथाओं का प्रयोग भी किया गया है और इसमें शमनी बॉन धर्म भी सामिल है जिसका प्रभाव ईरान जैसे संस्कृति से लेकर भारत तक बौद्ध सोच के एक अद्वितीय अभिव्यक्ति के रूप में है जो थेरवाद नामक ज्यादातर सबसे प्रामाणिक और रूढ़िवादी बौद्ध सोच से बिलकुल अलग है | बौद्ध धर्म का ये रूप दार्शनिक अटकलों से ज्यादा अभ्यास और साकार करने पर ध्यान देता है और इसका प्रमुख उद्देश्य और लक्ष्य आत्मज्ञान के लिए एक फ़ास्ट ट्रैक देना है जिससे एक ही जीवन काल में निर्वाना प्राप्त किया जा सके |

इसके सच्चाई के दावों को समर्थन करने में एक कठिनाई ये है के एक संस्कृति के रूप में ये शिक्षा का मौखिक संचरण का समर्थन करता है, जिसमें जाहिर रूप से बहुत सारी कमियाँ हैं जैसे की समय के अंतराल में सूचना बदलने लगता है और खो जाता है या फिर इसको गलत तरीके से प्रस्तुत किया जाता है जिसके वजह से मैं तो ये सोच रहा हूँ के इन वंश धारकों द्वारा पारित किए गए सूचना में से कितना प्रमाणिक या मूल है | इसके अलावा संचार का ये अभ्यास उनके अपने विश्वासों को सुशोभित और फिर से विकसित करने का कारण भी है जिसके वजह से एक नया धर्म भी जनम ले सकता है जो इसके वास्तविक रूप से अलग है | तो अगर प्राप्ति और साकार करने के लिए ये अभ्यास एक परम आवश्यकता है तो उनके विश्वासों को पहला श्रोत मानकर प्रबुद्ध प्राप्त करने का तो कोई निश्चितता ही नहीं है | अंतिम तौर से उनका भाव “टेलिफोन”के खेल से ज्यादा ज्ञानवर्धक नहीं है जिसमें सभी सदस्य अपनी कहानी एक दुसरे को सुनाते जाते हैं और अंतिम व्यक्ति तक बात जब पहुंचता है तो वो बिलकुल अलग हो जाता है |

एक और समस्या इस कारण से है के बहुत सारे लोगों ने गलत रूप से अपने आपको बहुत सारे धर्मों के गुरुओं को समर्पण कर दिया है जो इस आन्दोलन के साथ मिलता है क्योंकि वो कहते हैं के उनका दिया हुआ सन्देश पूरी तरह से सच है फिर भी जो बात सच है वो तो सिर्फ उनका छलपूर्ण व्यवहार है क्योंकि ऐसे बहुत सारे आध्यात्मिक गुरु बहाना बनाते हैं और झूठ बोलते हैं |

तो मैं इस प्रकार के भक्ति, सम्मान अथवा श्रद्धा की सीमा पर सवाल करता हूँ की आप कैसे अपने आपको दुसरे के लिए त्याग सकते हैं जहां पर कोई संरक्षण भी नहीं है और ये बात तो खतरनाक तरीके का भक्ति हुआ और ये सोचना के ये लोग आपको ईश्वर की तरह सुरक्षा या आशीर्वाद देने में सक्षम है ये तो उसके बराबर का ही धोका होगा |


मती १५:१४ : “उन्हें छोडो, वे तो अंधों के अंधे नेता हैं | यदि एक अंधा दुसरे अंधे को राह दिखाता है, तो वे दोनों ही गड्ढे में गिरते हैं |”


चोग्यम त्रुन्ग्पा रिन्पोचे जिनको आधुनिक समय का एक बहुत महत्वपूर्ण बौद्ध शिक्षक माना जाता है, उनके साथ जुड़े हुए शम्बाला नामक बौद्ध परम्परा में ऐसे कुछ पहले ही हो चुका है | इस शिक्षक की जगह बाद में उनके ही बड़े बेटे सक्योंग मिफाम रिन्पोचे ने लिया जिनका जन्म नाम ओसल रंग्द्रोल मुक्पो था और उनको सक्योंग और एक श्रद्धेय तिब्बती लामा मिफाम का पुनर्जन्म भी माना जाता है | इस आन्दोलन के पिछे का घोटाला रिन्पोचे और उसके धार्मिक वारिस (त्रुन्ग्पस वज्र रीजेंट) ओसल तेनजिन अथवा थॉमस रिच द्वारा दर्शाया गया अनैतिक व्यवहार है | ये सब कुकर्म पूरे अनैतिक रूप से और नियमनिष्ठा के विपरीत किया गया है जैसे की तेनजिन को एड्स हो गया था और उसने अपने यौन साथीओं को इसके बारे में नहीं बताया था | इसके अलावा उनके एक प्रसिद्ध शिष्य पेमा चोद्रों के मुताबिक़ वो शराब और सेक्स से जुड़े अपने जंगली ज्यादतियों के लिए भी जाना जाता था और उसने सारे नैतिक मापदंडों को भी खारिज कर दिया था और ये भी कहा गया है के उसको पागल आदमी भी माना जा सकता है, फिर भी वो अभी तक एक भक्त हैं और इस बात से ये मालुम होता है ये सिर्फ एक असंतुस्ट साझेदारका सिर्फ निराधार टिपण्णी नहीं है | विडम्बना ये है के कई लामाओं को घोटाले, भ्रष्टाचार और बुराई के विचार के साथ पहचाना गया है; ऐसे अपराध जिसमें इन व्यक्तियों को प्रकोपी बोधिसत्व के रूप में दर्शाया गया है और इन नैतिक खामिओं को गलत रूप से खारिज कर दिया गया है, हालांकि मेरा ये विश्वास है के इन कार्यों के असली रूप को बाइबल के सन्दर्भ में और बेहतर रूप से चित्रित किया जा सकता है | 


मती ७:१५-२०

झूठे भविष्यवक्ताओं से बचो ! वे तुम्हारे पास सरल भेड़ों के रूप में आते हैं किन्तु भीतर से वे खूंखार भेडिये होते हैं | तुम उन्हें उन के कर्मों के परिणामों से पहचानोगे | कोई कंटीली झाड़ी से न तो अंगूर इकट्ठे कर पाटा है और न ही गोखरू से अंजीर | ऐसे ही अच्छे पेड़ पर अच्छे फल लगते हैं किन्तु बुरे पेड़ पर तो बुरे फल ही लगते हैं | एक उत्तम वृक्ष बुरे फल नहीं उपजाता और न ही कोई बुरा पेड़ उत्तम फल पैदा कर सकता है | हर वह पेड़ जिस पर अच्छे फल नहीं लगते हैं, काट कर आग में झोंक दिया जाता है | इस्लिए मैं तुम लोगों से फिर दोहरा कर कहता हूँ की उन लोगों को तुम उनके कर्मों के परिणामों से पहचानोगे |


१ जॉन ४:०१

हे प्रिय मित्रों, हर आत्मा का विश्वास मत करो बल्कि सदा उन्हें परख कर देखो की वे, क्या परमात्मा के हैं? यह मैं तुमसे इसलिए कहा रहा हूँ क्योंकि बहुत से झूठे नबी संसार में फैले हुए हैं |


इसके अलावा जिसको दलाई लामा के रूप में माना जाता है और तथाकथित रूप से तिब्बती बौध परम्परा के मुताबिक़ तुल्कुस नामक एक वंशक्रम का पुनर्जन्म हैं, उनको करूणा का बोधिसत्व का प्रकटीकरण माना जाता है और जिसको राष्ट्रीय संरक्षक देवता अवलोकितेस्वर भी कहा जाता है | गेलुग या गेलुग-देहात जिसको पीले रंग के टोपी का सम्प्रदाय भी कहा जाता है, वहाँ पर दलाई लामा अभी भी एक महत्त्वपूर्ण और प्रासंगिक व्यक्ति हैं पर उन्होंने अब तो संन्यास ले लिया होगा पर इस बात को लेकर मैं निश्चित नहीं हूँ के कैसे एक महत्त्वपूर्ण और प्रसांगिक व्यक्ति अपने व्यक्तित्व और मिसन से दूर भाग सकता है | हालांकि उनको बहुत ज्यादा सम्मान किया जाता है पर एक व्यक्ति के रूप में उनकी सीमाएं हैं और मैंने पहले ही इस बारे में एक लेख लिखा है |

दलाई लामा

अब आगे बढ़ें तो कर्म के बारे में उनके विश्वासों में विसंगतियां हैं क्योंकि चीनी साम्यवाद के भ्रष्टाचार के तेहत तिब्बती भिक्षुओं और भिक्षुणीओं को उत्पीडन और साम्यवाद का सामना करना पडा जिससे दलाई लामा खुद भी प्रभावित थे | इसीलिए अगर आप इस तर्क पर विश्वास करते हैं तो फिर ये प्रश्न खडा होता है के वास्तव में इस जीवन में या फिर किसी और जीवन में ज्ञान प्राप्त करने का क्या कोई आशा है विशेष करके उन सारे धार्मिक रूप से समर्पित लोगों को देखने के बाद जिनका कर्म के नियम के तहत न्याय हुआ और ये बात तो उनको भी पता चल गया होगा के वो लोग पूरे समय एक टूटे हुए वाहन में सवार थे और उलटी दिशा में जा रहे थे | अगर निजी तौर पर मुझे कहना पड़े तो मैं ये कहूंगा के मेरे विचार में इस पूरे विचार को ही जारी नहीं रखा जा सकता है और भीतर की और विस्फोट होता है क्युंकी उनका खुद का सिस्टम अपने आप ही विनास हो गया है और इसके वजह से लोगों में सब कुछ भाग्य के ऊपर छोड़ देने का एक किसिम का विश्वास का जागरण हो गया और लोग अपने जीवन के सारे नतीजों को कारण और परिणाम या फिर जैसा बोया वैसा ही फल पाया कहके स्वीकार कर लेते हैं | दुसरे चेतनाशील प्राणीओं को मदत करना और दूसरों के दुःख में दया दिखाना भी तो दूसरों के ज्ञानोदय में अवरोध लाना हुआ क्योंकि कर्म के बल के नियम के हिसाब से तो उनको जीवन में दुःख और सजाय मिलना चाहिए पर उनको दया, करूणा और प्रेम से देखना तो इसके विपक्ष का बात है | अंतिम में कैसे एक इंसान उस बात के लिए जिम्मेदार हो सकता है जो उसने अनजाने में पिछले जनम या अस्तित्व में किया था? अंत में इस तरह के दर्शन के दुविधा के वजह से तिब्बती “लोकप्रिय धर्म” को प्रतिक्रियावादी प्रतिक्रिया के रूप में बताया गया है जो नैतिक करणीय या कर्म को हेरफेर या दरकिनार करता है और विभिन्न प्रकार के देवताओं को खुश करने के लिए विभिन्न प्रकार के कर्मकाण्ड करते हैं जो इस पद्धति के बाबजूद इस दार्शनिक विरोधाभास के लिए उपयुक्त साबित नहीं होता है |

वैसे भी इस प्रस्तुति में मैं मृत्यु के बाद के जीवन के बारे में एक दूसरा विचार भी प्रस्तुत करना चाहता हूँ और ये मैं मौत के निकट के घटनाओं के जारी करना चाहता हूँ जो पुनर्जन्म के दर्शन को ही खंडन करता है क्योंकि बाइबल तो ये कहता है के मृत्यु के बाद एक इंसान को अनंत का न्याय मिलता है और वो कोई दुसरे जीवनकाल या फिर पापमोचन सम्बंधित अस्तित्व के किसी अस्थायी मध्यस्थ मंच में प्रवेश नहीं करते हैं | यहाँ पर मैं एक पूर्व नास्तिक का वीडियो सामेल कर रहा हूँ जिसका एक चिकित्सक के रूप में नैदानिक अनुभव ने संसार पर पुराने शास्त्रीय बौद्ध के स्थिति के अलावा एक दुसरे सच्चाई का भी सबूत दिया है |

क्या नर्क वास्तव में है?

इस आन्दोलन के साथ जुडी हुई अन्य कई विवाद ऐसे कई प्रथाओं और विश्वासों के आसपास घूमता है जो इस समूह के नेतृत्व से असंगत है और ये तो पारंपरिक बौद्ध सिद्धांत के विचारों के भी विपरीत है जिसका उदाहरण दलाई लामा का अपने अनुयायीयों को ज्योतिष और ब्रह्माण्ड विज्ञान के साथ जुड़े अंधविश्वास से बचने का सूचना है | यहाँ तक की स्वयं बुद्ध ने भी जादू से जुडी प्रथाओं को छोटी कला बताते हुए उनका निंदा कया था | इसके अलावा सिद्धार्थ गौतम ने कभी भी खुद को देवता या परमात्मा के रूप में नहीं माना और सबसे अच्छे रूप में वो भगवान् की अवधारणा से सम्बंधित अपने विचार में नास्तिक थे | इसके अलावा विचलन करने वाले तांत्रिक अनुष्ठानों के व्यवहार जैसे के प्रकोपी देवताओं को स्पस्ट यौन मुद्रा में कल्पना करने में बौद्ध धर्म के पौराणिक रूप के साथ सामंजस्य नहीं है |

जो बात इस धर्म को और ज्यादा पेंचीदा बनाती है वो है “लोकप्रिय धर्म” के साथ इसका एकीकरण और समन्वयता जो कभी कभी तो इसके साथ संगत रहता है पर ज्यादातर तो ये मान्यता विदेशी है | इस प्रकार से ये बात तो बिलकुल साफ़ है के तिब्बतिओं और शुद्ध बौद्ध सोच के बीच में कोई निरपेक्ष स्थिरता नहीं है क्योंकि इसमें बहुत सारी परिवर्तनीय चीजें हैं जो उनके विश्वास के साथ सामंजस्य तो रखता है पर इस सम्प्रदाय के सर्वोच्च नेतृत्व के साथ उसका संघर्ष है |

इन सभी बातों के साथ उनके कई सारे विश्वास क्षेत्रीय किंवदंतीओं, अंधविश्वासों और उनके तत्काल के संस्कृति के लोककथाओं के वजह से अँधेरे में है क्योंकि वो स्थानीय देवी देवताओं की पूजा करते हैं | उनके विभिन्न कहानिओं में उड़ने वाले भिक्षुओं और दंतकथाओं में शम्बाला का राज्य या फिर छुपे हुए घाटियाँ थे जिसको हिमालय के रहस्यमयी जगहों में सम्पर्कविहीन करके रखा गया था और इसमें ल्हासा के मन्दिरें भी सामेल थे जिसके बारेमें ये बताया गया था के वो जोवो शाक्यमुनी के छवि के सम्पर्क के द्वारा धन्य हो गए थे |

इस धार्मिक आन्दोलन का बुरा पक्ष ये है के वो विभिन्न तांत्रिक गतिविधिओं में सामिल थे जैसे के पेशनीगोई, अटकल और जादुई क्षमता पाने के लिए उर्जा का संकलन |

सारांश में ये सभी बातें शायद आपके आत्माको सता रहा होगा और हो सकता है के आपके मनमें विभिन्न प्रथाओं या अनुष्ठानों के वास्तविकता को लेकर संदेह भी हो के क्या ये सच में ये सब करके सच में ज्ञान प्राप्त कर सकते हैं जिसमें निम्नलिखित विभिन्न मुश्किल कार्य सामिल हैं:

दीक्षा, श्रद्धा या पसर जाना, प्रसाद और दान, प्रार्थना, तंत्र या मंत्र, गायन, गूढ़ कल्पनाएँ, एकाग्रता और साँस लेने के व्यायाम, समारोहों, उत्सवों, वस्तुओं और अवशेष, मुद्राएं या हाथ इशारों का उपयोग, उनके देवताओं के चित्र और लौकिक के साथ मंडला, सूत्र पढ़ना, प्रार्थना के पहियों को घुमाना, प्रार्थना के झंडे, कैलाश पर्वत या फिर तसा री जैसे पवित्र स्थानों या फिर वस्तुओं और व्यक्तिओं की परिक्रमा करना, दीपक और धूप की पेशकश,  पशुओं की बलि, भारत और नेपाल में विभिन्न पवित्र स्थलों का भ्रमण करना और विभिन्न पवित्र शहरों, तीर्थ, मंदिरों, मठों, गुफाओं और पहाड़ों का दौरा करना आदि |, आदि |, आदि |

और ये कर्म और अर्जित योग्यता का सतत चक्र के प्राप्ति का कोई मानक नहीं है और ये तो इस बात पर सिमित है के एक इंसान को कभी ये पता नहीं रहता के निर्वाण प्राप्त करने के लिए उसने पर्याप्त किया है या फिर क्या इसे वो कभी पर्याप्त कर पाएगा | इस सब के बाद कैसा होगा अगर आप अपने जीवन के अंत तक पहुँचते हैं और प्रबुद्धता की प्राप्ति आपको टलते हुए दिखे और उसे पाने की सभी संभावनाएं अगर आपके पहुँच से दूर दिखाई दे? ऐसे अवस्था में क्या होगा अगर एक इंसान को लगे के उन्हें प्रबुद्धता हासिल हो गया है पर वास्तव में उनके साथ केवल धोका हुआ है या फिर उस इंसान का क्या होगा जिसको ये लगा था के वो अपने अंतिम गणतव्य पर पहुँच गया है लेकिन वास्तव में उसके आध्यात्मिक लक्ष्य तक पहुँचने में वो विफल हो गए हों? ये प्रणाली तो अंतिम में जाकर मृत्यु का आड़ लेकर लोगों को दबाता है क्योंकि ये इन्सानको कर्त्तव्य और भय के भावना के तहत अधिक भार देता है और ये दमनकारी व्यवस्था इन कीमती लोगों के जीवन पर निराधार दर्शन के साथ हावी है | पीछे मुड़कर देखें तो यह आध्यात्मिक वास्तविकता के जन्मजात या स्वयं स्पष्ट ज्ञान से निपटने का एक प्रणाली हो सकता है फिर भी सिर्फ लोगों के कल्पनाएँ और अटकलों के आधार पर खुद को अडकलबाजी का शिकार बन्ने देना सांस्कृतिक रूप से स्वीकार्य तो हो सकता है, लेकिन अंत में जाकर ये गलत और बेकार साबित हो सकता है | इसके अतिरिक्त आध्यात्मिक होना इस बात का गारंटी नहीं देता है के आप आत्मिक रूप से सक्षम हैं और इमानदार होने का ये मतलब नहीं है के आप इमानदारी से गलत नहीं हो सकते हैं और अनिवार्य रूप से कोई हमेशा सही भी तो नहीं हो सकता है |

समापन में मैं आपको चुनौती देना चाहता हूँ के आप विश्लेषात्मक ध्यान करते हुए अपना महत्त्वपूर्ण संदेह जारी रखें और तिब्बती बौद्ध शिक्षाओं के बारे में अपना पूछ ताछ जारी रखें और ये सब आपको अपने वर्तमान धार्मिक विश्वदृष्टी से अलग नए अवसरों और सम्भावनाओं के लिए खोलकर आपको पुरस्कृत कर सकता है | मैं आपको प्रोत्साहित करता हूँ के आप यहाँ तक खुला और तैयार रहिए के अपने अमान्य विश्वासों पर पुनर्विचार कीजिए और जान बूझकर हिम्मत करके गलत व्यवहार वाले किसी भी शंकालु आवेदन और अभिव्यक्ति को उनके व्यवस्थित शिक्षाओं और सिद्धांतों के साथ अस्वीकार कीजिए |

अंत में प्रतिक्रिया के रूप में मैं आशा की एक घोषणा करना चाहता हूँ और आपको आश्वस्त करना चाहता हूँ के अध्यात्मिकता को बचाया जा सकता है क्योंकि येशु परम सत्य हैं और यदि आप उनमें आराम लेने के लिए तैयार हैं तो आपको अपने हृदय के खजाने के बारे में पता चलेगा जो पहले से छिपा हुआ था और आपको इसके बारे में पता नहीं था पर अब “रास्ता” के रूप में खुले तौर पर सबको इसके बारे में पता है |


मती: ११:२८-३० 

अरे, ओ थके-मांदे, बोझ से दबे लोगों! मेरे पास आओ, मैं तुम्हें सुख चैन दूंगा | मेरा जुवा लो और उसे अपने ऊपर संभालो | फिर मुझ से सीखो क्योंकि मैं सरल हूँ और मेरा मन कोमल है | तुम्हें भी अपने लिए सुख-चैन मिलेगा | क्योंकि वह जुआ जो मैं तुम्हें दे रहा हूँ बहुत सरल है | और वह बोझ जो मैं तुम पर डाल रहा हूँ, हल्का है |


ये सब इस कारण से भी मुमकिन हुआ है क्योंकि इसमें कोई सेंसरशिप नहीं है और परमेश्वर ने अपना सन्देश किसी स्थानीय हाशिये धर्म या कोई गुप्त समाज तक सीमित नहीं रखा, बल्की वो इन अद्भूत जातीय तिब्बतिओं सहित सभी जनजाति, जीभ और देश को प्यार करते हैं और गले लगाते हैं |


युहन्ना ३:१६

“परमेश्वर को जगत से इतना प्रेम था की उसने अपने एकमात्र पुत्र को दे दिया, ताकि हर वह आदमी जो उसमें विश्वास रखता है, नस्ट न हो जाए बल्कि उसे अनंत जीवन मिल जाये |”


अंत में येशु अंत तक पहुँचने के साधन हैं क्योंकि वो सभी लोगों को पाप और बुराई से मुक्त करते हैं और ये उनके प्रभावशाली काम के द्वारा पूरा होता है नाकि दूसरों के जैसा जिनका अपूर्ण प्रयास तो अपने खुद के ही प्रभावशाली काम के द्वारा ये सब हासिल करना होता है | यही अनंत काल से येशु का मंत्रालय था जैसा के उनका नाम बताता है के उनके जीवन का बोलावट ही दूसरों को परमात्मा के फैसले से बचाना था और इसके लिए उन्होंने अपने अवतार के माध्यम से बलि के बकरे की भूमिका निभाई और उन्होंने हमारे लिए मरके बलि मोचन के अंतिम कीमत का भुक्तान दे दिया जो एक आदर्श फिरौती था और उनके योग्यता के वजह से हमें अनंत जीवन मिल गया |

ये लेन – देन का अभ्यास प्रामाणिक पश्चाताप के माध्यम से होता है जिसके लिए हजारों अभ्यासित शब्दों की आवश्यकता नहीं है पर सच्चे दिल से किया हुआ सोच ही काफी है क्योंकि ऐसा कहा गया है के ‘जो कोई भी परमेश्वर के नाम को पुकारेगा उसे बचाया जाएगा |’

इसलिए मैं आशा करता हूँ के आप मेरे इस प्रस्ताव पर ध्यान देंगे की आप दीक्षा और अनुभव के सुरुवात के तेहत प्रार्थना के माध्यम से परमेश्वर से बात करेंगे और उन्हें कहेंगे के वो येशु को परम वास्तविकता और ज्ञान के पथ के रूप में आप के सामने प्रकट कर दें | आखिर में इस प्रकार के संवाद या विचार से दूर रहना उस गंभीर सोच से भी दूर रहना होगा जिससे आपने परोपकारी रूप से खुद को तर्क से निर्देशित होने के लिए समर्पित कर दिया है चाहे वो एक पूरा नया दिशा ही क्यों ना हो जिसमें आप गुरुओं, संस्कृति और समाजको अपने विश्वास और प्रथाओं को चलाने ना देकर ये काम सत्य को करने देते हैं |

इसके अलावा मैं ये प्रार्थना करता हूँ के इस नए प्रकाश को देखने और समझने के लिए आपका ध्यान केन्द्रित रहे और आप येशु को अपना प्रभु और उद्धारकर्ता के रूप में मानने के शान्ति में स्थायी रूप से रहें |

तो अगर संक्षिप्त में बताएं तो येशु ने ब्रह्माण्ड के निर्माता के रुप में सारी श्रिष्टी और सारे जीवन का उत्पत्ति किआ और सच्चाई के अवतार के रूप में वही सही पथ हैं और बल्कि एकमात्र “रास्ता” हैं | येशु ही “विश्व के प्रकाश” के रूप में रौशन और उज्जवल स्तम्भ हैं जो लोगों के दिल और मस्तिस्क में चमक रहे हैं जिनको वो मुक्त करते हैं और बदलते हैं | ये तो येशु के सम्पूर्ण पवित्रता के वजह से हुआ है जो उनके अनुयायीओं को हस्तांतरित किया गया है जो उनके लिए संपूर्ण तरिका से समर्पित हैं और उनके उद्धार कार्य पर विश्वास करते हैं और वो उनको उनके पापी प्रवृती के खामीओं से स्वतंत्रता देते हैं जिस पापके वजह से सभी लोगों ने पवित्र परमेश्वर का उल्लंघन किया है | अनिवार्य रूप से व्यक्तिगत योग्यता के आधार पर ये सब पूरा नहीं किया जा सकता है क्योंकि कोई भी कभी भी एकदम सही या बहुत अच्छा नहीं हो सकता है इसलिए अच्छा समाचार तो ये है के कानूनी रूप से उचित ये लेनदेन प्राप्तकर्ता को विशेष अनुग्रह के रूप में दिया गया है क्योंकि येशु पूरे दया और करूणा के साथ अपने भक्त को ये मुफ्त का उपहार देते हैं |

अब परमेश्वर के साथ इस रिश्ते के साथ साथ इंसान के जिंदगी में जीवन परिवर्तन करने वाला घटना भी आता है जिसमें अनुयायी को एक नया प्रकृति मिलता है जिसके वजह से वो अच्छा और पुण्य कर्म करने के लिए सक्षम होते हैं जो उनके विश्वास का प्रकटीकरण भी है | यह ज्ञान, हालांकि इसके बौद्ध धर्म के परिभाषा के साथ मेल नहीं खाता, विश्वास के साथ तुरंत आता है और पूरा होने के लिए पूरे या आंशिक जीवन का समय भी नहीं लेता है पर विश्वासी को तुरंत मिल सकता है | इसके अलावा इस वास्तविकता को परमेश्वर के आत्मा द्वारा सत्यापित किया जा सकता है जो हरेक इंसान के लिए व्यक्तिगत रूप से गवाह बनते हैं जिसको ये सन्देश मिलता है के वो वास्तव में सच्चे और जीवित परमेश्वर के संतान हैं |और परमेश्वर का ये संघ किसी प्रकार के ध्यान या फिर योग के वजह से नहीं मिलता है, बल्की मसीह के मध्यस्थता के वजह से मिलता है जिस्से हमें अनन्त जीवन का वादा भी मिलता है जिसके वजह से इंसान के मरने के बाद भी वो कब्र के बाद भी जीता है क्योंकि हमको किसी दुसरे आयाम में स्थानांतरित किया जाता है जो वर्तमान अंतरिक्ष के प्रतिबंधों से घिरा हुआ नहीं है, और ये वास्तविक है जिसको स्वर्गीय निवास भी कहा जाता है |

अंत में मेरे दोस्तों आप लोग भी मेरे साथ हो सकते हैं जहां आपको अपने आत्मा के धार्मिक तड़प को पूरा करने के लिए पूर्ण शान्ति, खुशी और प्यार का परिपूर्णता मिलेगा |


भजन ३४:८

चखो और समझो की यहोवा कितना भला है |

वह व्यक्ति जो यहोवा के भरोसे है

सचमुच प्रसन्न है | 



कैसे भगवान के साथ एक रिश्ता बनाएंकैसे-भगवान-के-साथ-एक-रिश्त/


अन्य संबंधित लिंक

तिब्बती बौद्ध संसाधनें


Tibetan Buddhism



Encyclopedia of Religion Second Edition, copyright 2005 Thomson Gale a part of The Thomson Corporation, Lindsay Jones Editor in Chief, Vol.2, pgs.1150-1159, Matthew T. Kapstein

Encyclopedia of Religion Second Edition, copyright 2005 Thomson Gale a part of The Thomson Corporation, Lindsay Jones Editor in Chief, Vol.13, pgs.9181-9187, Per Kvaerne

Encyclopaedia Britannica,Inc., copyright 1993, Vol.11, pg.756-757, Tibetan Buddhism

AMG’s World Religions and Cults, AMG Publishers, Chattanooga, Tennessee

“Reprinted by permission.  “(Nelson’s Illustrated Guide to Religions), James A. Beverley, 2009,Thomas Nelson Inc. Nashville, Tennessee.  All rights reserved.”

Chan Buddhism

Sunday, November 17th, 2013

I have previously written about this religious worldview from a Japanese perspective regarding the schools of Rinzai and Soto which to some degree corresponds to its Chinese equivalents of Linji and Caodong. I am including a link to these posts if there is an interest to research these movements as well.



To begin with this form of Buddhism claims direct descent from Shakyamuni and yet this is quite different from the Indian form of Buddhism as Gautama and Bodhidharma more than likely originated from this region. Actually the most ancient and perhaps authentic form of Buddhism more closely resembles Theravada instead of its more recent expression(s) of Mahayana.

Anyway this whole movement is steeped in obscurity as there is very little that is known, if anything, that may be considered historically reliable about Bodhidharma as the progenitor of this Chinese faith who is regarded as the first patriarch of this sect and exists only in legendary form and myths that surround his character. It has not even been firmly established where he originated from whether it was India/Persia or for that matter if he really even existed at all.

For instance legend claims that he lived to be 150 years old and that during his lifetime he had visited every country. There is also the story about his “deliverance from the corpse” which follows Daoist legend as mentioning that after Damo’s death Songyun supposedly encountered Bodhidharma returning to India with one sandal and this was supposedly confirmed as his tomb was opened to find that one sandal was missing. Also he was supposedly a  “wall gazer”  having faced a wall for nine years in a cave not speaking the whole time. One version of this story said that he had fallen asleep after 7 years and got so mad at himself that he cut off his eyelids so it wouldn’t happen again and as his eyelids hit the floor the first tea plants sprung up which would latter help Chan students from falling asleep during meditation.

Another questionable story is that he refused to teach at one point until Dazu Huike finally cut off his arm to show his sincerity.

Anyway legends developed over time in following Daoist and Buddhist figures such as Baozhi and Fuxi as to give a sense of mystery and awe but it becomes self evident in a modern age that these narratives are not authentic.

So in summary how can a person be so sure of the movement when nothing original seems to have survived his person? Furthermore the subsequent lineages that were later produced are just as legendary in stating that this succession leads all the way back to the Buddha and even D.T. Suzuki mentioned that there are no authorized records of this.

So essentially what would set these Chan personalities apart from all the other thousands of gurus, yogis, masters, teachers, prophets, etc as found among the world’s cults and religions who have irreconcilable paths but similar claims to enlightenment? Obviously not every one can be right even though they could all be wrong. Mankind is incurably religious for a reason because we have been hard wired to innately know that there is something significant beyond our mere existence which transcends our present reality yet human rebellion has yielded to the temptation of its fallen human ingenuity to create in their own mind a subjective reality by idolizing their personal ideals of invention over and above the “ultimate reality” in making a god after their own image.

Anyway these arguments regarding credibility may at first appear to be special pleading in questioning the nature of this movement based on its lack of historical credibility but any reasonable person would know that any faith is only as credible as its founders and if there is corruption in the sources with its fables then everything or all things that pertain should be equally questioned. This kind of controversial testimony with its contradictions and inconsistencies wouldn’t stand up in a natural court of law nor should should it be accepted in the spiritual monasteries  of truth bearers.

Another controversial aspect of Ch’an is that it has become a hybrid of what was originally a purer form of Indian Buddhism as adopting the indigenous Chinese religions as it has been influenced by Taoism and integrated into Pure Land. However you can’t accommodate enlightenment as “Truth” which supersedes cultural relevance and does not change according to the shifting or transitional phases of society. In other words “Truth” is fixed and stands alone apart from frivolous human intervention. If it was truth then it should be truth now otherwise it is practically no truth at all if it is no longer practiced. It is like trying to adapt the laws of gravity to ones personal agenda as you will only fall flat on your face as being overcome by its power no matter what the mind may think about this natural law. Believing something does not necessarily make it a reality as you can still be a sincere believer and still be sincerely wrong. In summary of this point Ch’an lacks a unique identity having been stripped and scavenged so that all that remains is a fossilized skeletal form of it supposed past enlightenment and even Suzuki admits that Chan evolved with Dao with their sense of naturalness as emphasizing the Buddha nature in every day human life. Essentially Chan never did have its own identity and this one vehicle ended up car pooling with everyone else.

What is also questionable about this sect is the disunity and factions which shortly followed the demise of their founder as they couldn’t agree on enlightenment theory on whether it was sudden or progressive/gradual. Was it to be based in meditation, practice or both as the fabricated work of the Platform Sutra attempted to resolve this tension. This duality between the Shenxiu’s Nothern and Shenhui or Henshui’s Southern school and the Oxhead schools stood in opposition of which the Southern school won out. Not as a matter of truth prevailing in having victory over ignorance but rather it was a matter of popularity and a political move. In time these schools died out and my question is if these schools which were closer to the original sources did not entirely survive then what hope is there for enlightenment in this modern age as being in part lost? Moreover this clash continues today among the Linji and Caodong sects and so which one of all of these movements is right if any? As the Jewish gentleman on the “Fiddler on the Roof” stated “they can’t both be right.” It makes me wonder if the Buddha and Damo were to visit China today if they would even be able to recognize what they taught as enlightening.

Anyway latter the Hongzhou or Hung-chou school of Mazu emerged with its eccentric practice of shock enlightenment as a means of using physical blows, slaps, and  shouts  to spiritually awaken the pupil as to startle them into realization away from a limited pattern of thinking . It is said that Mazu at one point grabbed a disciple by the nose and twisted it so violently the pupil cried out in pain and achieved enlightenment. Also Linji who is a successor of Mazu followed this violent practice as well but fell our of favor with his heirs which saw through this unenlightened practice as being irrational and strange as stating that it was devoid of further understanding. So this practice of fight or flight is shocking but not enlightening.

After Mazu’s time came the five schools or houses with the most popular being the Caodong school founded by Dongshan Liangjie and Caoshan Benji and the Linji school founded by Linji Yixuan. Again for political reason the Linji sect won out with its favor from the Imperial Courts.

Along with all of these changes came yet another paradigm shift away from their original enlightenment to accommodate the use of gongans. These stories contained the teaching styles and words of the classical masters in “encounter dialogues” appended with commentary and poetry as recorded in the “Blue Cliff Record” and “The Gateless Gate” of the Linji school and the “Book of Equanimity” among Caodong tradition. This again was another popular transition away from the original solitary practice to more of an interdependency between master and student as a means to attain enlightenment.

Previously I had mentioned the questionable nature of the Chan lineages and yet the authority of these gongan cases are dependent upon a succession of these Masters as an unalterable chain of direct mind to mind contact with the Buddha as bypassing the human language barrier with its corruption of literature and oral traditions as a common link of descent through the Masters in establishing  a clear path to the Buddha of the past. This kind of esoteric transmission between mind to mind or face to face is likened to a flame of one candle lighting another but must now depend on the illumination of these questionable characters as secondary sources with the use of these gongan genre.

This original ideal may have been tactical in its appeal to win converts as it seems to trump other Buddhists groups at that time as having a special authority straight from the source through this kind of link as overcoming the human tendency of error and misunderstanding as potentially losing the enlightenment knowledge of content and context over time. So originally instead of trusting in the knowledge of a sacred script or book they claim to had a primary and credible source of enlightenment straight from Buddha’s mouth or mind to their hearts and lives. My question is why then has this direct revelation of thought stopped with the Masters in channeling these ideals? Obviously this was the preferred and accepted mode of transmission and not the written prescription or representation of the message of which even its founder emphasized a disdain for words. What is likewise questionable is that Bodhidharma emphasized a special transmission without words as being outside the scriptures and yet tradition says that he passed off to his successor Huike the Lankavatara Sutra. Not only this but there are other publications which had relevance and importance in this movement with its various texts, writings, words, etc. as including the Diamond Sutra which largely influenced this group. So essentially their original criticism becomes a self inflicting wound as it has devolved from mind to paper with a written text. Thus this esoteric experience has now transitioned to an inferior exoteric transmission with the latter production of these anecdotes.

Also the whole concept about the gongan exercise of letting go of normal logical conceptual thinking to espouse a paradoxical or linguistically meaningless dialogue or question to somehow mysteriously reveal truth is nonsensical and unlivable in every day life as the practitioner depends on the necessity of logic to order their life apart from chaos. So allowing this spontaneous shock as initiating confusion, anxiety,  frustration and doubt as a method to cause a person to question life differently is just ludicrous. The whole idea of shock therapy may have some therapeutical benefits among psychiatry today but this approach is beyond what these mind scientists would see as a legitimate treatment in hitting the vein of enlightenment and would rather recognize the need to put such a person in therapy to deprogram them from this quackery.

Also to think of enlightenment as a modern art project in randomly throwing paint on a canvas in hopes that it will somehow spontaneously create a beautiful enlightenment becomes merely a matter of subjectivity as established by the originator and spectator but does not necessitate objective truth as this priceless masterpiece may turn into a worthless waste of time, paint,and canvas. There is also a huge difference between having a logical creative intellectual idea as incorporating human ingenuity and reason apart from dredging the dumps of the imagination to find what should be called trash and trying to market it as a colorful work of art.

This dichotomy is further played out according to seated meditation of zuochan as escaping into a meditative dream world of discovery which again is unthinkable and disjointed in contrast to how the practitioner would conduct their rational existence of every day life with reason. Thus it is unreasonable to think that reality exists with this kind of polarity which is inconsistent with other aspects of their daily living. Moreover to describe meditation as a means to detach from external and internal stimuli is inconsistent with its own criteria as to practice Dhyana is to be  personally engaged. Furthermore to come to an experience of stillness and emptiness, if possible, is just a temporary fix or state much like the effects of a drug. Also for Chan meditation to come to a point of divorcing themselves from the bias of doctrines and teachings would likewise equally apply to its own philosophy and to obtain a sense of freedom from the ego is untenable as well as the significance of such a practice is to achieve personal enlightenment. It is also taught that by practicing this form of meditation that you are to rid yourself of false sense impressions and my question is when and how did these false notions originate and how do they now know that they aren’t the ones who have succumbed to delusion with their beliefs in contrast with the majority of the rest of the world? Who knows maybe the concept of enlightenment is illusory as it may be a life long journey in “one vehicle” leading nowhere. Lastly what would you do if you thought you achieved Buddhahood? Would you have to continue your practice, and if so, then how is the end result of the process any more enlightening than its maintenance or continued cultivation?

Anyway forgive me for being so direct its just that this whole philosophy is contrary to human experience and to label this as “The Ultimate Path of Illumination” should be a wake up call to question this methodology in the same way that you are encouraged to question logical thinking which may prove to be dangerously deceptive. Which brings me to my next point in that allowing the mind to freely wander is an open door and gate to a spiritual reality of unenlightened forces or darkness namely opening oneself up to the demonic realm that capitalizes on mind control and brainwashing techniques.

Another text which was given credit to Damo but didn’t originate with him is the “Two Entrances and Four Acts” which is equally controversial as well because the very desire for enlightenment becomes an attachment of  craving in and of itself. Even if it is denied as a desired outcome the practitioner must explain why then they are going along with this practice as it is dishonest to say that there is no agenda to their actions and even Suzuki states that the goal of Chan is striving to come to an awakened state of enlightenment and thus this whole proposition implodes as to live in a true state of non-attachment is really more consistent with death than life. Furthermore this whole idea of living sub humanly as to willfully submit to circumstances and accept all suffering leads to a fatalistic view of discouragement rather than a hopeful enlightenment.

In closing I would like to say I may have shocked you with some of my statements but please don’t misinterpret this as abuse or disrespect but as a challenge to overcome the ordinary thinking of Chan which I believe lacks credibility and integrity on various levels.

A student of Chan may have learned that a polished tile will not result in making a mirror and hopefully you will come to understand that the broken mirror of Chan is not truly revealing as only serving the purpose of signaling for help. So I just ask that you would take a step backwards in introspection as considering to repent by turning around rather than following in the steps of the Masters; who are the blind that lead the blind, as they both fall in the ditch of false religion.

This entire worldview appears to be existing only in the mind of imagination with its undefinable nature that is inexplicable and   unidentified as being solely dependent upon personal experience which I believe leaves the adherent doubtfully grasping for something more that is transcendentally comprehensive and objective.

However there is hope and I would like to encourage you that some of these familiar principles, though not completely analogous to Buddhist definition, are comparative to a Christian worldview or philosophy which I think has more credibility especially as the world has already scrutinized it, and continues to be a majority view in its belief system more so than any other religion.

You may think about Christianity in the same way that the early Chinese first thought about Chan as being a foreign barbaric invasion of their culture and yet Christianity has more relevance to an Eastern mindset than its Western counterpart as it began as an Asiatic religion which has now embraced about 10% of Chinese mainlanders who have experienced a dynamically changed life along with millions of other people including my own.

My testimony with Jesus

In conclusion spontaneous regeneration can be realized when you seek to follow Christ as the only perfect Master who has taught us the true way to God. When someone enters into a personal relationship as His disciple He gives the Holy Spirit who awakens them as making them alive unto God as indwelling a believer resulting in new birth, not to be confused with rebirth, as leading to the process of sanctification as the moral implications of a so called enlightenment manifests itself as reality as going from glory to glory as the believer receives the mind of Christ.

There will be no doubt in their mind as confirmed by a witness, not of human origin, but by the Holy Spirit as becoming a guarantee and deposit in communicating with their soul a new identity as a child of God in becoming one with Him in unity, though not pantheistically.

This will culminate with the outworking of a persons faith with a reality that transcends their current existence as they arrive at a final destination of Heaven as receiving Him or Hell for those who reject Christ.

How this came about was that mankind had their mind and senses defiled in moral rebellion against a Holy God and through the person and work of Christ this defilement has been removed as to regenerate and purify; demonstrating a new found love for God and others as manifested through their actions.

Jesus is the ultimate sense of the Bodhisattva ideal of which His compassion came to help all sentient human beings by giving His life in exchange as a sacrifice or ransom on behalf of humanity as taking away all guilt and shame in making mankind innocent thus reconciling men unto God resulting in the gift of eternal life as canceling all moral debts resulting in righteousness which as humans we are unable to attain apart from divine intervention. Thus when you receive Jesus, He will remove your sin as far as the East is from the West and the consequence for rejecting His gracious provision is damnable.

This form of enlightenment is for everyone, everywhere as encompassing every aspect of human existence regardless of differences and oppositions to language and culture.


John 3:16

16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.


2 Peter 3:9

The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.


1 Timothy 2:4-6

who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time.


Therefore the  potential for salvation can be “realized” in Jesus as He is the light of the world that lights every mans path unto eternal salvation which in turn radiates His truth as a lantern or mirror through others in sharing His reflective message of compassion towards God and humanity.

Finally as a part of your regimented quiet time of non traditional thinking as letting go of biases and the conceptual thinking of culture and religion I would ask that you would be open to gain insight and response to Gods love as the critical phase to the climatic line of salvation.

Moreover I  would challenge you to ask God to “realize” Jesus in such a way so a way to believe and trust in Him as Lord and Savior. Furthermore I would also ask for you to read the biblical scriptures as meditating on them in encountering and discovering Jesus through the wisdom literate of his sacred utterance of parables as expressing spiritual truths from natural stories of which the Holy Spirit reveals.

Lastly you can be sure and not question when you finally come to Jesus as the result will be peace not confusion or anxiety as freely receiving this gift of salvation not through the self effort of meditation, ritual or practice but by faith in trusting in Him. You may have felt as though you have failed in your Buddhism but in Christ you will have a breakthrough of victory and success.



28 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”





How to have a relationship with God

How to know God

Other Link

Chan Buddhism Resources





Encyclopedia of Religion Second Edition, copyright 2005 Thomson Gale a part of The Thomson Corporation, Lindsay Jones Editor in Chief, Vol.2, pgs. 993-996, Bernard Faure

Encyclopedia of Religion Second Edition, copyright 2005 Thomson Gale a part of The Thomson Corporation, Lindsay Jones Editor in Chief, Vol.2, pgs. 1235-1241, John R. McRae

Encyclopedia of Religion Second Edition, copyright 2005 Thomson Gale a part of The Thomson Corporation, Lindsay Jones Editor in Chief, Vol.2, pgs. 1290-1295, Clarke Hudson

Encyclopedia of Religion Second Edition, copyright 2005 Thomson Gale a part of The Thomson Corporation, Lindsay Jones Editor in Chief, Vol.2, pgs. 1295-1303,Malcolm David Eckel

Encyclopedia of Religion Second Edition, copyright 2005 Thomson Gale a part of The Thomson Corporation, Lindsay Jones Editor in Chief, Vol.3, pgs. 1520-1526, John R. McRae

Encyclopedia of Religion Second Edition, copyright 2005 Thomson Gale a part of The Thomson Corporation, Lindsay Jones Editor in Chief, Vol.3, pgs. 1570-1580, David S. Nivison

Encyclopedia of Religion Second Edition, copyright 2005 Thomson Gale a part of The Thomson Corporation, Lindsay Jones Editor in Chief, Vol.3, pgs. 1580-1613, Daniel L. Overmyer, Joseph A. Adler

Encyclopedia of Religion Second Edition, copyright 2005 Thomson Gale a part of The Thomson Corporation, Lindsay Jones Editor in Chief, Vol.8, pgs.5308-5313, Luis O. Gomez

Encyclopedia of Religion Second Edition, copyright 2005 Thomson Gale a part of The Thomson Corporation, Lindsay Jones Editor in Chief, Vol.8, pgs.5463-5464,Thomas Cleary

Encyclopedia of Religion Second Edition, copyright 2005 Thomson Gale a part of The Thomson Corporation, Lindsay Jones Editor in Chief, Vol.9, pgs. 5816-5822, Frederic B. Underwood

Encyclopedia of Religion Second Edition, copyright 2005 Thomson Gale a part of The Thomson Corporation, Lindsay Jones Editor in Chief, Vol.10, pgs.6628-6635, Thomas P. Kasulis

Encyclopedia of Religion Second Edition, copyright 2005 Thomson Gale a part of The Thomson Corporation, Lindsay Jones Editor in Chief, Vol.12, pgs.7986-7997, Hillel Schwartz

Encyclopedia of Religion Second Edition, copyright 2005 Thomson Gale a part of The Thomson Corporation, Lindsay Jones Editor in Chief, Vol.13, pgs.8708-8715, Stuart W. Smithers

Encyclopaedia Britannica,Inc., copyright 1993, Vol.15, pgs.263-305, Buddhism

Encyclopaedia Britannica,Inc., copyright 1993, Vol.17, pgs.667-771, East Asian Arts

The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®) Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved. ESV Text Edition: 2007


Friday, October 25th, 2013






